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• 1984-05-03
• Rockford Illinois
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• 2005-02-02
• Truck Driver
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• Getting my CDL and my dream job!
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• 3 or 4 years old
• die in a huge firery crash on the side of a forgotten highway.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
The summit may of been in sight but it was just out of reach. The path they were walking on had been taken out in a landslide a couple weeks before. "Great. Now what?" Jesse asks looking at the thirty foot gap separating them from the rest of the path. "Leap of Faith." Ash says reading the sign. They look down and see several bodies rotting on the mountainside below them. There is absolutely no way around this. Guess I should of explained this path better. Its like a wooden walkway that is about fifty to two hundred feet above the mountainside. Ash lets out a Pidgeot and before Ash can say anything a major wind gust blows Pidgeot straight down into the mountain. Ash looks down and sees a fresh blood splatter. "That's not going to work." He says. Diego is standing on the other side of the gap looking and laughing silently at them. "I love when tourists come to visit." Diego says. "How the hell are we supposed to jump that?" Jesse asks. "Have faith and take a running leap." Diego replies. Ash takes a deep breath and closes his eyes. He takes a few steps back and runs for the gap. Jesse does the same thing. Sitting in his cell Shino is quietly making water float in mid air from the leaking ceiling. His stomach growls and breaks the silence. Meanwhile in Devil's Mind, Guadalupe and Maurice are getting it on with one another when Guadalupe screams Shino's name at the worst possible moment. Maurice practically falls backwards off the bed. "What?!?!" he says surprised. "Nothing. Its just that I have been sensing his presence for some reason." She replies. "How long has that been going on? You were cheating on me with my best friend?" Maurice says grabbing his clothes and storming out still naked. A couple women outside stop what they are doing and stare at him with smiles on their faces. One of them shudders and collapses on the ground with an orgasmic look in her eyes. "That son of a bitch!" Maurice says getting into his car. Ash and Jesse open their eyes and see that they are floating in midair. Diego walks over to them in the air laughing. "Beautiful paint job huh?" Diego says knocking on the boards beneath his feet. The thirty foot section that was supposedly knocked out in a landslide is actually a well painted section that looks like the ground below. Even the dead bodies are fake. "That's not right." Ash says. Diego stops laughing and helps them up. "I know but it is so funny to watch people on this bridge. Follow me." He says and leads them into town. "Welcome to the highest town in all of the entire Pokemon League. You are currently standing at over fifteen thousand feet up. And if you climb that (points to a large mountain a mile away) it will make it over seventeen thousand feet up. I highly recommend it. The view is absolutely breathtaking. The gym will be open tomorrow afternoon so have some fun. Oh, before I forget the fantasy hotel is over there (points to a hotel). " Diego says and walks away quickly. Ash blushes and looks over to where he pointed. A massive banner is hung up over the fantasy hotel that says "WELCOME ASH AND JESSE!!" Jesse turns a deep red and quickly runs to the pokecenter. Back in the prison one of the guards who beats Shino opens the cell door around three in the morning. "Wake up scumbag." He says kicking Shino in the ribs then grabs him by the hair. He drags Shino all the way to the exercise area which is dark. Once inside Shino gets to his feet and looks around. As he turns around something hits him in the face sending him flying. "How could you do that?" someone says running at Shino. Shino quickly rolls to the side and hops to his feet. "Do what?" Shino replies and backs away a little. "Don't deny it! I know what the two of you did." someone says and the lights come on, illuminating Maurice. Tears are running down his cheeks. "I have no clue what you are talking about. What is it you think I have done?" Shino replies. Maurice ignores him and lunges at him. Shino monkey flips him into the wall. "I thought you were my friend. I considered you my brother. Hell, you were closer to me then my own family and you still stabbed me in the back. Wasn't one enough? You could of had anyone? Why her?" Maurice says having gotten up and started throwing punches. Shino easily dodges the punches. "Just calm down. You know you won't land a punch