Naraku Rox My Sox
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
i feel like doing something...evil....BBL
yeah BBL
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MEOW!!! =^.^=
 From witches who could change into cats with magic spells, to tribes of anthropomorphic tigers living in the jungles of Malaysia, to bloodthirsty werecats of Japan who would prey on humans for sustenance, tales of werecats rival their more well-known werewolf cousins in number.
As a werecat, you are aggressive, fiercely independant, short-tempered and prone to violent outbursts. You can also be very kind though, by protecting those you care for from those who wish to do them harm. Those who befriend you are very lucky (as long as they stay on your good side!)
Who is your inner Shapeshifter? brought to you by Quizilla
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AHHH my little sister had some friends over....AHHHHHH....*runs away* *hits wall* damn going to go eat breakfast before school...BBL...MUCH LOVE!...<3Me
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
this is weird...yet awesome....i have more of a guy brain then a girl brain...but i am a girl....thats weird...but i guess its just that little petty things dont upset um...'tough' i guess you could say...?...w/e but yes i am a girl not a guy lol.
Your Brain is 13.33% Female, 86.67% Male |
You've got the brain of a manly man
Feelings, schmeelings... tears aren't for you.
You could break both legs and not get misty eyed.
A great problem solver, nothing ever phases you. |
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ow...i hurt myself...good bye...<3Me
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
yeah w/e
ELLO....bored senseless
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Free Hit Counters
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MWA HAHAHAHAHA *cough* HA *sneeze* oops
Some tru...LMFAO!
 You Are Master Shake
The Ultimate Aqua Teen Hunger Force Quiz brought to you by Quizilla
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im bored...again bored again...i am allwaays bored...its hard to keep me entertained...wait thats a lie...i can prolly be entertained easier then an idiot LMFAO!!! yeah sup peepers? im gunna go eat breakfassst before school starts....Buh Byez! <3Me
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You are a maniac killer. It doesn't matter who they are and what they have or haven't done. You still want to kill them. And for a simple reason only; it's fun. Seeing people in pain is like ecstasy. Maybe you have some sort of mental problems or you are this way because of previous deep scars, only you know. But now you are sadistic and maybe you only like to see a special group of people be in pain (e.g. preps). However you are not the most social person in the bunch and people think you are weird. That bothers you somewhat but atleast you can entertain yourself with daydreaming about killing them. After all, they have no idea what's coming.
Main weapon: Explosives and torture equpiment Quote: "Insanity: a perfect rational adjustment to an insane world" - R.D. Lang Facial expression: Wicked smile
What Type of Killer Are You? [cool pictures] brought to you by Quizilla
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