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well I travel around so I really don't know
Member Since
Yay I'm a freshman ^^
Real Name
Ayame, or Nikki
being a reall anime fan not a really big one
Anime Fan Since
the oldest anime classics
Favorite Anime
Naruto, .hack//roots, DNAngel, Ouran High, Sukisho, Bleach, Gunslingergirl, Trigun, FMA, Blood plus, Trinityblood, and some others but can't really think of them right now
well to make the best anime mangas ever
drawing, reading mangas, and hanging with my boyfriend
drawing anime,and writing fanfics
| naruto fan 801
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Monday, August 6, 2007
Its sad and scary
Her name was Auroura
She was only five
This is what happened
When she was alive
Her dad was a drunk
Her mom was an addict
Her parents kept her
Locked in an attic
Her only friend
was a little toy bear
It was old and worn out
And had patches of hair
She always talked to it
When no one's around
She lays there and hugs it
Not a peep of sound
Until her parents
unlock the door
Some more and more pain
She'll have to endore
A bruise on her leg
A scar on her face
Why would she be
In such a horrible place?
But she grabs her bear
And softly crys
She loves her parents
But they want her to die
She sits in the corner
Quiet but thinking,
"God, why? Why is
My life always sinking? "
Such a bad life
For a sad little kid
She'd get beaten and beaten
For anything she did
Then one night
Her mom came home high
The poor child was hit and slapped
As hours went by
Then her mom suddenly
Grabbed for a blade
It was sharp and pointy
One that she made
She thrusted the blade
Right in her chest,
"You deserve to die
You worthless pest! "
The mom walked out
Leaving the girl slowly dying
She grabbed her bear
And again started crying
Police showed up
At the small little house
They quickly barged in
Everything was as quiet as a mouse
One officer slowly
Opened a door
To find the sad little girl
Lying on the floor
It must have been bad
To go through so much harm
But at least she died
With her best friend in her arms A child dies every day from child abuse. And if you have an ounce of pity in you for little Auroura and you hate child abuse with a passion you will repost this and help out those abused children and let them know that someone cared for them. If you don't then you should go to fucking hell, this is horrible what happened to these innocent children. It doesn't take that long to repost only about 10 seconds so please just do it. its worth it to let everyone see this. some people are so cruel... this is terible but it hapens so much we cant ignore it. a note from BlackMocassin15: Please don't report this for not being quizzes, we're just trying send send a message! add ur name if u agree that this is getting bad...
1. eaklorgirl (tears coming down cheeks)
2. vampiredemonperson
3. Savy5097.... Savannah
4. iluvmark99 aka nick(who is a girl! not a guy!!!)
5. hi2umoomoo
7. BlackMocassin15
8. Thena
15.Squeaker 1
16.Angel Zakuro
17.DarkXBlood (Please help the children live without pain and hate)
20.coolgirl118 (How sad I thought I was going to cry. Please help the children!)
22.Pa-pura karasu
23. Shinobi 1995
24. Thornless.rose
25. Naruto fan 801
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Thursday, August 2, 2007
Happy day!!!
Mood: Tired but Im enjoying the night
Time: 11:38pm
Wether: Dark I really can't tell
Just makes me want to be with Chris ^-^
Konichiwa pplz!!!
Hehehehe!!! Hi everyone, well I had a rough day well week if you might want to say its only cuz I didn't call chris 4 about 7 days but I finally got the nerve to call him today when I was hopeing he was gonna but I found out that he went fishing the past...3 days so I was embarassed to tell I was mad at him for not calling so I didn't tell him ^////^ I felt so bad getting mad for nothing.
Well today was Mizaki's brother's B-day so he just turned 7 yrs old today next birthday would be my brother Kindom Naruto. I was hopeing he would invite Chris to come so I beged him and he said that I Chris had to buy him a $25 game which I was hopeing he might do that just to see me again. ^///^ Im so happy my parents said it was ok but since were going to the movies and afterwards going to my house so this would be the first time he would be coming to my house and meeting all my relitives in one night!!! Im gonna be so embarass if my family tell him all the embarasing stuff I use to when I was a kid. >.< I just hate it when family does that to ya its so humilliateing I tell ya!!!
