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myOtaku.com: NarutoHinataLOVER

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

Only one guestbook signature per user. You must be registered with myOtaku.com to sign my guestbook.

Guestbook Entries:

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StrawberryKisses (04/27/08)

hellooo. =D
i once signed your guestbook by the name of Shattered Peices.
but that site broke.
so i am resigning with this name.
another pointless guestbook entry to add to your collection. [=

Nyane (01/30/08)

omg you like Vampire Knight! 8D your pretty cool~

Shattered Peices (01/21/08)

I�ve found myself skipping around guestbooks,
And here I am.
At yours.
Be Proud.
Lovely site you have, I might add.
I luv the theme =]
Well, here it comes. Wat else would you expect?
Ehem. Feel free to pm me if you wish.
I only ask of you to not ask me:
Want to be friends?
What should we talk about?
Or continuously send me a pm
When I am busy or am not there.
It�s just common sense, and annoying.
Thankss. =]

Ninetailedfox221 (01/15/08)

Sweet site come by mine and sign my Gbook pleas. I want to reach a goal of 200. And if you sign I will be one step closer to my goal. I need all the help i can get.


koinuhinata (09/24/07)

awsome site

Raiku4843 (07/07/07)

Yo! Sorry I didn't sign sooner!


nejicagedbird (06/20/07)

~Aloha!~ Hoow r u? I'm look'in forward to ur art!^-^ XD
I've been very busy person latly so i've been on and off. but i'm working on new stuff! Talk to u later!!!

SephirothBeth666 (05/18/07)

HEY! I love your site (Vampire Kinght rules!) Love your fan art! *sigh* I wish I could draw better.

animeluvr7 (04/10/07)

hey gurl wah up im standing right next to u rit now and i wnt to be ur friend...lol...jp

Addsapaz (04/04/07)

Hiiieeee!!! Thanx for signing my guest book!! I likie your fan art!! Very kewl!! :D Your site's kewl, too!! Welp, once again, thank ya for signing my guest book! I'll be adding ya as a buddy!!!

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