until you do. What do you mean could of had anyone?" Shino asks genuinely confused. Maurice doesn't say a word but throws more punches. Shino finally has enough and blocks the next right hook, then clotheslines him. Before Maurice could get back up Shino drives his knee into Maurice's chest and knocks the wind from his lungs. "Now that you are laying there explain to me what has been going on. I have been in solitary confinement since I have been here. They treat me like the lowest thing in the world. So whatever it is that you think I did I am sorry if I actually did something." Shino explains sitting down next to him. Maurice regains his composer and sits up. "Tell me, I have to know, how long has it been going on?" Maurice asks quietly. He doesn't even look Shino in the eyes. "Like I keep telling you, I have no clue what you are talking about. I don't even know what day it is. So are you going to tell me the problem or are we going to beat the hell out of one another? Either one is fine. I could use some exercise." Shino says. Maurice smashes Shino upside the head with a fifty pound weight from a nearby weight machine. Shino rolls across the floor leaving a blood trail. He hops up and blood is flowing down the side of his head. Maurice tackles him and starts hitting him with two ten pound weights. "I am going to kill you for what you did!" Maurice says striking him over and over. Shino tries to block but Maurice pins his arms down with his knees. "DIE! DIE! DIE! BY MY HANDS! DIE! DIE! DIE!" Maurice shouts as he pummels him repeatedly. Shino lays the motionless and Maurice gets up. He looks at the weights in his hands and notices the dents in them. Shino gets up very slowly and as he is bent over Maurice grabs the fifty pound weight and upper cuts Shino. When Shino hits the ground Maurice slams the weight down on his chest. The sound of bones breaking echoes throughout the prison. Shino laid there coughing up blood and holding his ribs. "I never thought you would actually sink this low. I know you have done some low and terrible things in your life, but this, this is unforgivable." Maurice says picking up more weights. He stands over Shino's head with them and says "I'll see you in hell." Shino brings his legs up and kicks the weights into Maurice's stomach. Maurice drops the weights and they don't hit the ground. Instead they float there, in fact anything loose in the room is floating. "I am tired of this shit. (grabs Maurice by the throat and pushes him against the wall) The next words out of your mouth had better be the reason you are so pissed at me." Shino says through gritted teeth. "Fu..." Maurice attempts to say. Shino slams him against the wall and says "Try it again but this time start with I am pissed because." "I... am... pissed... (Shino loosens his grip a little) because you are having an affair with Guadalupe." Maurice says and Shino lets go completely. A confused look comes over his face. "Excuse me?" Shino says. "You heard me you bastard. You are having sex with Guadalupe." Maurice says. "Since when? And why was I not informed of this development?" Shino says. "What do you mean?" Maurice asks. "I have never had an interest in her like that. Yeah she's beautiful woman but she has eyes for you and you alone. I may be a cold blooded murder and a thief but stealing my own brother's woman? That is beneath me. Where did you get this idea?" Shino says. "Well we were doing it and when she peaked she called out your name." Maurice explains. Shino shakes his head and takes a deep breath. "Alright sit down. (they sit down) If we were having an affair I wouldn't be in prison. Also Aurora would be sending her usual threats to her. And did it ever occur to you that maybe her fantasy in her head got out of control? (Maurice glares at him) Calm down. I seriously doubt she thinks of me like that. Did you ask her why she called me name out?" Shino explains. "She said she felt your presence for some reason." Maurice replies. Shino thinks hard for a moment and says "Of course! I have been practicing my psychic abilities more often lately. Maybe she has just picked up on my psychic waves? (Maurice sits there quietly) You stormed out and came straight here, didn't you? (Maurice nods) Dumbass. Go straight home and you better have some jewelry or something she really likes because your ass is in the doghouse. First off you don't listen to her. Second you just proved you don't trust her and third you let your emotions get the best of you. (Maurice just nods) Go on. Get home and beg for forgiveness." Shino says. "Sorry about all this." Maurice says getting up to go. "Don't worry about it. Nothing new. Now get going." Shino replies and Maurice leaves.
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