Birthday 1990-01-10 Gender
Male Location half to time i don't know where i am myself Member Since 2005-07-20 Occupation im a stident... and a pretzel boy (i work at auntie anne's XD) Real Name Corey
Achievements nothing... realy Anime Fan Since dragonball z Favorite Anime Bleach, Naruto (original japanese version), FMA, FLCL, love hina ummm.... Goals to convince all anime haters that they are idiots for not likeing anime! Hobbies reading manga, watching and drawing anime, and video games Talents drawing narutobleachfan89
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
this always see,s to happen to me... everytime i like a girl she either already likes some other dude or already has a boyfriend or even more ironiclty likes another girls or has a girlfriend! 0_<. example... i met theis girl in anime club who is also in my chem class and i actually really like. in anime club she was sitting with this girl and i thought, o they're just friends. but everyday after chem, she waits outside the class for her, i've seen them walking through the courtyard holding hands, and everyday when i come into shool, i see them out the door to the courtyard all over eachother! T_T.
on a better note. i jus found out that i have an A in chem for the marking period! yay! i got C's all last year in bio XD. so this is very good news to me.
I planned on watching this later but i thought u guys might want to watch it too so enjoy XD.
i've decoided that anime is the best way to meet new people. i've almost all of my new friends in my new school are becasue we all like anime. like just today, i met sombody new. i was walking to jym class and some kid says "cool patch" (the one that is on my backpack, naruto patch). i turn around and i say "u like naruto?" he says "please tell me u didn't start to like it when it came to cartoon network" and i said "HELL NO!" we both had a lil laugh and ended up talking about bleach. i just think its funny how i've met so many people bc they like anime XD.
I have another funny stroy concerning two other people. while i was at work, i went down to the cart to give a this guy, nate (older than me, about 20's i guess) his break and i saw that he had a newtype magazine. so i'm like "U LIKE ANIME 0_0" and he says yea so we have a lil discusion about anime and he let me borrow his magazine XD. it turns out that the student teacher in my comp class likes anime too! that was that last person i'd expect. XD
and fanilly, some more good news, bleach epiosde 56 came out today. it was very good. you should go watch it... NOW! lol. ttyl
I just got some great news! i just heard from my grandmom (who was talking to my boss) that i'm getting a raise! that means even MORE money *does a lil dance* ^_^'.
today was pretty boring. i drew another pic, i had a algebra test, watched a movie in english and tomorrow i have a big mariking period test in chem. i should go study, but i prolly won't.
i still have episodes of bvleach that i downloaded last week that i haven't watched yet. i'll prolly go take a shower and then watch them. i hope everybody else had a good day. o yea, i'm goping to make visits b4 my shower so i'll talk to you guys soon.
Hey ppl. i have good news then bad news and then more good news. first, i got to go trick or treating bc i had to go to my cuz's house after school. the reason i had to go to my cuz's house has do with the bad news. my mom had step dad had a lil verbal confrontation because my mom told him that she wanted him out of the house (nowbody is hurt, it was only verbal). but this, brings me to more good newws, if my mom wants something done, its going to get done, so this means that they're are going to get divorsed soon :D. i hate my step dad.
Thats enought of my problems XD, how was evertbody's halloween, get a lot of candy? i know i did but nobody gave out pocky XP. my costume was a last minute thing bc i didn't plan on going out. i jus wore all black and used some lkeft over halloween make-up. it looked pretty good for a lst minite thing. wut did u guys go as?
did nebody go as sora XD
Happy halloween otakus! sadly, i won't be going out this year T_T. its the first time in my life that i haven't gone out for halloween. mostly bc i don't have a constume. if i had mad an ichigo costume, man, no candy would be safe. But i don't i have a costume.
So instead, i'm handing out candy to the little kids and my mom is going to take me out to dinner some night this week. nobody in my neightbothood is realy into the halloween spitit this year neway. no a lot of people have decorations up.
Hey ppl. i had a pretty good weekend. worl today was pretty good bc keith wasn't there XD. i hate working with keith, he's so anal obsessive about every little thing. the only thin bad happened because i was being stupid ^_^'. i thought the oven had cooled down but it didn't i relized that AFTER i leaned on it XD. yea... so now i have a burn on my arm.
i finished another pic but i still can't post them for one reason or another T_T. i also got the new issue of shonen jump and new head phones. i broke two old pairs in a row XD <---
today was... interesting.... we had half a day bc we had an evacuation drill. we were suposed to all go to the stadium, wait there for a wile, then leave as our bus was called. but, everybody got up and left at the same time and the buses were coming in three at a time. so the buses got backed up, the drive way got clogged up and i ened up walking half they way around the school b4 i found my bus.
when i got home, i ate some pizaa, watched some tv and then fell asleep bc i didn't feel good. when i woke up i decided to steal my friends dvd of dnagel that my sis had. so i watched dnangel for the first time. i wasn't too bad. then i went to sleep again till me mom got home and we had dinner.
tomorrow i have work and then i'm sleeping over my cuz's house. this is becomeing like a ritually for every other saturday. i go over his hous and sleep over and we stay up all saturday night watching anime ^_^'. alright people. peace out.
Hey. sup? i haven't been on in ... three days? i think. well newy... tues was anime club. we really didn't really watch ne anime, instead we talked about cospolay and watched some mascarades.
BLEACH EPISODE 55 CAME OUT YESTERDAY! i saw it wile i was in school and i got all excited and my friend was giving me weird looks. lol XD. but yea, i soon as i got home, i had to go to the doctors so i had to download it when i got hime but it was worth the wait. it was really good. XD
not much else to say, i have to go do homework now and then.... i don't no wut i'm goin to do then XD o well, ttyl