WitchHunterfan (09/11/05)
HI ^_^
I love your back ground ^_^
And it's nice to met you ^_^
Nice site you have here ^_^
Please come by my site time you want, and I'll add you as a friend if thats ok with you, and you may PM me time you want ^_^
Well I'll see you later ^_^
EdwardElricThe2nd (09/11/05)
Konichiwa! Como estas? n_n lol nice site u gotz here. Niceiez. I shall addu 2 me almighty list of forever gaining friendz! w00t! n_n lol U R NOW MY FRIEND!!!!!! YAY! n_n lol Culaterz! n_n I'm out like the fat kid in dodgeball.
Idiots do cool things.
That's why it's cool.
Da cheerio king knowz da bestiest. do watz rite & don't do drugz. Thanx! n_n 攻击
-ur friend 3dw4®d3lric7he2nd♣♠
msyugioh123 (09/10/05)
Hello you have a nice site i like the cloro! also like the Naruto Sakura background
BlAiZeD (09/08/05)
sucks about ur other site. sorry it took me so long to get here. im at college and my laptop doesnt have a good connection. so im in the pc lab.so i cant exactly gurantee that ill be on the computer much..well i like the new site well cya.
SunderedYingYang (08/31/05)
Konichiwa, I like your site. See ya around!
Mischief Managed.
Ren kun (08/30/05)
Kya~I love your naruto layout!
OMG and your dacing Kisame--cracks me up! XD
awesome site--i love the animations!
Very nice, mind if I add you to my friends list?
saramin (08/28/05)
hey there Kita!!! how're you doing? Gaara is so cool.... anyway,im adding you as a friend. nice site!!!
closet pervert (08/28/05)
Hey, soooo sorry it took me forever to come visit you after you signed my GB. HOLY FUXORS I LOVE your avi. Your site! And it's not even luv, it's LOVE. Just so you know. XD Ok, later babe, and thanks for coming. I'm adding you to my friends list so I hope to see you around!
FadedSakura (08/23/05)
Oh my gosh.I love your site!When I saw the Kisame chibi thing dancing I swear I fell out my chair and your avater rocks!!I also love your background of Gaara-kun its smexy XD.I hope you don't mind me adding you as a friend.I also want to know if I can join your Gaara fanclub I
SIYDASONG (08/22/05)
hello... i love your site NARUTO!!! i added you a while ago but haven't gotten the chance to introduce my self im siy i hope you add me too,..if you find the chance to come and visite me on my site sometimes...and i hope we become friends... well hope to talk to you soon bye..