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myOtaku.com: narutobleachfan89

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Thanx PsychoChaosNinja!
thanx to PsychoChaosNinja i've learned the codes needed to do boxes. *does a lil dance* XD. now my site looks more professional so i don't feel like a know-nothing looser when i look at site who have the boxes around theit posts and everything.

Today at work was another day from hell. lets just say that the best part about my day was spilling hot melted butter all over my pants and hands. i do'nt feel like boring you with my bitching so i'll leave it at that.

Still no pic on that club site. i'm starting to get agrivated. i hope she didn't lose them or nething. tomorrow is back to school but after today, i'm looking forward to it XD. Goodnight otakus. ttyl


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