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myOtaku.com: narutobleachfan89

Friday, October 28, 2005

today was... interesting.... we had half a day bc we had an evacuation drill. we were suposed to all go to the stadium, wait there for a wile, then leave as our bus was called. but, everybody got up and left at the same time and the buses were coming in three at a time. so the buses got backed up, the drive way got clogged up and i ened up walking half they way around the school b4 i found my bus.

when i got home, i ate some pizaa, watched some tv and then fell asleep bc i didn't feel good. when i woke up i decided to steal my friends dvd of dnagel that my sis had. so i watched dnangel for the first time. i wasn't too bad. then i went to sleep again till me mom got home and we had dinner.

tomorrow i have work and then i'm sleeping over my cuz's house. this is becomeing like a ritually for every other saturday. i go over his hous and sleep over and we stay up all saturday night watching anime ^_^'. alright people. peace out.

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