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myOtaku.com: narutobleachfan89

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

   best way to meet new ppl
i've decoided that anime is the best way to meet new people. i've almost all of my new friends in my new school are becasue we all like anime. like just today, i met sombody new. i was walking to jym class and some kid says "cool patch" (the one that is on my backpack, naruto patch). i turn around and i say "u like naruto?" he says "please tell me u didn't start to like it when it came to cartoon network" and i said "HELL NO!" we both had a lil laugh and ended up talking about bleach. i just think its funny how i've met so many people bc they like anime XD.

I have another funny stroy concerning two other people. while i was at work, i went down to the cart to give a this guy, nate (older than me, about 20's i guess) his break and i saw that he had a newtype magazine. so i'm like "U LIKE ANIME 0_0" and he says yea so we have a lil discusion about anime and he let me borrow his magazine XD. it turns out that the student teacher in my comp class likes anime too! that was that last person i'd expect. XD

and fanilly, some more good news, bleach epiosde 56 came out today. it was very good. you should go watch it... NOW! lol.

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