myO Still <3's You
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Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Hey sorry for not posting
Mood: Happy and eger to go to school
Time: 6:50am
Weather: Clear and no clouds in the sky
Listining to: nothing
Konichiwa pplz!!!
Hey my peps!! Lol Im just kiddin. Well its about 6 in the moring sooo I'm a bit sleepy. The only time I could get on is in the moring cuz I have no time when I get home from school.
High school is going great I mean Im already over my ex ne wayz he found a new girl so Im not bothered by that ne more.
Um... What I'm really happy about is that... I got some new crushes!!! And my first boyfriend finally got the nerve to talk to me again. I was gettin soo worried that he was mad at me for something.
Well back to the point. I have about 3 new crushes lately and... I still luv my first bf still. Ok the first one is my old crush from 6th grade his name is John-Ray I use to like him but he use to be sooo shorter than me I didn't think he liked me.
My second crush has been my crush since 4th grade and I use to be about an inch talled than him now he is like a a foot away from me and he looked sooo hot during gym yesterday!!! ^///^ But I don't think he remembers me though its been 2 years since I last saw him. Plus I hurd he just got back from suspension Idk why though or what he did. His name is Jaysen.
And my last and final crush is skeith master12's friend lol his name is Joseph he is another anime fan and we sorta have alot in calmen. (I don't think I spelled that right)
Well I givin up on that other one named lee just becuz I could never have a chance with him ne wayz.
Its cuz he got a girlfriend and he's been going out with him since 7th grade. Well whats been goin on in school. Oh yeah there is like a bunch of anime ppl at my school but I don't have much of them as my friends yet but my crush Joseph is takeing me to the new anime club today.
So maybe I'll meet some new friends. Ok um... for today I have gym class with my crush Jaysen I'm gonna try talking to him today see if he does remember me. Maybe not but we use to be such close friends in elementary but I guess he could've forgot about me in the last 2 years.
Ok um... Oh yea I preformed at the state fair last weekend. skaith master12, anime fan 301, and Kindom Naruto were there with me to they were preforming with me. And since Joseph's brother anthony was there Joseph got to go lol ^///^ I was sooo happy I actually spent the whole weekend with him! And after the preformance we went to the games and Joseph got me a penguine doll I still have it to!! ^///^ I sleep with it every night usually.
Well thats it for me I got school in about... idk Im not very good at math its about 6:49 and class starts at 7:30. Ok I've got to get ready now see yah!!!
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Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Hey ^-^
Mood: Happy but still sad inside
Time: 11:36pm
Weather: Cloudy and raining
Listining to: Sad luv songs
Konichiwa pplz!!!
Hi hi!!! ^-^ Im so happy today!!! But Im still keeping the theme for my site I sorta like it. Well u guys wanna know why Im so happy? My aunty just gave birth to a baby boy today!!! So that means I got a new baby cuzin!!!
^-^ Im just so happy for her. But Im still bumed about that boyfriend thing. I guess Im not cut out to have a bf yet.
*Sigh* -_-'
Well I should just stick with just haveing crushes and keeping up with school.
*Sigh again*
But... I don't think Im gonna be well without my ex-ex-boyfriend... I luv him soooooo much!!!! TTT__TTT *Crying* Man!!! I should've broken up with him in the first place!!! That waz a huge mistake and now... I feel so empty... I just hope he can wait till I graduate to d8 me again.
Im so h8ing being single right now Chris is like the only thing on my mine right now!!!! WWWAAAAHHHHHHH!!! TTT__TTT *still crying* I h8 my life I can't do this ne more!!!!! I need to get him back somehow.
Well I got nothing else to say soooooo... Oh wait Its my bro's birthday today so I hope u give him (Kingdom Naruto) a Happy 12th birthday today. Sooooo its getting l8 and it's the last day of my summer vacation tomarrow so Im gonna have some fun tomarrow well hope u guys who r still in summer have a fun one!!!!SEEEEE YYYYYAAAHHHH!!!!
If u ever talk to my old boyfriend (shadow demon316) can u tell him to read this I want him to know how much I still luv him k. Also Chris if ur reading this now Im soooooo sorry and I still luv u no matter what!!! ^////^
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Sunday, August 19, 2007
I'm single again!!!!
mood: Single and sad
time: 2:46pm
wether: cloudy and raining
Konichiwa pplz!!!
Well Im single again... Im not happy though my bf Kyle wasn't my type so I broke up with him
Plus he was trying to control me soo.... I dumped him my parents don't like him also.
Ok... I miss my first bf he was sooo nice to me now I think he is sad now... I really!!! Want to be his gf again!!!!! TTTTT__TTTTT Man and he wont talk to me ne more!!!!!
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Friday, August 17, 2007
hi sorry!!!!
mood: Well not all that gr8 just sad and really confused again
time: 11:18pm
wether: Dark and clear
Konichiwa pplz!!!
Uh!!!! Sorry!!! I haven't been on in a while!!! man I bet ur all mad at me now that I havn't been on its just that I've been hanging with my bf alot and plus my parents h8 me now for some reason.
Man!!! My life is so stressfull now that school is starting in a week and my parents don't trust me ne more.
I seriously need something to make me consintrate more on school than boyz now idk what im gonna do when I graduate high school. And Idk what to do.
I think I gone 2 far with my bf today I mean i got my first real make out!!!! >///<
Man!!! That was fun!!! But the only prob was that my mom saw us now Im gona be in soooo much troble with my dad!!!!
Well I got to figure this out sometime and I need to still get a hold of my x-bf somehow he wont talk to me ne more.
