myOtaku.com: NarutoBlackmail
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
Listening: Bad Religion- Struck A Nerve
Feeling: Calm
Watching: Nothing
Drinking: Water
Thinking: (blank)
Wishing: I didn't drink that Monster Energy Drink
Hi everybody. How're you doing? Hopefully very well.
.::Monster Energy Drink::.
Ugh... It feels like someone blew a hole through my gut... I knew I shouldn't have drunk that Monster Drink yesterday... You know those Monster Energy Drinks they sell in Liquor Stores or Gas Stations? Yeah, I bought one of them, drank it, and now I feel all... BLEH! Not good. My stomach hurts. I guess I put too much sugar and sodium into my body... All I'm drinking now is water. No coffee, no ice teas, just water. ...Damn... A lesson has been learned... --;;
I've been reading in a lot of posts that MyO has been messing up lately. I can't blame you. It's been doing the same thing for me. I don't why, but I'm thinking about leaving MyO. Don't go nuts on me, it's just a thought.
This is bullshit!! I visited EVERYONE who updated yesterday, and only 3 came to visit me! Thank you to those three, but the rest of this news is a load of crap!! UGGGH!! How come I'm nice to people, but I get ignored and bitched at in return? -__-
Instead of a Question, from now on, you will either recieve poems by ME, or lyrice from a song. This is a poem I wrote. ^__^
"Life Within Age"
When you are a child
you're mommy and daddy take care of you
Tell you that they love you
and help you up when you fall
When you are a teenager
you're mommy and daddy are in seperate places
That means you can still see them
but you hardly ever see the other
When you are a young adult
you're mommy and daddy hardly talk to you
You live by yourself now
in a different house
When you are an adult
you have a job and meet that special someone
you get married
and have a child of your own
What happened to mommy and daddy?
See you on the other side.
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