Thats gonna be the worst night with him I ever have.Well today was fun but I got so bord at chuck e chesse
since it is a kids place but at least I got to do some fun things with my bff she is fun to be with when Im bord ^-^ Mizaki is like the best friend you can ever ask for !! She means alot to me so if anybody hurts her feelings than there gonna get a beating from me!!!!
Ok Im gonna go to bed now since I need to wake up early for something tomarow well see Yah!!!
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Friday, July 27, 2007
Bord as usual
Mood: Happy!!
Time: 3:40pm
Wether: Sunny with a little wind
its me and chris!!!
Konichiwa pplz!!!
Hey everyone ^-^ I feel so happy today my boyfriend is comming back soon!!!! Yay!!!!
Now I get to talk to him as much as I want!!!! Well my day was ok I guess I didn't get to talk to my bf but
at least he's comming back
Ok I just found a new site today by Mizaki she showed it to me its called its a site to watch vids
like youtube but better and faster then the regular one. ^-^ Its great and I found a new anime its called
Karin its a vampire show but its not really scary or anything like that its sorta funny
Well I'll be away this weekend again *sigh* I really don't like fishing its sorta boring but I have to just to
make my parents happy -_- but its not my fault that I can't catch anything *sigh* if only they understand.
Joning me on the camp trip will be Kindom Naruto and Mizaki ^-^ but its sad Shadow can't he's sick from
last week.
Im reading a new Manga called The Gentlemen's Alliance cross its an ok story and its funny but the main
characters past is sort of a sad one and there is a really cool spoiler for it but no1 wants me to tell them
but they all ready spoiled the ending 4 me well... the end of vol.3 that is.
Man!!!! Summer is almost over and it totally sucked for being grounded the hole time!!! >.< I also bet it
hasn't been a good summer for my boyfriend either since he couldn't see me in the summer just talk and
its all my fault cuz of it!!!! TTT n TTT Ok Im gonna go cry somewhere see yah!!!!
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Tuesday, July 24, 2007
really bord and I'm tired
mood: stress full
time: 10:55pm
wether: cloudy about ready to rain
Konichiwa pplz!!!
Hiya nothing much happend this weekend, exept that I want fishing with my family again ^-^ since I'm in Alaska we do
alot of that in the summer or we just go on a vacation.
Well I just got off the phone with my boyfriend and he really misses me alot but he's happy to be comming back on Saturday. He had to hang up since it was 12am over in New Mexico and he had a headache so I told him to rest ^///^ I just hope he calls tomarow ^_^
Well school is starting again next month so I'm getting really nerves since its my first year in high school and I get to see my old friends from my sixth grade class to but I guess there gonna be taller than me since I use to be the second tallest in my class and I stoped growing after 7th grade. ^-^ Yeah so I' m a little shy going to high school with out my boyfriend there to since he will be going to a differint HIgh school than me >.< man!!!! Do you think thats right? Should I still date him even though? Thats the question that has been on my mind for a while can you give me an answer?
Ok well thats it for this week and I think me and Mizaki have a dance preformance this week Idk about that sicne everyone is gone on that day though plus Im going camping again ^-^ I guess will waite and see. well see yah!!!
Yup now you can call me Neko, Ayame, Monica, or Rei ^w^
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Hi just bord
Konichiwa pplz!!!
Hey everyone nothing much this week happend except that I got my cell taken away cuz I went over my
texting so now its hard to chat with my bf since he's in New Mexico for now. But hes coming back soon!!!
Yay!!! ^u^
Well nothing much today just going to my dance class in 4 more hours and I have my gradpa's birthday to
go to at a seafood resteraunt. I luv seafood its good. Ok I have to be honest I really miss my bf so much so
I posted a vid for him on the profile area. I like the song so much when I listend to it the first time that I
started thinking of him and I cried for an hour. So go check it out when you have the time.
