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• 1987-09-26
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• 2004-05-25
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• workin on that college degree now
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• apparently, i can attract more bad luck than anyone in the universe...
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Monday, June 13, 2005
it;'s all winding down...
the end is near for all of us here. i mean, my friends and i. things are ending, goodbyes are beeing said, resignations are being turned in. Rinoa Desire no longer works with me, she is off living college life. Congrats Myra. I'm glad you made it. Alexavier is moving to FLorida soon. Take care my good friend. I wish you nothing more than joy and happiness in your new life. And youre right. Sometimes all we need is a new beginning. My roommate is moving back home, which is great for him. He's going to be making big moves soon. He's a good guy, despite what he leads you to believe. As for me, I am off to Massachusetts. I am going to go to school and get an education. My boyfriend is coming with me. I have to admit that at the beginning of this year, i thought we were all going to end up together, you know, like in those tv shows. Happy ending...but i guess in a way this is a happy ending too. Each of us can go and have our own adventures so that one day, hopefully not too long from now, we can all meet up and be what we all are today: the best of friends...just because our life roads are taking us in different directions doesnt mean that we can't meet up wherever it leads us. Even if it is just a pitstop...
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Friday, May 27, 2005
Rinoa Desire, ive let your post live on long enough. so ive been gone for too long. lets see how to update everyone. well, im not graduating high school, ive been withdrawn. i always thought that i would feel a lot worse about it than do. but i dont. i guess ive always seen it coming. ive never really been stable in any one place, so i never got too comfortable. i am quitting one of my jobs, although when i cant really say, i am trying to work up the courage to tell my boss that i quit...wish me luck with that one. one of my roommates, well two of them, arent exactly living up to par lately, aka they arent paying their half of the rent, so i think that they might be moving out soon. my brother just came basck from puerto rico yesterday! yay welcome back little mom didnt know that he was coming until i called her and put him on the phone. i think if she was any older she would have had a heart attack! anyway, other than that i went to go see Star Wars Episode was it good! it made me a little sad, with the death of Padmei and all *MOVIE SPOILER ALERT* well, guess its too late for that warning. anyway, Anakin is now Darth...i think that they are going to remake the fourth one...why do i think that? i dunno. i just wisht they would. i never was really able to sit down and watch the movies 4,5,6, because the technoloy was so crappy back how did our parents survive?...
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Thursday, May 12, 2005
hey yall!
i need some help. you one understands me. i'm somebody's mother! my kids hate me cuz i eat their food and cuz i dont listen to them. i try to be a good single parent, i really am. it's just so hard. maybe i should get rid of the voice in my head telling me to do all these horrendous things! hey, i blame it all on t.v!
masturbation is a safe way to have sex. i learned that the hard way after 3 alien kids...they look just like their father. they have long tusks, big green ears, one blue eye the other pink! they have one tooth in the front, hair---what hair? they have a nose the size of a football. three toes and two fingers. their skin color is the color of murky water and overall, i think they're beautiful in their own way. dont you? they are 3 inches tall and did i mention they're triplets? i know i'm really bleesed. you all are jealous arent you?!? well you cant have my 3 inch triplet alien babies! now back to my main do i stop eating their ear waxed candies that their daddy sends them from mars? or how do i stop listening to my friend that people say don't exist? well, my last statement will be RiNoA DeSiRe rocks my world! it's not my fault that i left my 3 eyed husbang for her! or is it?
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Wednesday, May 11, 2005
rinoa desire is the best! i love her! she is the love of my life! lets just keep this a secret between me n you otaku people. i worship her! we are going to run away together and have pretty little asian/spanish babies!
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
nothing in life is better than when you finally realize how right everyone was. its going to be difficult, its going to be boring, your going to hate work, and odds are that people are going to change in the blink of an eye. or so you think. its so easy to get caught up in your life that when you finally get the time to stop and talk to those who used to be around you all the time, you realize either one of two things. 1) damn i cant believe all this has happened to this person in the short mount of time ive been gone. they are really incredible for making it thru this, or 2) damn this person is so immature. i cant believe that i was that immature.
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
life is good....coca cola....
hey there fellow that a word? hmm...oh well, it is now. i hope ya'll are doing ok, and i want to take a moment to shout out poor Alexavier who is at home with pregnany symptoms as we speak. Pee on the stick....and good luck buddy. other than that, not much to talk about. my boyfriend is coming home (again) tonight, and this time hes staying. We are actually living together! i never really thought that i would live with any guy until i got married, and even that was a push because i never thought that i would get married...damn. life was simple back then....before boys....anyway, i kind of feel like this is a huge step, but im the kind of slow ass people who dont realize things emotionally until they are about to happen. like earlier, i was like meh, hes coming im like OMG, HES COMING HOME!!! i think i need a therapist lol...
