You are most like Beast Boy. Funny and a bit
dim-witted at times, your practical jokes are
not all that funny at times since you get
boring with them after a while. You are
sometimes lazy and love to just hang around but
who doesn't? You really hate it when a
practical joke goes haywire or it winds up
making the person extremely mad at you. Your
jokes are funny at times but you don't know
when to quit. You are friendly at times but you
need to tone it down a bit. You can be loud and
funny when it suits you and a playboy or just
plain jealous. You think very highly of
yourself and are full of pride but this can
lead to your undoing. You are usually
nice....although it can be hidden from others.
People might make fun of you but it's all just
for fun...even though you may not feel like it.
Don't get too ahead of yourself, pride alone
doesn't accomplish a thing!
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