myOtaku.com: NarutoBlackmail
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
Listening: Panic! At The Disco- The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage
Feeling: Calm
Watching: Nothing
Drinking: This popsicle-like thingys O_o
Thinking: I want muffins...
Wishing: I could live through my life as long as I can everyday
Hey guys! How's it going? Good, hopefully.
.::Chapter Update::.
OH MY FRICKIN GOD I updated on my story!! *runs for the hills* I haven't written anything in over a month, and now, yesterday, I FINALLY updated. Teh shweetness. XD You know where to go. I shouldn't be able to tell you this.
Oh, no... more friend troubles for NB. Damn. -_-'' Pam is all pissed off at John and Matt because they weren't here yesterday so now she won't talk to them. Sigh, here we go again. Hopefully things will go better tomorrow.
Tomorrow's half a day for me because of Parent-Teacher Confrences. Hehe, I didn't tell my mom so she doesn't know. ^_~ MWAHAHAHAHAHA I'll just tell her that the teacher's had a meeting or something. Hopefully she'll go for it. O_o
.::DVD Player Working FINALLY::.
IT'S ALIVE!!!!!! *gets on knees and shouts at the sky liek a crazed, mad scientist* My DVD player finally works!!!! T_T *cries happy tears* I'm so frickin happy!!! XD Now I can watch all the DVDs I've wanted to see in MY room!! X3 I just hate it when I have to watch things like Loveless and anything else anime related in the living room because my mom would FLIP if she found out what I do. O_o!! But now it's in MY room where it BELONGS so I'm free!! XD *throws confetti*
"The Only Difference Between Martyrdom And Suicide Is Press Coverage" by Panic! At The Disco
Sit tight, I'm gonna need you to keep time
Come on just snap, snap, snap your fingers for me
Good, good now we're making some progress
Come on just tap, tap, tap your toes to the beat
And I believe this may call for a proper introduction, and well
Don't you see, I'm the narrator, and this is just the prologue?
Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention
I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives
Swear to shake it up, and you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention
I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives
Applause, applause, no wait wait
Dear studio audience, I've an announcement to make:
It seems the artists these days are not who you think
So we'll pick back up on that on another page
And I believe this may call for a proper introduction, and well
Don't you see, I'm the narrator and this is just the prologue
Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention
I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives
Swear to shake it up, and you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention
I aim to be, your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives
Swear to shake it up, you swear to listen
Swear to shake it up, you swear to listen
Swear to shake it up, you swear to listen
Swear to shake it up, swear to shake it up
Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention
I aim to be your eyes, trophy boys, trophy wives
Swear to shake it up, if you swear to listen
Oh, we're still so young, desperate for attention
I aim to be your eyes
Awww... Free Hugs! XD

See you on the other side.
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