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myOtaku.com: NaruHina12

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Well here i am....bored to fricken' death! I kinda feel bad for seperating berry and her sister but hopefully i know her sisters owner and we can meet and they can frolic and play all they want. Well that kinda made me feel better. So Yeah this is part of a pointless blog. And if your reading this, Micky25 (Jaun), it is not letting me allow you as my friend! Oh well. Maybe next time. Lately my friend (Ninja Lover((Karen))has been tring to hook me up with her friend that I have never met in my whole life!! But I must say I am willing to meet him, but I can't help thinking of my crush(Brandon). I still like him...ALOT!!!And there is this guy at my going to be new school and I heard his voice and he sounds seriously HOT!! And the sucky thing about it Minty is practicly in love with him!!! Now I'm stuck in like two love triangles....When I don't even wqant to be at all!!!Well on another topic. My special e.d. stalker is now sitting behind me and I told my teacher to put me as far away possible from him but she was being all bitchy and just rolled her eyes!!!!We all hate her!! She is a retarded substitute and she has to stay for practicly the whole semester b/c my real history teacher was in a wickedly HORRIBLE accident!! Can subs even change sitting arrangements....? Oh forget about it!! Well I guess I'm going to go on and just leave this as it is.

<3 to all my homiez,

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