Birthday 1990-01-10 Gender
Male Location half to time i don't know where i am myself Member Since 2005-07-20 Occupation im a stident... and a pretzel boy (i work at auntie anne's XD) Real Name Corey
Achievements nothing... realy Anime Fan Since dragonball z Favorite Anime Bleach, Naruto (original japanese version), FMA, FLCL, love hina ummm.... Goals to convince all anime haters that they are idiots for not likeing anime! Hobbies reading manga, watching and drawing anime, and video games Talents drawing narutobleachfan89
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Merry bellated christmas everybody. in case u haven't noticed, i haven't been on in a long time so i have a bit to say.
Things have been going pretty good for christmas i got a PSP and a ghost in the shell game to go with it! i also got a scanner so i can FINALLY post my pics. sadly, i can only find one of them at this time XD. check it out and tell me what you think.
ttyl. Corey-san
P.S. what did u guys get for christmas (if you celebrate christmas) and thanx to all that send me cards :D
i haven't really been on a lot lately and that prolly wont change too much in the future, i've just had other stuff to do...
well... anyway... 23 days till christmas and for that here is an awsome move my sis found. its soooo cool XD it really doesn't have nething to do with anime... just christams. enjoy
i know i said i was going to post a amv but i couldn't find a good one. and know, on to the tweeking part of the blog XD.
i agve the founder of the anime club, kristin, three of my pics to put on the club sote so i could also get them on THIS site. i gave then to her over a month ago. wel... not only has she NOT put them on the site yet.... she hasn't even given them back to me!? she a cool person and all but she REALLY starting to irritate me with this!
know, for seconds... i have nothing against homosexuals, in fact most of them are really cool but this one girl is really tearing me apart T_T. i met her in anime club and i really like her and everything but i found out shes lesbian! and she has a girlfriend! T_T. why do all the good girls have to be taken!? even by other girls!? i think the world is just laughing in my face saying "HA! even girls have better luck (romantically wise) with girls than you do!" T_T i know that i've posted this pic b4 but i just like it SO much lmao XD
anime club yesterday was... interesting... lry mr fill u in... first, we couldn't use the normal room b/c there was a review in the room that day so we had to use the art center. well, there wasn't a dvd player in the art center so me and my friend joe decided we would go "steal" the dvd player from the regular room. but we both wanted sodas from the machine down by the art center so we ran down to the art center to get soda then back to c3 (regular room) again to get thye dvd player. and then we had to run back.
so... we finally get it to the art center and hook it up (whitch was a whole other fiasco) and we slowly relized that nobody had planned on watch ne dvds bc we had to go to the art center. so we were all sitting there like... wut do we do no and some kid from the art club comes over and says "i have the entire collection of fruits basket with me" 0_0 who carrys that with them?
yea... interesting dasy. no pic sry and amanda is reading over my shoulder which is really anoying. i'm posting again later today with an amv. ttyl
hey evrybody. i haven't been on in a wile. i've had other things to do. lets see.... my weekend was pretty good. work was too. the pain in the ass, keith wasn't there all weekend so it was pretty good.
Lets see.... i baught deathnote vol. 2 samurai champloo vol. 1 (manga) newtype magazine, pocky, and a katana (as a christmas present for my mom).
On saturday, i was really tired and all i was able to stay up to watch was the first half of inuyasha T_T. i watched a lot of bleach tho. tyyl
good morning everybody. i wish i could stay and talk longer but i have to gewt ready for work T_T. but its worth the money XD. i'll be back when i get home tho. ttyl
i'm posting in school again bc i have to work when i get home T_T. i hate working on fridays. my sis is going home sick. i wish i was sick. that way i could go home and catch up on some anime and maybe draw. but no, i hoave to go to work. i'm going to see if i can buy some anime while at the mall tho. i hope everybody has a good friday. ttyl