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myOtaku.com: naruto fan 801

Saturday, May 19, 2007

hey this day is both sad and happy in a way

Hi hi this is Ayame talking ^^ well today was just great ^^ I got to dance with my boyfriend for the first time ^//^ but I never kissed him yet it's sort of getting annoying that everyone of my friends are bothering us to kiss -_- so were thinking at the end of school. Well I had my 8th grade graduation also and my math class got to watch happy feet I never did get to watch it yet but its sort of cute and really funny ^^ well anyways I was thinking of changeing my site so I'm do in a poll here it is ^^:

3.random rock bands
4.random anime pix
5.keep it on loveless

Well this is mostly for my bg I want to change my theme ^^ Well school is almost over but I'm going to a different school than my bf so he is pretty upset about that me to but were still staying together well I wouldn't wanna keep blabering on and on so I'm gonna take off ^^ and I won't be here this weekend I'm going fishing ^^ so I'll get back to your pm's when I get back bye ^^


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