Birthday 1992-09-23 Member Since 2005-05-29 Real Name SAM NarutoBlackmail
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Konnichiwa. Ty for signing my gb. I'm here to sign yours back since you signed mine. Well I can see your a Naruto Fan. Naruto is awesome! No doubt about it. It's one of my favorite animes of all time. I'll add you as a friend.
Hey, thanks for signing my guestbook. I can't take the credit for making that Inuyasha video but I'm glad you like it anyway! I actually found it... ^^;; Maybe someday I'll get good enough to make one. I'm glad you like my site though. I have a question, why do you update each day in the intro instead of in actual posts? ^^;; Well, I'll add you back as a friend and cya later