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Frozen Hell
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living this far
Anime Fan Since
i was little. i think it was speed racer after Pirates of the Dark Water and then sailor moon.
Favorite Anime
Saiyuki, Lupin 3rd, Pretear, Speed Racer, Pet shop of Horrors, Culdcept, Ororon, GTO
living further
art, DnD, rpgs
Art, being a nerd
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Thursday, May 24, 2007
teehee. AZ somehow found my secret computer at school. it's not really secret i just don't log out ever.
well a good week went by. i dont really remember much of the weekend just that i was hanging out on my roof for most of it. and i watched V for Vendetta. monday and tuesday were STATES for envirothon where we placed 5th in the oral component and 19th overall, out of 65 teams. (hahaha i said we did good with the [i]oral[/i] componant.)
anyways. so that shortened my week considerably. had a good time party in foods making biscotti and next time we make tea and have a garden party!!!
I got an award for being an exceptional drawer of ducks in school today i think it's neat.
took my AP enviromental science test today and my thumb, wrist and elbow hurt terribly. too much writing too fast. I still need to get my ethic paper and my final paper done for philosophy class, but owell. i dunt care.
this weekend i get to hang out with Ben and his friends again at a picnic! i love picnic.
other than being super peppy like usual, i have been rather depressed (i know it's contradictory but i'm easily distracted) and it's something that i need to handle and my parents are being dicks about. sigh, i'll deal later, like the end of the summer, and I know i will be crying my self to sleep over this thing.
Reminder!! Tomorrow is Towel day in rememberance of Douglas Adams and The Hitchicker's Guide to the Galaxy. so always know where your towel is and Don't Panic.
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Tuesday, May 22, 2007
['s AZ!!! Haha, Lindsay! I know what computer you logged into in the computer lab!! You were still logged, yeah, here I am...posting in Narret's account. *laugh* I shall now go off to actually tend to MY site now...
P.s. Narret is the coolest person ever. ^_^ We're secret lovers...but I have not seen her in days!! Oh, how devastated I am...]
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Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Zwoot! I seemed to have missed it but i've made it to 205 hits. wow. I never though i would get that many...
anyways. Az and I. we're secret lovers.
had a day off yesterday and was told how i'm a failure and can't do anything right again. Glad there's only 10 days of school left. I want to leave my parents far far away. but somehow keep my friends close. oh well. i bet theres a bus system that goes from syracuse, city of pits, to philly, city of death.
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
Had prom last night and it was a blast!!! AZ showed up as Ben and I pulled in so we all were in the same picture and she looked absolutly gorgeous!!!! FANTASTIC! Had a blast, Ben actually danced with me and I had so much fun! the music was pretty bad, but easily ignored when we were having a blast ;)
my house is finally cleaned and had some time to watch Lupin III. I actually had a discussion about it with some people at prom too. I really haven't much to say way too tired, had way too much fun.
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Friday, May 11, 2007
I gotted a ribbon for my duck arts :D
it was Federal Junior Duck stamp contest and YAY.

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Monday, May 7, 2007
intersting weekend for me. cleaned the house, moved furniture, painted radiators, was tied up with Ben. no really we were tied together, it was some sort of string trick, but we ended up cheating, after being tied together for a while. and then painted some more. no time for art or anime :<
oh well that's what college's for, and the summer.
so how was everyone elses weekend?
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Friday, May 4, 2007
hahaha the school's proxy not work! I can get onto 7chan and ko-chan. along with real fun rpg sites. i think i win sir.
other than that... nothign doing. ate nuddles in cooking class wif AZ. and yeah, i got to clean my basement.... yar.
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Tuesday, May 1, 2007
ugh I am a senoir with 1 month left of school. I haven't done my work for my AP class in 3 weeks and my teacher gave me a dead line for tomorrow. and what do i do? RPGs and Catmemes. I'm screwed. pulling an "as late as i can-er" 3 chapters of the text book and corresponding questions and a lab or two. i forget but definatly one. the test is in three days and i dont care because i already know everything for this class. its enviro science and that's what i do for a living, teach small children about the environment.
anyways, cute story of the day. I get a romantic note with this message:
"I saw a picture of a cat and thought of you. Love you"
you know its the right person when they send you absurd memes and mean it.
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Sunday, April 29, 2007
ok... so i love ben. but i managed to make a huge mistake when i let slip that i am a /b/tard. (he's a goon). and that wasn't the problem, it was more of the fact that he knew that *chan sites are big pornforums, and he asked what kind of pr0n there was... needless to say I just kept talking and incriminating my self. it finially just came down to us compairing pr0n stories and strangest fetishes we've come across. then there was this question. "so what kind of fetish do you have?" uhm akward much?
but i'm glad to say that we both agree feet, necro, tentacle, guoru, scat, and furry(to a degree) are creepy as hell.
otherwise i had a nice weekend filled with happy saiyuki watching. i luff that show.
PS: play the "Is this question too personal?" game with someone, the convos are always great!
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
Basically this is Best week ever, If it wasn't for the giant pile of apes work I keep dodging and that physics test i missed today... oh and the pressure of prom plans, I would swear that this was the best week i've had in a while.
Sat: 6 freaking hours of black belt test.
Sun: SLEPT and gardened.
Mon: uh... school? I think I made dinner this night. a really awesome chicken dish
tues: .my mom took me out looking for prom shoes. and I saw a really nice pair for decently priced but only in size 6.5 but the clerk made me laugh because she was an idiot. "Uhm, It looks like we only have this shoe in size 6.5, would you like to look at a different size?" got report card and high honors.
Wed: sick, so I painted and slept. got my black belt results, and I'm a legal weapon now!
Thurs: Envirothon and I WON! besides i was being a cocky bastard the whole time and i'm glad i didn't loose.
Fri: more school/ earth day concert and painting. then Birding thing into saturday
Sat: birding ends at noon. planning on sleeping then going out to see a movie
sun: more shopping and possibly looking around for a restaraunt.
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