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Thursday, March 9, 2006
Listening: Linkin Park- Papercut
Feeling: Happy/Hyper
Watching: Nothing
Drinking: Water
Thinking: OMFG, YES!!
Wishing: I could comments like that everyday
Hey guys!! How are ya? Well, I'm doing splendid, yes, indeedydoody!! XD
That is the bestest thing that's happened to me so far!! And I barely even posted anything!! I thought I'd get, like, 6 comments or less. XD Thanks you very much to everyone who made that possible. ^_^
.::School Updates::.
Wow, we had ANOTHER sub today, only it was for PE. My real teacher said a few days before that we're gonna have the same sub for the next 2 days. But she said that she'll be back by Monday, so whatever. We didn't really do much of anything today.
Also, there's barely gonna be anyone at school on Friday because over half of the school is going on this Scandia field trip or somthing. (Scandia's a crappy little amusement park I went to just to get out of school. XD ) But I heard it's gonna rain on Friday, so we don't know if they're gonna go or not. I'm not going, that's for sure. I ripped my permission slip the minute I got it. *laughs* XD lol
.::Pink Shoes and the Ever Infamous Question, "What is Hentai?"::.
Haha! My friend Preston wore my other friend, Gabby's, pink shoes yesterday!! It was so frickin funny!! He started skipping around and talking like a girl. It was so funny, I laughed to no end. XD lol
Then, in 5th period, Adrian asked me why do I like Anime so much. To which, I responded...
Me: I dunno, I just like drawing it and I find it intersting. And it's cool. XD
Adrian: Oh, well, my friend said that he likes anime too, only he said about reading about this one Hentai book, or something.
Me: !
Adrain: I don't know what it means though.
Me: It means being perverted. Like, anime porn.
Me: Yup. It's sad, really. Some of those people waste their talent on... that... stuff...
Adrain: Thanks, now I'll tell him when I see him next time. That's another friend I lost. *laughs*
Me: XD
Sigh, yes, yes, poor Adrian. XD lol
.::Layout Pt.2::.
I'm still trying to find a bg for my new theme, but now I have ANOTHER problem!! Now I can't choose between The Legend of Zelda or Death Note!! I'm so confused!! I just read a Dark LinkxLink doujinshi, so now I'm obsessed!! AGAIN!! *clutches head in frusteration*
Haha, lordsesshomaru's comment made me laugh yesterday. XD Thanks for living up my day. I needed that. *laughs*
"Papercut" by Linkin Park
Why does it feel like night today?
Something in here’s not right today
Why am I so uptight today?
Paranoia’s all I got left
I don’t know what stressed me first
Or how the pressure was fed / but
I know just what it feels like
To have a voice in the back of my head
It’s like a face that I hold inside
A face that awakes when I close my eyes
A face watches every time I lie
A face that laughs every time I fall
(And watches everything)
So I know that when it’s time to sink or swim
That the face inside is hearing me / right beneath my skin
It’s like I’m / paranoid lookin’ over my back
It’s like a / whirlwind inside of my head
It’s like I / can’t stop what I’m hearing within
It’s like the face inside is right beneath my skin
I know I’ve got a face in me
points out all the mistakes to me
You’ve got a face on the inside too and
Your paranoia’s probably worse
I don’t know what set me off first but I know what I can’t stand
Everybody acts like the fact of the matter is
I can’t add up to what you can but
Everybody has a face that they hold inside
A face that awakes when they close their eyes
A face watches every time they lie
A face that laughs every time they fall
(And watches everything)
So you know that when it’s time to sink or swim
That the face inside is watching you too / right inside your skin
It’s like I’m / paranoid lookin’ over my back
It’s like a / whirlwind inside of my head
It’s like I / can’t stop what I’m hearing within
It’s like the face inside is right beneath my skin
It’s like I’m / paranoid lookin’ over my back
It’s like a / whirlwind inside of my head
It’s like I / can’t stop what I’m hearing within
It’s like the face inside is right beneath my skin
the face inside is right beneath my skin
the face inside is right beneath my skin
the face inside is right beneath my skin
The sun goes down
I feel the light betray me
The sun goes down
I feel the light betray me
The sun
It’s like I’m / paranoid lookin’ over my back
It’s like a / whirlwind inside of my head
It’s like I / can’t stop what I’m hearing within
It’s like the face inside is right beneath my skin
I feel the light betray me
The sun
It’s like I’m / paranoid lookin’ over my back
It’s like a / whirlwind inside of my head
It’s like I / can’t stop what I’m hearing within
I feel the light betray me
It’s like I / can’t stop what I’m hearing within
It’s like I / can’t stop what I’m hearing within

See you on the other side.