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
hey lifes lessons i guess...
still super bored out of my mind, but not because theres nothing to do. its just that everything that needs to be done, is boring in itself. i lost my car, so i have to start saving up to buy a new one. i picked up a few extra hours here and there, but nothing huge. seeing as how im on vacation, i thought that id take advantage of the opportunity and work as much as possible. other than that ive really been focused just on taking it one day at a time. im not sad or anything, even though maybe this post may have that kind of tone. im just very calm. and thats a feeling i havent had in a long time. just plain out calm. ive let go of everything that worries me, because i have the tendency of freaking out over everything at the same time. for now, im just worried about work. later, ill worry about cleaning my house. i guess that as long as you take it one problem at a time, life cant really get you down.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
hey everyone, hows life? i am doing great, fantabulous, unbelievably happy. its been a few days since last i updated, but my boyfriend has been around and weve been kind of catching up. he just left this morning, but im not sad because hes just going to pack his things so he can come home! Yessss! other than that, ive finally learend to just ignore the really annoying people who cant seem to keep my name out of their mouths. it is funny because i guess that they dont know this, but people tell me wats going on. something about im irresponsible and blah blah blah....they have no right to talk about irresponsibility. lol. anyway, my friends, other than that my life has been pretty boring lately. thank god. i am tired of all the action. so how are yall doing> im sorry i havent been able to go around to your sites and everything, i have just been so busy with stuff...but as soon as i get the chance...
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Tuesday, April 12, 2005
i believe that it was shakespeare who once said, "all the world's a stage, and all the people mearly players", and i cant help but think that it is true. i have changed my entire believe system in the past few days, and i now fully believe that their is a such thing as fate, and that destiny is as real as you and me. i have a hundred thousand reasons to believe in this, the most recent one being the loss of an old friend. i learned a lot of things about myself and my percpetions of life and other peoples point of views. we all see things differently, and sometimes, the people who you think see things just like you are actually, the total opposite. sometimes, as in my case, you discover that you are better off without those people, and that although you do not regret the time that you had spent together, you realize that every good thing comes to an end, and that it is our ability to realize when it is time to let these things go and move on with our lives that make us the people that we are. i have completely become free of the person that was holding me back the most in my life and i have moved on, accepting that when one door closes, another one opens. and if another door doesnt open, then there is probably a window open somewhere. find it. thats my thing for today, find the other way without stopping, without heisitating because there always is another way. in the case of my ex friend and i, we have each found our own way with dealing. i have simply accepted it, allowing myself to move on and continue with my life, and he has simply decided to dwell on it, and bad mouth me to the people who i consider my friends. when i first heard about this, i was hurt, then i was angry. very angry. and something about me, my fellow Otakus, is that i have a very short temper when the people who have stabbed me in the back try and mess with my reputation. i dont allow it. but i am tryin to be the bigger person and just give him time to realize that when you play with fire, you get burned, but when you play with me....youll get hurt. i dont like violence, its never been my style, i gave all that up years ago, but i cannot and will not allow this half of a man, who knows nothing about life, let alone me, try and humiliate me to the people i hold close. so im going to let fate run its course and ill wait for a sign about what i should do, but i do hope that he takes the time to realize what he is up against. this isnt an anime cartoon where you are the hero HEERO, this is real life, and if you want to tango, well then lets tango...but just remember, youve only been dancing for a few months, ive been dancing all my life....
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
theres no mood for how i feel.
ok so so much has been going on lately that i havent had time to really come and post. so here we go, ill number it so that itll be easier for me to remember. thats right, ive had to resort to lists to remember things.
1) my car has broken down. my uncle never gave me the tune up that i needed, so my engine over heated and hundred dollars later, still no good news. granted, i should have had the tune up down myself when i noticed that my uncle was stalling, but i dont know anything about cars. i just turn them on and drive. luckily for me, my mother is a saint and she is letting me borrow hers in the mean time.
2) we have a new roommate. our old one moved out, do to personal issues, but this new roommie is pretty cool. shes spanish, which balances out the house because hes a girl so the natural order is restored lol ^_^ shes real cool and her boyfriend is a trip. im a little scared that he and my boyfriend will become good friends and start plotting all kinds of things lol. which leads me to my next point
3) my boyfriend is coming home next week. he has a job interview in warwick so he has to come on home! im so excited!
4) in case i didnt mention it before, i have another job its 2...which isnt really as difficult as youd think. although i admit i am still finding ways to balance between the two!
thats about it for now, because i dont want to overwhelm you guys with too much information...
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