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Frozen Hell
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living this far
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i was little. i think it was speed racer after Pirates of the Dark Water and then sailor moon.
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Saiyuki, Lupin 3rd, Pretear, Speed Racer, Pet shop of Horrors, Culdcept, Ororon, GTO
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art, DnD, rpgs
Art, being a nerd
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Friday, February 2, 2007
ok half day today... it's nowing adn raing at the same time... i hate pennsylvanian wheather. thats why i'm moving north for college. anyways. so i hung out wif AZ, Kuup and murdsih today... it was fun... lunch, apples to apples and karaoky!!! i love hanging out.
tomorrow i plan on telling my parents that i want to go out to the mall with friends... and hang with ben instead... it should work.. i dont know why they dont like him.
otherwise... it's ducks for me... freaking ducks... i need 12 of them for my ap exam... and i have 8ish now... but still they're driving me bonkers. I really want to draw some xmen fan art.... *wanders off to do so...*
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Monday, January 29, 2007
wont be on for a while... sorry guys
hey guys... sorry about my abcenses. but they will continue as I managed to ground myself for two weeks... no computer no car... better than what my parents were going to do... no Ben... :<
anyways... it was all because i stayed out past curfew... at a party of DND... that's what I told them... sure it involved dnd for the first 3 hours... then the next 4hours or so involved intense game of strip jenga (which I won! kept all my clothes on!!) and barry white music. hahaha... o well it was a blast and i would do it again. :D
Look at this jenga tower.. it's impossible!! it defies physics AND gravity!!

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
if my mind was an ocean there would be sharks in my head.....
i'm in a really wierd mood as i lost a lot of blood this morning and the school nurse wouldnt do anything ... from 7:07-7:40 i had a massive nose those guys in anime when they see nekkid ladies... only not.... and i'm really light headed, hungry and thirsty... and would realy like a nap... but cant do anything about that... :<
been reading xmen non-stop and i'm staring to dream in panels.... its getting weird.. i thought i was a mild mannered post officer who turned into a transformer with ice powers.... yeah.... thats what i thought...
anyways.. i want granola and a nice cat... broiled perhaps.. although teriaki sauce would be edible in a down spout... i almost just threw up... gonna go work on scholarships so i can do stuff later this week.
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Monday, January 22, 2007
-._-. ok so i havnt been on recently... i'm easily distracted....
BearHawk has conned me out of my lunch today. damn it i should learn Not to play go fish with him, i knew something was up when I got the old maid.
anyways.. so AZ came over my house yesterday to work on our prison project adn it rocks. the loch ness monster and loooong cat patrol the waters.
yeah... so YAY BEARS!!!! the football game of super..... BEARS! <3 half of the idea child of BearHawk.. you see last year they were combining the best aspects of the best teams on ESPN and they made Chi'attle BearHawks.. and my love was born....
so yeah.. sat i went over to Ben's house... his mom sorta invited me... and his dad started to call me his long lost daughter... wich is cool but kinda wierd.. whatever, i like them so it's all cool.
anyways.. got a TON of X-Men comic from AZ and I LOVE THEM!!!! THanks Doll!!!
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Monday, January 15, 2007
Tomorrow's the last day toan extended weekend... and i've gotten into a lot of trouble already and STILL havnt started to fix my autobio... :<
but whatever.
almost beaten Okami. and i love every minute of it. got more ducks worked on.. and in the process.
Whee!! next sat(if I can get my rents onboard) i'm off to be a nerd <3 i'm creating a sourceror, but cant do it on my own... so i'm getting help...and watching a movie... yeah...ok...
wish i had something more awesome to post but alas i'm a lazy sunavabich
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
blaurgh. running and running in circles.
ok. so today i painted the outline of the duck on my purple picture adn whadda know? i got oils on my new college sweatshirt. Of course that is never a good thing, but i dont freak out over stuff like that, its usualyy a bummer but what can i do? I can ask the art teacher how to get oils out, and she told me, so i did, but then it was soaking wet. so I walked to the other side of the school to use the FACS teahcer's drier, good thing that teacher likes me, cause not only did she let me dry it but she put in a corrected grade that brought me from a C to an A, we dont get many grades in that class. but man running around the school and the one teacher i need to talk to isnt in today. >O I want to punch him in the face but we all know his beard will deflect the attack, he hasnt put in a test i did and i have an E in the class because of in an E!!!! i never get anything below a C... i'm freaking, but it's such a miniscule thing in life i mean i could be freaking about how women are treated terribly everywhere, or someother thing more worth freaking out.
on a happier note, I got sucked back into Gaia... and a new account... this is like teh 5th or 6th... seriously.
Narret, Elfaria_neo, Pi_man314, Bear_arms_in_publik, Mongol#9, and now Wooden_nickle. its terrible, but i love it. wow its a problem, anyone want to friend any of those accounts? tell me and i'll log into one or all of them. ps i'm addicted to RPGs again.
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Monday, January 8, 2007
a rant
i'm going to prison tomorrow!!!. just visiting!
but yeah, so i hit 99 views today... and i think that's cool.
my duck picture is coming along... and the duck is not purple the canvas is... the duck is brown black blue.... general ducky colors.
I found out that my aussie buddy is coming here in may!!!! <3 <3 i miss her terribly.
anyways.. i'm on a BearHawk roll!!! one comic up. one to be finished and two other pictures... i fucking love BearHawk.
>O i cant play okami or ddr or anything during the week... my dad decrees it unhealthy. i'll tell you whats unhealthy, not talking to a very close friend for 2 weeks not seeing a best friend in over a year, eating deep fried twinkies, not sleeping for 72 hours, wanting to eat school food, crake.... but i think okami is diserved i neeeeed to play some sort of game, i've resorted to reading web comics about gamers... :<
anyways sorry about my rant...
yup... thats all.
ps: a list of things i miss.
Okami, Chels my aussie friend, Ben, dark chocolate, nice art pens, eating while painting, the dinosaurs, collageing, bowie music, DDR, better art supplies, not being with my family.
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Friday, January 5, 2007
yay!! more threshold last night... so i'm tired. but i stated painting my duck thing... its HUUUUUUGE and slightly purple... i dunno why... but i have to paint it all one color first.
so i got alot of art up loaded now.. and i just finished a bearhawk one too. so yeah... damn i need to get to work on emo-hunters..its kinda stalled at page 4 and i need to color the other 2 character sheets... so that's going nowhere... sadly... i want to play ddr and guitar hero at the same time for some odd reason that i cant explain. oh well... i'm at school right now so i might as well get to work designing a prison of pure awesome.
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Thursday, January 4, 2007
hahahha!!! its thursday already!!!!
well i'm finally able to post art, eh some of it is just shitty paint boredom. but yeah!!!
in other words. i'm starting a 3'x3' painting of a duck today, woohoo for the AP art test... so thats gonna be fun. i've got other things to do, like read stuff... and other work. but things are awesome seeing that its thursday and almost friday.
i think that my dog wants to go out... and food is looking mighty good.
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Tuesday, January 2, 2007
ok... so i'm not getting much sleep.... as I have decided to watch the first two episodes of Threshold.... the scariest show ever... and now it feels like converted alien humans are trying to get me to join theyre ranks... its awesome... not really.... so yeah... i'm awake and will be for a while...
in other news. ive got nothing for you folks, sorry.
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