Comments (16) |
Wednesday, March 8, 2006
Listening: Incubus- Agoraphobia
Feeling: Calm
Watching: Nothing
Drinking: Water
Thinking: ...
Wishing: To conquer the world! *insert evil laughter here*
Hey guys, sorry once again for not updating again. Techincal difficulties, but let's not get into that.
.::Death Note Volume 4 Yaoi Moment::.
OMFG!! Volume 4 is DEFINTAELY the best DN novel yet!! Okay, I don't want to spoil it for anybody, but I will anyway. Sorry, but if you don't want to read this so you won't get the series for you ruined, just scroll down and read the rest of my "interesting" post. XD Okay, L said that he wouldn't want Raito to be Kira. Why...?
L: Because... Raito-kun is my first-ever friend.
Ryuk: WHOA! ( XD lol )
Raito: ... *shocked*
Raito: Yeah... You're a good friend to me too, Ryuzaki...
L: Thanks.
Raito: I miss you at school. I'd like to play tennis with you again.
L: Yes. Same here.
L: Kira and the second Kira... Once we solve this case and rid the world of them, I'd enjoy that. I hope that day comes soon.
I SENSE YAOI!! *smells the air* Oh, yeah, that's some yaoi right there. X3 I even bookmarked that page!! XD The first time I read it, I squeeled to no end. I keep reading it over and over again. XD That part where Ryuk was all, "Whoa!" was hilarious. lol God, that was the best moment EVER.
Bye bye, Loveless. XD Yes, I am changing my theme to Death Note for the 4th time at my time at Otaku. It's going to be kind of hard to me to find a DN bg though because you can't look at all the pictures on Photobucket. They all go blank after a few pages, but it WILL be a good layout!! Hopefully. -_-''
Yet, once again, there was another fight at school today. What's the deal? All the people who have been fighting this past week has gotten the entire school in trouble. Gods, PLEASE don't let us all line up again... ><
Other than that, that's all that happened to me.
"Agoraphobia" by Incubus
Two people touching lips
hands on each other's hips
nothing in else in the world but one another
the 42nd floor
on a distant shore
I wonder how we've strayed so far from this
remember when we were
just flesh and bone, you sir
may have forgotten how good your world can be
so put down your hollow tips
and kiss your lovers lips
and know that fate is what we make of it
Please end this
please end this
before it ends us
ends us, ends
I wanna stay inside
I wanna stay inside for good
I wanna stay inside
for good, for good, for good, for good
for good, for good, for good, for good
I read the news today
and everything they say
just makes me want to stay inside and wait
but the better part of me knows
that waiting in the throws
is on a par with reading with my eyes closed
"what can I do?" you say
it's just another day
in the life of apes with ego trips
put down your hollow tips
snd kiss your lover's lips
snd learn that fate is what we make of it
Please end this
please end this
before it ends us
ends us, ends us
I wanna stay inside
I wanna stay inside for good
I wanna stay inside
for good, for good
I'm gonna stay inside
I'm gonna stay inside for good
I'm gonna stay inside
for good, for good
I wanna stay inside
I wanna stay inside for good
I wanna stay inside
don't want to stay inside for good
don't want to stay inside
for good, for good, for good, for good
for good, for good, for god, for good
for good, for good
L sleeping with a kitty!! X3

See you on the other side.
Comments (23) |
Monday, March 6, 2006
Listening: The White Stripes- Walking With A Ghost
Feeling: Happy/Hyper!! X3
Watching: Nothing
Drinking: Arizona Ice Tea
Thinking: Death Note Loveless Manga MINE!!
Wishing: Loveless Vol.2 would come out immediately!!
Hey, guys, apologies for such a late post. I have a reeeally good reason(s) for it, so listen up!
.::New Manga::.
