myOtaku.com: NarutoBlackmail
Thursday, April 20, 2006
Time: 7:38 AM
Listening: Cruel Angel Thesis
Feeling: Cheerful
Watching: Nothing
Drinking: Coffee
Thinking: Hehehehe... ^^''
Hey guys! How's it going? Good I hope.
Er, yeah... I changed it. ^^'' I think I drove too many people away from it. But this one's good too! It's still an all-yaoi theme, so have no fear! (Or do fear... whatever)
~Second Period~
Second period was so frickin funny!! Normally, I hate 2nd period, but this is just way too funny. Roger and CJ (two guys) got sent to OCI and/or to see the vice principal two days straight! XD That's not funny, but what they DID was funny. They kept back talking our teacher (We all hate her. She's a bitch.) Plus, tey were making funny noises and we all know I like funny noises. X3 ~points up to LIKES list~ For once, they're making second period fun. ^^
I haven't seen Donovan around. I wonder if he still remembers me and the rest of us... (read yesterday's post)
Man, I've been signign a bunch of papers to go to La Sierra High School for next year, and surprisingly, all of my grades from 6-8 grade, are GOOD!! O_o OMFG!! RUN!! ~runs around~ They're all A, B, C's, so they might accept me. The bad thing is, our teachers are talking about how much work it will take us to get to the next grade. They're making us frickin nervous!! God, I know they're trying to help us, but still!! Everyone I know has weak knees just hearing about it all... -_-
Other than that, nothing much else going on.
Lyrics for this song have already been posted.
It's an icon!

So long, and good night...
~The Mad Blackmailer~
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