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student/ ninja /soul reaper
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Angelika but plz call me Aimi-chan or Banana
drawing, acting, singing, oh and how can I forget?! Living to this very day!!!
Anime Fan Since
when i was like five
Favorite Anime
All anime in the world except maybe 1 or 2
being a famous manga-ka
drawing/ singing/ acting/ having LOTS of fun/ acting like a total retard!! (it's really fun when you try it) (Teehee X3)
all of the above......i hope
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Wednesday, September 12, 2007
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Saturday, September 1, 2007
Current Mood: VERY HAPPY!!

HI everyone!Long time no talk!!! How are you guys!!! Right now I am Karen house with another friend that I haven't seen in like three months!!AND now I'm really HAPPY!!!
Last night I was looking for some FMA pics and i couldn't find any for my background so I gave up and I will look for another one laterz. But i found a REALLY cute AVI!!!ANd I found My favorite song By MY VIC!!!!XD
Well Have to go now!!lOVE yOU gUYS!And God Bless,
P.S. My name is now BANANA!!!!WHOOOO!!GO BANANAS!!!
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007
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Current Mood: Happy

Hey every one!!Sorry if my site looks REALLY sucky.So how are you all? Is your summer coming along well?
Last night I was wathing comedy central and i was watching Gabriel Iglesias. I was laughing HxC!!>< There was one where he said that he had just got a box of Krispy Kremes and i think we all know how good those are!!*drool* Anywayz, He wasn't paying attention on where he was going and all he heard was the sirens to a police car. The cop looks inside of the car and asks the usaul, "Do you know why I pulled you over?" This was Gabriel. "Aw I thought this was way to easy, so I tell him, You could smell them?" There he was pointing to the donuts on his lap.I thought that was the funniest joke so far.*still hurting from laughing so much*
Well, I am in LOVE with...guess!!VIC MIGNONA!!!He has to be the funniest person to live so far!!!!And this is a plus, HE IS H-O-T!!!!*DROOLING POOLS*
Well, have to go now, LOVE AND GOD BLESS!!
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Saturday, August 4, 2007
Current Mood:RETARDED