I just got back from Barnes And Noble and I bought Death Note Vol.4 and Loveless Vol.1!! *screams with insane happy delight* GOD, they're so good!! Especially Loveless! And Death Note- oh, my, such suspense! lol Well, I'm still readin DN, but I did in fact finish Loveless, which I'm very happy. ^^
Dude!! My math teacher should get fired. Seriously. She gave us this worksheet that NOBODY in class knows how to do because she didn't explain it very well, and so I'm thinking about using a homework pass, right? Well, she said that you have to finish at least HALF of it in order to use a HW pass. WHAT THE FUCK?!! Last time I checked, it was a HOMEWORK pass! Not a Half-Work pass! Augh... Screw it, I'm using it anyway but I am NOT doing no work! >:D
"Walking With A Ghost" by The White Stripes
No matter which way you go
No matter which way you stay
You're out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
I was walking with a ghost
I said please please don't insist
I was walking with a ghost
I said please please don't insist
No matter which way you go
No matter which way you stay
You're out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
I was walking with a ghost
I said please please don't insist
I was walking with a ghost
I said please please don't insist
No matter which way you go
No matter which way you stay
You're out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
I was walking with a ghost
I was walking with a ghost
You're out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
You're out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
Out of my mind
I was walking with a ghost
I was walking with a ghost
I was walking with a ghost
I was walking with a ghost
I was walking with a ghost
I was walking with a ghost

See you on the other side.
Comments (10) |
Sunday, March 5, 2006
Listening: T.A.T.U.- Malchik Gay
Feeling: Calm/Satisfied
Watching: I WAS watching Loveless yesterday...
Drinking: Coffee
Thinking: I finished Loveless! -dances-
Wishing: Loveless didn't end so soon...
Hi everybody! How're you doin'? Good, I hope. ^^
.::Loveless is COMPLETE::.
I finished watching Loveless yesterday!! -runs around insanely screaming- IT WAS SO GOOD!! I cried happy tears at the end!! TT__TT *sob* SoubixRitsuka...... TT__________TT *BIG sob* I am serious! It's so good! It's WAY better than Gravitation!! DEAD SERIOUS!! Or, you know what? I can't choose. XD THEIR BOTH GREAT!! X3
.::New Story::.
I made a new story for those who are interested! Just click here.
OMG!! Did anyone see FMA yesterday? I may have seen the whole series already including the movie, but still! I wanna see it again!! I didn't watch Naruto yesterday because it was all just a recap. I mean, do you really want to watch something you've already seen a billion times over? It was more like a filler episode than part of the series. *glares half-annoyed*
.::SasuNaru vs. SasuSaku::.
Since I have nothing else to post, I will leave you with A VOTE!! X3
We all know the ever infamous rivalry between SasuNaru and SasuSaku. Now, it's time for myO to make the conclusion and finish this rivalry! (Well, half of them at least)
The voting is simple: All you do is vote for SasuNaru or SasuSaku. Or, you can just skip all this and go to comment. You can also vote for both if you'd like! ^^ *points gun at people who will vote for SasuSaku but then pulls it away* Hehehe... *scratches head and laughs nervously* Just kidding, just kidding... ^^;
.::Lazy Day::.
Sigh... I'm just gonna do random things or sleep. Yeah... *smiles lazily* What are you gonna do on this boring Sunday? *question mark goes over her head*
"Malchik Gay" by T.A.T.U.
Malchik gay
Malchik gay, malchik gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay, malchik gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Why do you look right through me
I can't deny my feelings
Growing strong
I try to keep believing
dreaming on
And every time I see you
I crave more
I wanna pull you closer
but you leave me feeling frozen
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Back emotion
I try to keep on hoping
for a way;
a reason for us both to
come in
I long for you to hold me
like your boyfriend does
and though my dream is
slowly fading
I wanna be the object
of your passion but it's hopeless
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay, malchik gay, malchik gay
Malchik, malchick
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
I can be
all you need
Won't you please
stay with me
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
Apologies, might-have-been's
Malchik gay
Malchik gay
can't erase what I feel
Malchik gay, gay
Malchik gay
(If you're wondering what "Malchik Gay" means, it means "Gay Boy" in Russian I think.)
Look how cute and innocent Soubi looks!! X3

See you on the other side.
Comments (13) |
Saturday, March 4, 2006
Listening: The Rasmus- Time To Burn
Feeling: Happy/Excited
Watching: I'm gonna watch Loveless on YouTube! X3
Drinking: Coffee w/ extra sugar ^^
Thinking: Looooooooooveleeeeesss
Wishing: I could live through today
Hi everyone! How've ya been? Good I hope.
.::Gender Confusion O_o::.
