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• Nataku1
Yahoo! Messenger
• max200214901@yahoo
• 1987-09-26
• Providence, RI
Member Since
• 2004-05-25
• investigator/student
Real Name
• hmm...i dunno. whatever i answer to...right ANT?
• im alive...aint crazy...
Anime Fan Since
• its been a while, it was just a secret
Favorite Anime
• eh...anything that is funny i guess
• workin on that college degree now
• i love reading, listening to music, watching funny movies, and hangin out with my pals
• apparently, i can attract more bad luck than anyone in the universe...
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, June 1, 2004
feelin better
hey guys, new month new attitude!! schools almost over, bout three weeks left. im so excited. one more year and im done. anyway, i have SATs next saturday, but im not stressin it. i took em last month and almost died from the nerves, but not this time. thanx alot for your support with my boyfriend. i talked to him and he just told me that he's coming back between 4 and 6 months, which is almost 6 months sooner than i had anticipated. so im happy. everything is coming together. so thats my news of the day. oh, and dont worry about typos sw33t. its cool lol
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Thursday, May 27, 2004
graduation and stuff
i have graduation today and i dont think im gonna go. i am not really into getting all dressed up and about u guys? r u into parties and stuff like that? anyway, so im trying to get a job and maybe do some volunteer work or something. its important to give back, u know. i talked to myboyfriend and he told me that he's loving it where he's at, and that he loves me no matter what. I love being in love!! neways, that is about it for today, but if u guys have any tips on how to make the my site better, let me know by leaving me a comment.
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
new day
hey all its a new day and life is still all confusing and funny. i spoke to my boyfriend, well i got an email from my boyfriend. hes left to study abroad and i finally heard from him the other day. i have a question for everyone. do any of you believe in true love? everyone thinks im stupid for saying that i will wait for him, and that its a waste of time and that men cant be trusted, but i love him and trust him. what do you guys think? ur input would be appreciated. thanks
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
hey all,wats gud. names Nataku and im new. not much going down today, but this weeks been hectic. about a thousand of my friends decided they were gay, then straight, then somewhere in the middle...i dunno. whatever. i have no problem with it. whatever makes them happy. i have my SATS coming up. im a bit nervous but eh...i really would love to get some type of a car, the bus is getting old. i cant stand sitting next to the people with missing limbs, or old stinky ladies whos kids dont love them enough to give them a ride to the hospital, or detox...anyway, im getting off topic, but eh...thats my word of the day thats that for today, check ya'll out tomorrow eh...
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