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myOtaku.com: narutobleachfan89

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

today was a pretty good day. and thats mostly bc i go A's on my math test (100%!), S.S. test (97%), and french project!(90%)

I also got a hair cut and new backpack (my old one was ripping at all the seems). i was looking for patches and a hoody at hot topic but i didn't find anything. i didn't go to the mall that i normaly go to and i like the hot topic at my normal mall beter neway. >_>

sry if i haven't been to nebody's site lately, i've only had time to make a post. but i promise, this weekend, after work, i'll stop by everybody's site. i'll prolly be able to check up on a few sites between now and then neway. ttyl
<------this is an awsome manga, chec it out sometime

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