It's okay vampiremage666. ^^'' I totally forgive you. Why? Because you're my friend and I lurve you. ^^ *glomps you and licks your face like a cat* It's not the first time someone has mistaken me for a boy. I've gone through that since elementary, so I'm used to it. But sometimes, I reeeally wish I was a boy. I'd be gay in a heartbeat. X3 Anyways, you're forgiven. X] *eats cookie*
Like the new theme? I do. XD I had to change the bg at least 3 times just to get it right. O_o What?! All of the Loveless bgs I got were so pretty!! I couldn't choose!! But in the end, I chose this one. ^^ Isn't it cute? Guys, be honest. I know the girls probably have buckets under them to stop the drooling. Or not. XD *laughs* Watch the video!! It has the song from T.A.T.U. that I was listening to yesterday!! It's really good!! X3
.::Loveless Episodes::.
I watched episodes 3-7 last night on YouTube, so now I'm going to try to finish them all off today! Yeah! (I'm sounding like Diedara(Naruto)... XD ) But, yeah, now you know why this is such a short post. There is a total of 12 eps. of Loveless, so I only have 5 more to watch! YEAH!
"Time To Burn" by The Rasmus
Fear of the dark tears me apart
won't leave me alone and time keeps running out
Just one more life, I'm so sick and tired
of singing the blues, I should turn my life around
Tell me why do I feel this way
all my life I`ve been standing on the borderline
too many bridges burned
too many lies I've heard
I had life but I can't go back
I can't do that, it will never be the same again
and I know I don't
have any time burn
they follow me home, disturbing my sleep
but I'll find a place, place where they cannot find me
maybe I'm lost, and maybe I'm scared
but too many times I've closed the doors behind me
Tell me why...
leave it all behind
cross the borderline
face the truth, don't have any time to...
don't have any time to burn
Tell me why...

See you on the other side.
Comments (13) |
Friday, March 3, 2006
Can you see me now...?
Listening: T.A.T.U.- Clowns (Can You See Me Now?)
Feeling: ^_^
Watching: Nothing
Drinking: Arizona Ice Tea
Thinking: Yay!
Wishing: I could see Donovan around more often
Hi everybody! How've ya been? Good I hope.
.::A Forgotten Face::.
Donovan!! I saw Donovan today at lunch!! *squeeks and then screams* I can't believe it! I thought he moved! He looked like he was doing good. He dyed his hair black and it's a tad bit longer. Kieth told me that he's coming back in our class in a few more days. I'm just so happy to see him again!! This is what happened:
Pam: WHERE?! OMG!!
S.M.: HI DONOVAN!! *waves excitedly*
Don: *gives us a wierd and confused look* *waves back*
S.M./Pam: ^___^
Hehehe, yes, we are psycho Yaoi fangirls. ^^ (BTW, if you don't remember who Donovan is, he was my friend who got moved to that continuation class)
.::Rain Hidden In The Clouds::.
Sweetness!! It rained today!! X3 It began out cloudy, but then by 3rd period, it started to rain. I was spinning around in it. XD lol What? I love the rain! Lemme alone. *hmfs* XD
I know it's sudden, but I'm going to change my layout. I'm getting kinda tired looking at the black bg. I think it'll be a Loveless theme. I've gotten pretty addicted to that show. X3 IT ROCKS!! GO SEE IT NOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWW!!
.::New Link::.
I made another homepage. It's at There's a link to it under my DA link. Go to it, but I'm still changing some things around!
"Clowns (Can You See Me Now?) by T.A.T.U.
Can you see me now?
Can you see me now?
All this weeping in the air
Who can tell where it will fall?
Through floating forests in the air
'Cross the rolling open sea
Blow a kiss, I run through air
Leave the past, find nowhere
Floating forests in the air
Clowns all around you
Clowns that only let you know
Where you let your senses go
Clowns all around you
It's a cross I need to bear
All this black and cruel despair
This is an emergency
Don't you hide your eyes from me
Open them and see me now
Can you see me now?
Can you see me now?
Can you see?
Can you see?
See me here in the air
Not holding on to anywhere
But holding on so beware
I have secrets I won't share
See me here pushing you
If I then deny I do
Contemplate or wish away
If I ask you not to stay
Clowns that only let you know
Where you let your senses go
Clowns all around you
It's a cross I need to bear
All this black and cruel despair
This is an emergency
Don't you hide your eyes from me
Open them and see me now

See you on the other side,
Comments (11) |
Thursday, March 2, 2006
Speak to me, move along, move along, just to make it through, move along...
Listening: The All-American Rejects- Move Along
Feeling: O_o
Drinking: Arizona Ice Tea/Water
Watching: Nothing
Thinking: I got no homework *dances*
Wishing: Friday would hurry up!!
Hi everyone! How're you doin'? Good, hopefully.
