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Monday, November 21, 2005
things are ok...
Hallo everyone. Hope you are all doing well. Im good. An insanely busy weekend. We have this crazy car shuffle happening…sometimes in the mornings I end up driving three different cars! Anyway, we bought a playpen for the baby yesterday…its insane. We cant wait for her to get here…well, I hope it’s a she. The doc couldn’t tell us specifically…she was wriggling around too much. Thanksgiving is coming up this Thursday, and already there are ten thousand different places that I want to visit, but I have to admit, my body cant handle the crazy running arounds that it used to before I got pregnant…but im adjusting lol. Im trying to go visit a friend of mine with alexavier on Wednesday, but I want to convince him to bring along another girl so im not stuck with a bunch of boys…not that you are not all great Alex, but, a girl needs someone to talk to lol…anyway, hope you are all doing good…take care
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Thursday, November 17, 2005
this worm is the weirdest thing ever. i learned about it in marine science today. It is a hermaphrodite, but reproduces by exchanging sperm with a different worm. So they fertilize each others eggs! Aint that crazy? I don’t know why, but I really felt like sharing this info with you guys…I feel like such a geek….

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Tuesday, November 15, 2005
mcas torture continues....
day two of mcas math and god was it horrible. they are making me take a grade 10 test, but this is stuff that i havent seen in years...i think thats just as bad as not knowing it, i dont remember lol! anyway, now im back in science, trying to finish up some work, just wanted to come in and say hey to ya'll...take care and if you need to talk, any of you, im here...
lets learn marine science together!
i hope you guys can see it...its a coral polyp...i think its pretty, especially when they grow in colonies...
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Monday, November 14, 2005
death is inevitable...
no matter how hard we try, eventually we will all cross over. recently, a friend of mine lost his grandmother. i didn't know what to say to him. i wanted to console him, but i didn't know what to say. partially because i had never been in that situation before, no one in my family has passed away that was close to me, and partially because, what do you say to someone who loses someone they love? are there even words? i mean if he was here, id hug him and try my best to console him, but its a bit more difficult when they cant see that you want to be there...so to my friend all i can say is, be strong my friend, and i am always here...
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
hey sweetz long time no see. its cool about not coming by, i havent been around for a while...
and we think its a girl, although at the ultrasound all she showed was her booty lol...if i had a scanner id show ya, but ill tell ya that it is the most amazing experience in my life so far, to see that little person growing inside of you...i wouldn't trade it in for anything in the world. but enough about me, whats up with you guys? pull me back in the loop, its been too long...
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Tuesday, November 8, 2005
everytime i try to graduate, they catch me on a technicality...apparently, in mass, they have a test called MCAS, if you don't pass MCAS, you don't get a diploma! you get a certificate of completion...this is too much! i start testing next week....wish me luck!
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Monday, October 31, 2005
im back
hey guys, im back to my O! i missed you guys, there are, however, a few things that have changed since then. for one, i live in new bedford massachusetts now...for two, im having a baby. so far, we think its a girl, this whole crazy mixup during the ultrasound. its a funny story ill tell yall later. and i dont even know where to begin to update yall. how is everyone? hit me up, let me know,
good to be back...
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
well, it has finally hit me! i am moving to a different state in three days, and i havent even started packing yet! i have no idea how i let it pass me by for so long. i am such a procrastinator! and whats worse, i flipped out on my boyfriend this morning for no reason. im just so stressed and i was in a bad mood and he said the wrong thing at the wrong time...its so horrible. i feel so bad because i just dropped him off at work and just continued on my way....uggghhh!! how did things get so stressful from one day to the other?
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Saturday, June 25, 2005
the countdown continues....
i still have five days left before i move...man! five days only. then im going on to mass...i have to admit im kind of excited. off to start a new life and everything... yesterday i went bowling with alexavier. it was me, my boyfriend, alexavier, his boyfriend and his two friends. one of them was pretty cool. the other one kind of was just there, you know, like it didnt really matter whether or not she was there cuz she had like no input on anything...but we had a great time. the only difficult thing was getting up this morning! lol. but i havent been bowling in a very long time, and it was alexaVIER'S first time at all, so i was shocked and proud when my best pal got the highest score like three games in a row!! GO ANT!!!
i wanted to share some pics with you guys too...this is where i live now...
" "
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Wednesday, June 22, 2005
well, im on my way to massachusetts..not now, but you know within the next couple of weeks...im going to be living wit my mama, so i can go to school...wonder what it will be like to be back home again....anyway, i took my GED pretest on monday and can i just say...EASY. boy is that thing over rated. i have my first official GED test on July 12...im a little nervous. its the social studies test. they make you do them one section at a time...can you guys believe that? anyway, im thinking about changing my intro, maybe so that i sound older than 16, which was how old i was when i wrote it...wow...that was almost two years ago...hm...time sure does fly....
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