Im thinking that he h8s me for dumping him and the bad thing is that I asked a friend 2 do it 4 me cuz I was 2 nerves 2!!!!
Awww Mannnn!!!! I h8 my life right now and Im starting freshmen yr in a week. Oh yeah its gonna be Kindom Naruto's birthday on the 20th and he is my brother after all so give him a shout out on monday he is turning 12 this yr!!!
Well g2g bye!!!
Oh and if u get to talk to my
x-bf um tell him to call me his user is shadow demon316 ok just tell him to call me back plz I really need 2 talk to him!!!!! Well see yah!!!!
Lookie!!! Its me and my new bf he is soooo cute!!!!
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Saturday, August 11, 2007
Hi hi I hve a little problem.
mood: A little deprest and confused
time: 11:52am
wether: Partly Cloudy and a little sun
Konichiwa pplz!!!
X3 hi hi well nothing much but school starting up Im going to get my hair layerd when school starts and hopfuly get some new shoes while Im out cuz everyone got new shoes but me.
Ok well the subject said that I have a problem its that I luv my boyfriend but he hasn't been calling me in a while and then there is this other guy who has been my friend for about three years and I like him to. But I don't know what to do ne more since my bf Chris doesn't know that I like his friend Kyle.
Which I think isn't good but I decided to break up with chris and wait till I graduate to have a bf cuz my parents want me to. I know Im having problems with chooseing but I trust everyone of my friends here to help me.
Im veary confuesed right now since Chris is going to Bartlet High and Im going to West High and so is his friend Kyle. Idk what to do ne more I really need help. TTT__TTT Its only cuz I never broken up with ne one yet so its hard for me. Plus Im Chris's first gf and Idk how he is gonna take it. Well Im gonna think this through cuz I have to call him sometime today.
Well I know I might look weird but here is a pic of me in my cuzin's room cuz I was babysitting that time.
Well go to go.
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Thursday, August 9, 2007
yay back to school!!!
mood: Happy but a little tired
time: 11:44am
wether: Partly Cloudy
Konichiwa pplz!!!
Hiya!!! Uh... I just got done with rejestering for school lol ^^ well Im officaly a freshmen for now I got my school ID which looks really bad comming from me that is. Also I got my new schedule.
Well about 3 of my classes are really close to my locker which is way in the back of the school, and I had to have help from one of my resent 6th grade friend to find my locker.
Whats really cool is that Im shareing a locker with my cuzin Hiroshi (skeith master12) he wasn't to happy about it since all his classes were veary far from his locker and we only have like 15min. to get to our classes and btw really sucks since the other 3 of my classes are like on the other side of the school.
Ok om my shedule I have Algebra 1, Basketball, World history, English, Draw/Design (art), and Intgert Science I have no clue what that is btw but I know its science Im sure of it. ^^'
Well um... Oh yea during the rejestration I met some of my friends from last year and my old friends from 6th and 4th grade.
Ok what had happend today was that one of my old crushes from last year told me he had a huge crush on me ever since my friend intro dused me to him and said that he is still looking for a gf since he is one of thoughs guys who gets a new gf like every month I felt like I wanted to turn him down but I still like him somehow IDK why though.
Funny huh. ^^ lol well I saw some other friends but guess what I use to be like the tallest person in my elemetary classes but since today Im like the shortest out of most of my friends even the shortest kids in my sixth grade class is taller!!!!
Uh.... High school is so mean to me. But I'm happy seeing them again. Oh and my 4th grade bff is also there so I finaly get to be her bff again isn't that great!!! ^^ hehe thats it for today k bub bye!!!!
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Wednesday, August 8, 2007
mood: um... bored
time: 8:46pm
wether: cloudy
Konichiwa pplz!!!
Hi!!! well nothing much again ^-^ Im happy today my bf just pmed me and we weren't on at the same time so we didn't get to chat as much. *sigh*
Well I just found out that he has a new email address so I had to change every thing on all of my contacts list. ^-^ silly me
Ok well school is comming I hope you guys are all ready for school!!! Im not of course well I never studied ne thing yet and I don't have my schedual well till mybe tommarow or on thursday. Plus I don't even have my school supplies yet so Im not ready for school yet.
Alright well this is really wird but my mom says Im really obsessed of my bf. Would you think I should! I think of course I should, ne wayz she gets mad at me for being on my laptop for so long and says I never came out of my room since 12 this after noon. Then while my brother was telling my mom about this Mexican comedeon
I came out and my mom gave me this cold glare and said just now that your brother said Mexican you come out!! I was like Ok... and I grabed somthing to eat and went back into my room.
So ya my mom is a pain sometimes well thats my day well I g2g I don't want my mom to be really pissed at me for staying on to long well bye!!!
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Monday, August 6, 2007
Pages (9): 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 [ Next ] [ Last ]
mood: happy but sad at the same time
time: 6:28pm
wether: sunny but gonna rain tonight
Konichiwa pplz!!!
Hi!!! Oh oh guess what!! I just got my laptop Im so Happy ^-^ but what Im so sad about ist that my I haven't been
talking to my bf since last Wednesday but Im gonna call him soon I just hopes he picks up.This time.
Well school starts soon like in 2 more weeks for me but I guess Im going to regester for school on the ninth since
We regester in alfa order. Ne ways I have my brases appointment this week so Im gonna tighten my braces soon X3
Ok nothing much but if you read the post on the bottem of this one its really sad an scary at the same time but you should read it. Well post it if you can.
K my brother's are a little pissed off at me for not shareing my laptop but I got to go see yah!!!
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