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myOtaku.com: Nataku1

Tuesday, June 22, 2004

   six flags and stuff
hey all not much happening now, but today was a crazy day. i had a class trip to six flags new england and it was total caos...first, the busses showede up to school an hour late, then when we got to the park, the chaperones only gave us three hours... what were we supposed to do? stand in line at the superman the whole time? cuz thats how long the wait usually was...but i shouldnt complain we had a gud time, the food was gud too. then on the way back, our idiot bus driver took a wrong turn and we ended up like 45 minutes away from where we were supposed to be...but other than that it was pretty gud. i did miss my boyfriend a lot, especially since he was originally supposed to go with me...but that reminds me, 8 days to go...
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