UMMMMMM!!!Right now I'm totaly hyper with one of my peeps who is Ninja Lover!!! Cuz rite now I am at her house!!!
Yeah!!Cuz we went to Barnes and Nobles and we were at the movie part of the store and we saw....are you ready for this...POKEMON!!!!!
As soon as Karen(Ninja lover) saw the dvds she literally flew to the ground!!^^We were laughing so hardcore!!!!One of our other friends faces actually turned bright red!!
After the whole pokemon incedint, we went to Starbucks!!We were there reading some mags ans out of the blue my friend Steph and Karen went flying!!^-^'When we saw that they were actually stalking some stuck up preps!!^^It was the funniest thing ever!!
Well got to go now!!God bless and love to all!
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Sunday, July 29, 2007
Hi everyone!!! I hope you all are doing well. I'm terribly sorry!! I haven't updated in so long and I've missed you guys sooo muched!!!! Well lately I haven't done any thing since I got back from Arizona!!!So now I'm here and I REALLY need to get out of this place!!!!*screaming and pulling my hair*
Well I'm totaly love sick right now!!!At this moment I'm not allowed to use my cell phone and that was the only way i could talk to Mike!!! After we got into that fight I never talked to him again an d I R-E-A-L-L-Y miss the sound of his voice!!!At that I'm starting to forget it!!NOOOOOO!!!
Dammit!!! Did I tell you guys, I'm going to a college prep academy. And school starts in less then 3 days!!!!-_-' And the uniform shirts are HIDEOUS!!!!!!!!Let's just say that if i were to wear them outside of school you will be able to spot me a mile away!!Sad isn't it?
Well it's getting late and I have to go now. I'll tryto get on before school starts and see how you guys are doing. LOVE YOU AND GOD BLESS!!!!
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Thursday, July 12, 2007
Hey everyone!!!We'll are you guys doing okay!?!?I'm ok.So why aren't you guys commenting anymore?
I tried the other nite but it wouldn't let me for some reason. Anybody know why? Well did every one have a 4th of July!!! My 4th of July was the wierdest yet!!! We went to my aunts to go swim and it ended up raining on us so we were stuck ther in the rain because its a public pool!!!It was so fun running around in the rain like that until i realized that my braces were just screaming for lightning to come and strike right on the head!!!! It ws still AWESOMELY AWESOME!!!! Well hope you all have a wonderful day!!!!
LOVE YOU * hugs you all TIGHT* GOD BLESS!!!!!!
WHATS YOUR STYLE (EX. Punk, Prep, Jock, ect.)?
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Monday, July 2, 2007
Hey you guys!!
Hey everyone I'm back from Arizona!!How are you guys? How has your summer been so far?Well first off, what is this about you guys deleting me?!?!?Are you guys reading my post?!?!?Do you know how much that hurts?!?!?!?Well to those who have been reading them and haven't deleted me, please spread the word and tell them that I'm back and here to stay!!!
Well Arizona was fun and I had a lot of memories with my whole family now.I climbed a mountain visited historical towns and an overwhelming mission.But I also had a little fight with Mike.We were texting and we have your own little nicknames. His is Black Cat and mine is Hinata. Well he started to act really retarded and I was way too tired to deal with him so i told him I'll call him later. Then out of no where he tells me,"k, love u,muffin.< Black Cat>" I was so excited but then i thought he might be kidding around like usual so I told him, "love you too, honeybunn. ~*Hinata*~". Of course i was so happy and then he writes back,"I think we should get a little closer and i never told you this but i think your HOT. Black Cat >" I was so fricken happy so i sent him back saying,"so do i. And I never told you this but when i met you, i imidiatly liked you." Then the nerve of him said that his friend sent that and he made me look like a total ASS!!!!So I haven't talked to him since.but what can you do.But I missed my home and my friends so its good to be back!^-^
So on Saturday, I went to my uncles wedding. It was GEORGEOUS!!!!!I had alot of fun. My uncle actually started crying while saying his vows.It was so cute......until some one showed up.It was........MIKE!!!!!!I didn't talk to him the whole night!!!!It hurt to much!!!My cousin said that the whole night he was watching me.MAybe he soes like me and just won't say it. Even though he hurt me like,"Jerk" I still like him. When "Jerk" hurt me i got over it. But when Mike hurt me, I couldn't stop thinking about him. Am I in love? Everytime I saw him, my heart started to race and i couldn't swallow anything and it hurt to even look at him but i couldn't take my eyes off him. Does love do this to you? Am I REALLY in love? God only knows and he only knows the plan for me. Well I have to go now. Hope You All have A great rest of the summer!!Love You & GOD BLESS!
Question of the Post:
Do you like sweet things?
What's your favorite color?
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Sunday, May 13, 2007
Hi, everybody!!!How are you guys doin. I finally got to get on before leaving again. I'll try to get on later on too.
Well as you guys know about my so called friend, she's finally getting the hint that I'm mad at her, so she stoped talking to me. That same day someone "mysteriously" stole my wallet with $20 dollars in it. They left nothing just my ID and some expired coupons. I know it's horrible to blame friends but I no longer consider her a "friend" anymore. Everyone knows she took it for payback.
On a different subject, I met this VEEEEEAAAAARRRRRRYYYYY hot guy at a party named, Mike. The whole time we were there we were talking about any thing and everything. The best part is that he LOOOOOOOOOOOOVES Naruto like me and started calling me "hinata". The whole time he kept saying that he thought Hinata is cute. I couldn't if he was referring to me or the anime version. That entire night I was talking to him on the phone and my cousin was there so she kept asking him if he likes me and if he would like to go out with me. Did I mention he's a freshman and lives about 2 hours away from me? But each time he answered he just made me fall for him more. Also he's a jock and I'm usaully into skaters, but there's just something about him. I don't know. Maybe I have a chance if not I hope we still be friends.
Also, today's mother's day. Sadly my dad left to Arizona yesterday and we won't see him until we get up there but when my mom opened the card she started to cry which made me cry.*holding back tears* Before the days up make sure to tell your moms how much you love them and give them a greaat big BEAR-HUG!!!^-^
Well, have to go now and guess what.THe question of the post is up, now!!!!YAAAAYYY!!! Hopefully I can get on laterz. Love you all, and hope to talk to you all soon!!!God Bless!!
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Saturday, May 5, 2007
Hey!!!!I got on....yay for me!!!I'm at Minty's house at this moment but she is out like a lightbulb!!*chuckle*Well Today I found out that one of my best friends has been making alot of rumors about me and my best guy friend, saying that she saw us make out!!I can't believe her nerve!!!I WOULD NEVER EVER NEVER EVER do that!!!!!!!!Plus he is one of my friends current boyfriend.People are telling me to tell her about this but I just couldn't confront her...I will, just not now.
On a different subject, as I told you I am here at Minty's house at her belated b-day party.We are still up but she is out......yeah.LOL!!She had a swimming party and it was very fun but there were people there I don't know very well and I kinda felt like a loner but I grew to love them all. I met her neighbor(finally) that I only talked on the phone with. She called me modest and I just wanted to ask you all, do you all think I'm modest????*stuck thinking about it* Well, I should prabably get going, but before I go, I will soon be making questions on some posts for you guys to answer so get ready because you never now when one or two or five come up. Till next time and love you all!!!*blowing kisses*
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