Yeah, sorry for not updating or anything yesterday. I had a crapload of homework to finish yesterday and had no time to update or post anything. Not to mention that my mom was hogging the computer all day... -__-'' God, I knew I should have gotten locks for my door. But I'll definately get to all of your sites today! Promise. ^^
Well, how often do I see THIS happen in History? In sixth period we had a sub!! O.O Wow, our history teacher NEVER misses a day! Well, this makes it a first. ^.^ The sub was cool and she was nice to us. She doesn't yell like all of the other teachers there. O_o Plus, we barely did anything. All we did were this map thingys and read some magazines (History-related of course. Get those dirty thoughts out of your head you hentais. XD)
.::Watching Saw II At School::.
Haha, John broght his portable DVD player to school and was watching Saw II in Science. XD It was awesome!! Even though the plot sucked but it had a lot of blood, so, yeah. XD All I got to see was the part where that guy got his face stabbed with that mask thingy and cut his eye open to get the key. It was sick! *throws fist in the air* Yet, so cool. X3
"Move Along" by The All-American Rejects
Go ahead as you waste your days with thinking
When you fall everyone stands
Another day and you've had your fill of sinking
With the life held in your
Hands are shaking cold
These hands are meant to hold
Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
Move along
So a day when you've lost yourself completely
Could be a night when your life ends
Such a heart that will lead you to deceiving
All the pain held in your
Hands are shaking cold
Your hands are mine to hold
Speak to me, when all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
Move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
When everything is wrong we move along
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
When everything is wrong, we move along
Along, along, along
When all you got to keep is strong
Move along, move along like I know you do
And even when your hope is gone
Move along, move along just to make it through
(Move along)
(Go on, go on, go on, go on)
Right back what is wrong
We move along
Well, I'm off to eat some Macaroni N' Cheese, so I shall leave you with a very cute pic as an apology for not updating. ^^
Leave me alone, I hate us

See you on the other side.
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, February 28, 2006
Listening: The Summer Obsession- Melt The Sugar
Feeling: Happy
Watching: Nothing in particular... o_O
Drinking: I WAS drinking Sweet Tea... but...
Thinking: He's moving to OC...!!
Wishing: I wasn't so nervous...
Hi everybody!! GOD- why am I so damn happy?! Ah, well, on with the post.
Wow, two of my good friends have made me happy today! O_o When has THAT ever happened? Who cares, on with it. XD Remember Roxanne? Well, SHE FINALLY STOOD UP FOR HERSELF!! FINALLY!! She didn't take that little bitch's shit today. HAHA! I guess she realized that I can't stick around and protect her all the time.
My second friend, DreamDark, is moving to Orange County!! I only live 40-45 minutes away from there!! OMFG!! Not to mention, my dad lives in OC. This is so cool. I get to see one of my friends off the internet... MAYBE. He'll probably find me annoying though since I'm only 13 and he's older... I get that a lot from people who are a tad older than I am... =_=;; Then again, maybe it can be on the brighter side... Only God knows.
Dammit! Remember that saying on the table I posted yetserday that said "Fuck the Bullshit"? Well, somebody cleaned it off. IT WAS SHARPIE!!! RED NO LESS!! HOW THE HELL COULD YOU TAKE SHARPIE OFF?!! Oh, yeah... Nail Polish Remover... DX
.::Piled In Work::.
AUUUUGHHHHHH!! I have so much homework!! Okay, maybe a few papers but still!! I have to finish the following:
~rough draft for Government Issue Essay due 3/7/06
~3x5 Index Card for Algebra test tomorrow
~spelling vocabulary and worksheet
~history worksheet
ARRGH!! Screw it! I'll do it later. Because in my life, it's play first, work later. XD
This poem isn't mine. I've decided to get poems by people.
"Voodoo Girl" by Tim Burton
Her skin is white cloth,
and she's all sewn apart
and she has many colored pins
sticking out of her heart.
She has a beautiful set
of hypno-disk eyes,
the ones that she uses
to hypnotize guys.
She has many different zombies
who are deeply in her trance.
She even has a zombie
who is originally from France.
But she knows she has a curse on her,
a curse she cannot win.
For if someone gets
too close to her,
the pins stick farther in.

See you on the other side.
Comments (9) |
Monday, February 27, 2006
Listening: AFI
Feeling: Tired
Watching: Nothing
Drinking: Sweet Tea
Thinking: School sucks... -.- zzzz...
Wishing: I didn't have to go to school anymore.
Hi everybody! How are you doing? Good, hopefully.