Im feeling better then I felt on friday but Im a little sad cuz of the music vid. Im gonna post some pix so
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Friday, July 13, 2007
Man!!! Im pissed
Konichiwa pplz!!!
Ok from now on since I don't really come on here as much Im gonna turn my comments off since actually no1
ever comments on my post which makes me really pissed off like the way I am right now >.<
Just so you guys know Im usually pretty bord on here and I do comment on your guys post but my pc never lets me
so I get a hard time commenting your post if thats why you won't comment on mine. I feel very bad now like no1 likes
me anymore. TTTTTT__TTTTTT
Man I feel so emo right now but I'm actually not I just act that way 4 some reason and no I don't cut myself
but at times I just hold something really sharp next 2 my wrists but I don't cut Im 2 scard to do it. So yah I
have problems.
Well my brothers just piss me off so much that I wan't 2 kill them sometimes and maybe kick them once or
twice. Nothing much really from my boyfriend he tries to make me feel better so I don't act that way since
he understands what Im going through right now.
Even my parents can't help me *sigh* 4 what life is worth I bet I'm not even cut out for this world yet
TTTT____TTTT *Wahhhhh!!!!* I feel so alone!!!! And Invisable to others!!!!!
Well I g2g and cry TTT__TTT *sniffs* ok Im not gonna turn off my comments for now.
Cry ing in your hearts <3:
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Friday, July 6, 2007
Hi this month theme Trinity Blood!!!
Konichiwa pplz!!! ^-^
Nothing much happend this week well sorta. I found out this one new guy from
my dance class likes me and he's about 17 years old a little to old to even be my boyfriend and I
told me I already have one but he was alright with it but said that the offer would still be open if me
and Chris ever brake up. ^///^
Ok well my July 4th was ok well... not for Mizaki (anime fan 301) and shadow (skeith master12)
becuz they had a sort of family meeting for something about our grandma moving out of her house
which is also our hang out where we have parties and were we celibrate holidays at with our family
and Mizaki's parents want to sell it. Sadly we were bumed about it but now were helping her move
K as you might have already known my boyfriend is in New Mexico he said he'll be coming back on
the 28th and we can go to the state fair next month!!! ^///^ I can't wait till then. Oh and I'll be
camping again this weekend so I might not get back to you pm's till monday or wendsday I guess
Well as I can see no1 really doesn't comment on here so Im thinking of turning off my comments,
deleting my file and shareing one with Mizaki since we both barly use this just talking to ppl and stuff,
or just not posting anymore and just post up pix and music for my page. Well I'm just gonna diside on
that and I'll still have my comments on this week so you can help me diside also but if I turn off my
comments next week I'll still comment your site even though k =3 well see Yah!!!
Aka: MoNiCa-ReI
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Friday, June 29, 2007
Survey and Questons of the Week!!!
