Birthday 1990-01-10 Gender
Male Location half to time i don't know where i am myself Member Since 2005-07-20 Occupation im a stident... and a pretzel boy (i work at auntie anne's XD) Real Name Corey
Achievements nothing... realy Anime Fan Since dragonball z Favorite Anime Bleach, Naruto (original japanese version), FMA, FLCL, love hina ummm.... Goals to convince all anime haters that they are idiots for not likeing anime! Hobbies reading manga, watching and drawing anime, and video games Talents drawing narutobleachfan89
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
incase u haven't noticed, i've changed my theme. i bet u can't guess what it is XD. i know i said i was going to stop by ur sites but i decided to do this instead. i don't think that i'll be on at all tomoorow. i have anime club after school, then i'm going over my cuz's bc he needsa tutor in math. talk to guys soon (i hope)
sry i didn't post or leave ne comments this weekend. i've been really busy. i've either been at work, doing homewrok, studying, or watching bleach.
I'm at school again and we're about to start presentations so i don't have much time. when i get home i'll prolly watch some more bleach but i'll try to stop by ur sites.
guess wut i ssaw a thot topic yesterday..... NARUTO FOREHEAD PROTECTERS! they're twenty dollars. i'm deffenitly going to get one i just don't know when. ttyl
i finally downloaded bleach last night *does my crazy dance* XD. i dowloaded the latest three episodes (53-54) he, u guys wunna see episode 54? here...
Enjoy. ttyl
Today was pretty good (except the prep rally). it was funny at the prep rally tho, we were trrying to get all the naime club members together ath the top of the bleachers. we were reading manga and listening to music at the top of the bleachers. and somehow, i was voted to be the one to run down the bleachers and get everybody as we saw them come in XD
work was pretty good. i planned on getting a hoody after work but i didn't have enought money with but i got some other stuff. i got a naruto wristband and patch, two gir pins (one for me and opne for my sister) and pocky.
i fanilly got around to downloading divx XD. i'm going to go test it out. ttyl
Hey. today was pretty good. i added the theme of naruto (season 5) to my slide show in powepoint class, and of course, its in japanese. So i playe it through a couple time to make make sure it worked and ppl in my class were giving me all sorts of looks. its like thy've never heard japanese b4.
i thank everybody for helping me with my site but i have another question. is there a way to put a song (that i have saved to my comp) onto my site? if there is could u let me know.
today, i finally have some time to make visits to everybodies site. so. i'll try to make stops to everybody's site that have posted today or yesterday. ttyl
today was a pretty good day. and thats mostly bc i go A's on my math test (100%!), S.S. test (97%), and french project!(90%)
I also got a hair cut and new backpack (my old one was ripping at all the seems). i was looking for patches and a hoody at hot topic but i didn't find anything. i didn't go to the mall that i normaly go to and i like the hot topic at my normal mall beter neway. >_>
sry if i haven't been to nebody's site lately, i've only had time to make a post. but i promise, this weekend, after work, i'll stop by everybody's site. i'll prolly be able to check up on a few sites between now and then neway. ttyl <------this is an awsome manga, chec it out sometime
today was the same old thing. not great, but not bad. i had a test, a quiz and i got my chem test back (i got a 93). i got home, did my h/w, and went to dinner w/ my family. and now i plan on drawing a lil, watching an episode or two of naruto, then going to sleep. see you guys tomorrow
I'm in school again but i'm still working on my proj bc i have to do research for a bio of my choice and i chose naruto so HA! lol. not much to say, just thought i'd stop by and say Hi. ttyl
I wish I had a cupcake
thanx to PsychoChaosNinja i've learned the codes needed to do boxes. *does a lil dance* XD. now my site looks more professional so i don't feel like a know-nothing looser when i look at site who have the boxes around theit posts and everything.
Today at work was another day from hell. lets just say that the best part about my day was spilling hot melted butter all over my pants and hands. i do'nt feel like boring you with my bitching so i'll leave it at that.
Still no pic on that club site. i'm starting to get agrivated. i hope she didn't lose them or nething. tomorrow is back to school but after today, i'm looking forward to it XD. Goodnight otakus. ttyl
Hey. good morning everybody. today i have work again T_T. i really don't have much to say today. um, if ur reading this, please read my second post from yesterday and see if u can help me out. thanx. ttyl