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myOtaku.com: narutobleachfan89

Monday, October 31, 2005

   good news and bad news, but mostly good news
Hey ppl. i have good news then bad news and then more good news. first, i got to go trick or treating bc i had to go to my cuz's house after school. the reason i had to go to my cuz's house has do with the bad news. my mom had step dad had a lil verbal confrontation because my mom told him that she wanted him out of the house (nowbody is hurt, it was only verbal). but this, brings me to more good newws, if my mom wants something done, its going to get done, so this means that they're are going to get divorsed soon :D. i hate my step dad.

Thats enought of my problems XD, how was evertbody's halloween, get a lot of candy? i know i did but nobody gave out pocky XP. my costume was a last minute thing bc i didn't plan on going out. i jus wore all black and used some lkeft over halloween make-up. it looked pretty good for a lst minite thing. wut did u guys go as?
did nebody go as sora XD


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