Mood: Happy!!
Time: 3:40pm
Wether: Sunny with a little wind

its me and chris!!!
Konichiwa pplz!!!
Hey everyone ^-^ I feel so happy today my boyfriend is comming back soon!!!! Yay!!!!
Now I get to talk to him as much as I want!!!! Well my day was ok I guess I didn't get to talk to my bf but
at least he's comming back
Ok I just found a new site today by Mizaki she showed it to me its called its a site to watch vids
like youtube but better and faster then the regular one. ^-^ Its great and I found a new anime its called
Karin its a vampire show but its not really scary or anything like that its sorta funny
Well I'll be away this weekend again *sigh* I really don't like fishing its sorta boring but I have to just to
make my parents happy -_- but its not my fault that I can't catch anything *sigh* if only they understand.
Joning me on the camp trip will be Kindom Naruto and Mizaki ^-^ but its sad Shadow can't he's sick from
last week.
Im reading a new Manga called The Gentlemen's Alliance cross its an ok story and its funny but the main
characters past is sort of a sad one and there is a really cool spoiler for it but no1 wants me to tell them
but they all ready spoiled the ending 4 me well... the end of vol.3 that is.
Man!!!! Summer is almost over and it totally sucked for being grounded the hole time!!! >.< I also bet it
hasn't been a good summer for my boyfriend either since he couldn't see me in the summer just talk and
its all my fault cuz of it!!!! TTT n TTT Ok Im gonna go cry somewhere see yah!!!!