Ok here is another survey for the week ^-^ Oh yeah starting up the question thing again Im just really
bord most of the time and Just to remind you If you comment my post I will retern the faver by doing
the same and comment your post ^-^
Servey: Me and my Boyfriend
Me and my Boyfriend | About my boyfriend | wats his name?: | Christoper Angel | how old is he?: | 14 | hair color?: | Dark brown | eye color?: | Dark brown | where does he go to school?: | Bartlett High school | shorter or taller then u?: | Shorter but he's cute | wat attracts him to you?: | his eyes ^///^ | Your relationship | when did u start going out?: | March 17th, 2007 | how long ago was that?: | 3 months and 3 weeks I think | do you guys hold hands?: | yes alot | do you cuddle?: | yeah when were alone | Friends and family | do his friend know u?: | only some of them | do his friends like u?: | I guess Im only friends with a few | do your friends know him?: | yea all of them | do they like him?: | I think so | do you guys parents know?: | yeah | do his parents like u?: | they do but I never met them yet | do your parents like him?: | my mom does my dad is unhappy that I have a boyfriend | do you hang with his friends?: | yea but only during school | vice versa?: | If he is with me and Im with my friends yeah | Faveorites | color?: | Black | food?: | donno yet never asked | song?: | he doesn't have one he likes alternitive rock though | car?: | donno | girl?: | Me!!! Of course X3 | thing about him?: | his personality | would you change anything about him?: | no I Luv everything about him | Things you do | do u guys goof around with each other?: | well not yet but with friends I do | will he do wat u want to do, even if he doesnt like it?: | yup he told me that one time | vice versa?: | yea I would do anything with him | can u joke with him without hurting his feelings?: | well I never joked around with him only when we weren't going out yet | do u yell @ him?: | no I haven't even fought with him yet | do u curse @ him?: | no never | do u fight?: | no we didn't yet and I don't want to | The end | do u talk to him every day?: | yea but mostly at night | does he call u just to say goodnight?: | no but when we end the day he does | do u sit on the phone with him, even when your not saying anything?: | yea alot | r u thinking about him right now?: | yea I always do ^///^ | do u miss him?: | yup alot I haven't seen him in a while like for 2 months | r u gonna call him?: | maybe if I have time to | ...did u?: | no not yet | r u gonna hang out tomorrow?: | no I can't I'm grounded its sad TTT__TTT | is he ever going to see this survey?: | Idk mybe if I tell him about it | Take this survey | Find more surveys | MySpace Surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |
Questions of the week:
1~Do you have request for my site?
2~Did you join the Vampire Academy? If not you should.
3~Whats your fave anime?
4~Do you like me as a friend?
Well next up should be how my week went make sure you read it ok ^-^
well see Yah!!!
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How My Week Went
Konichiwa ppl ^-^ well nothing much happend this week except that my granny dina came from Maui, HI
with her kids but they don't really talk as much to me and my brothers its weird just talking to them
sometimes, its like talking to your self.
Ok so whats happening this weekend is that Im going camping down at Kasilof its a sort of place to fish
in Alaska. I sorta had an axident there one time with the 4 wheeler I sorta crashed on one but I was ok Idk
about my friend who was driveing though.
Oh yea 4th of July is comming up soon and I might be going to Sewerd then plus my grandma gets back
from Owahu, HI on the 3rd and my boyfriend Chris is leaving to New Mexico on the 2nd and will be gone
for a while so I might not be able to talk to him as much. But were still able to talk to each other so this
past week we've been talking till 5 in the morning insted of 3. ^-^
Well thats all thats happening next week and what happend this week Oh yea me, anime fan 301,
skeith master12, and Kindom Naruto are gonna be preforming in the 4th of July parade ^-^ but its really
not fair that skeith master12 and Kindom Naruto arn't walking and sitting on the float while me and
anime fan 301 walk the whole time in high heels >-< its just not fair since I'm not comfortable with
walking in them. Well got to finish baby sitting my cuzin I'm saveing up for a laptop so I'll me seeing you
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Friday, June 22, 2007
Boyfriend Survey
Ok here is another survey I took Im usually bord anyways ^-^
boyfriend survey<3 | what is his full name?: | Christopher Angel | how long have you guys been dating?: | 3 months and 6 days | do you think you guys will last a long time?: | yeah I guess | do you like him better than your ex?: | he's actually my first boyfriend | how old are they?: | 14 | what color hair do they have?: | dark brown | what color are their eyes?: | dark brown | does he make you happy?: | yes he always does | whats his favorite | color?: | black | music?: | alternetive rock, and punk | store?: | no clue | whats your favorite thing about him?: | his personality | would you cheat on them?: | no never Im not that kind of person | do you trust them?: | yes and he trust me to | are they perfect for you?: | yup I think so well I think he is | whats your favorite thing about them?: | didin't you ask this already well I like that he's cute also | do you ever fight?: | no not yet and thats a good thing | Take this survey | Find more surveys | MySpace Surveys Bzoink - The Original Survey Site |
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