God, the most hated day of our time. MONDAY. *glares and shudders* WHY CAN'T THE LAW MAKE SCHOOL ILLEGAL?!! That would do us all a HUGE favor! Parents wouldn't have to pay for anything for the school, teachers could get a real job, and WE wouldn't have to suffer endless boring hours!! Ah, but it is only a dream to us all... *sighs*
.::Rain and Vandalism::.
Today was so beautiful for a Monday (even though I despise Mondays). It was cloudy, the weather was just right. *Laughs* This is so funny. I was hanging out with my friends at the benches like I always do, and we went to one of the tables. and in big, red letters, on the surface of the table was written "FUCK THE BULLSHIT". XDDDD IT WAS SO FUNNY!! I started laughing my ass off. XD Whoever had done that is a pure genius. lol Then, later in the day, like, at 4th preiod, it started to rain. Yay! I lurve the rain. ^^
.::A Trip Down Memory Lane::.
Aw, man... yesterday, while reading one of lordsesshomaru's post about his childhood, I had a story from the past myself. I know none of you are interested, but I'll waste my time and type it for you all anyway. Why? Because I love you. X3
When I was about... *thinks* 9 years old, I was at my very last visit with my older sister and brother in Santa Cruz with our dad. Now, I slept on the top bunk in my sister's room, while she took the bottom. And EVERY SINGLE NIGHT she would go up to her AFI poster that she had in the corner of her room and kiss the part with Jade on it and say, "Good night Jade. I love you." ^_^ And I'd be all like, O.O and turn over slowly and repeat in my head, "Happy thoughts... Happy thoughts... Happy thoughts..." It was freaky. XD See, that's how in love she was with Jade. She probably still is, but I wouldn't know, because I haven't seen her or my brother going on 3 years now.
No lyrics or poem today. Sowwies. :(

See you on the other side.
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Sunday, February 26, 2006
Listening: AFI
Feeling: Panic-y and Obsessive
Watching: Nothing
Drinking: Coffee
Thinking: Javey Javey Javey Javey Javey Javey Javey Javey Javey Javey
Wishing: Davey and Jade would adopt a kid together and name him Javey XD
Hi everyone! How're you doing? Good and clingy-ly obsessive. ^___^
GOOD LORD!! I AM SO ADDICTED TO AFI!! *screams and bangs head on her radio* I'M LISTENING TO THEM RIGHT NOW!!!!!! AFI ROCKS!!!! Not to mention, you know Davey and Jade from AFI? Yeah, well, I'm currently obsessed with the Javey pairing. It means DaveyxJade Love. ^^ Sorry dudes, maybe you didn't need to know that. XD
I's a lazy day for me. YAY!!! I get to laze around all frickin day without getting yelled at!!! X333 I'm gonna swing daddy-o!! lol I'm gonna visit some sites, eat marshmellows, listen to AFI, and draw some stuff. Gonna do anything special or what?
We're gonna go to Fontana yet AGAIN to pick my little brother AGAIN. I only go because of the car ride, nothing more.
Okay, maybe for some food too... and coffee... and tea... <.< >.>
"This Celluloid Dream" by AFI
Calling tears from deep inside, oh, you're so exquisite
And in the mirror, all midnight eyes
Oh, if I could remain, but it's just a visit
All midnight eyes read "vacancy"
Twisted, twisting
To the lovely dancing lights, I begged, "May I cut in?"
But they never stopped playing "their song"
Of a joyous song they sing, I've heard whispers
On a freezing note, I resonate
Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end
Just like a memory, it twists me
Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end
Twist... twisting me
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
Onto the melting boy, and melt away
You light as gently, you're so cinematic
Bathed in your radiance, I melt
In the glitter, in the dark, sunk into velvet
Praying this will never end
In the shadow of a star, in static pallor
I realized I never began
Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end
Just like a memory, it twists me
Just like romantic verses, just like a joyous end
Twist... twisting me
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
Onto the melting boy, and melt away
You light as gently, you're so cinematic
Bathed in your radiance, I melt
All the colours upon leaving, all will turn to grey
All the colours upon leaving, all will turn to grey
(All grey) All the colours (All grey) upon leaving
(All grey) all will turn to grey
(All grey) All the colours (All grey) upon leaving
(All grey) all will turn to grey... grey...
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
Onto the melting boy, and melt away
You light as gently, you're so cinematic
Bathed in your radiance
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
You land as lightly as the new snow, and melt away
You land as lightly as the new snow, cinematic
Bathed in your radiance, I melt

See you on the other side.
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