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myOtaku.com: nausicaa0

Friday, January 14, 2005

   [LIFE // tired...]
today i'll try to keep my post short and refrain myself from torturing you with one of my long "topic of the day" discussions... ^_^;

well, my insomnia seems to be getting worse. whereas i used to be able to fall asleep at around 1am, now i don't even begin to feel tired until way past 3 or 4am. i don't want to take any medicine (i'm still too young!! ^o^), so i just listen to the radio (usually tuned in to the hypnotic droning on the BBC) until it wears me out. the effects are, on the next day, i usually look like this [=_=?] and space out more than usual.

to keep myself occupied while listening to the radio, half of my bed is taken up with notebooks, my sketchbook, manga's & a couple "how to draw manga" books. adding to the collection of easy-access distractions are piles of magazines, books & library books on the floor. (uh...i guess you now have a picture in your mind of my room as a kind of junk room -_-;). it's becoming kinda hard moving around the many obstacles & land mines. i hit my foot & trip on stacks of books as i walk into my room every night; and i accurately step into the waste bin as i get out of bed every morning. ^_^; that's something i usually see in anime...w00t for me for getting myself free slapstick humor everyday. *sighs* =_=;

my friends think that i don't sleep well because i'm too stressed out and that i "think too much". i don't know, maybe it's just winter blues. for one, it has been really gray & cloudy & rainy lately.

anyway, i can't wait till i go to the mall & the bookstore tomorrow. maybe i can add more to the stack of manga that's already growing on my bed...*turns over to hug books* think i need a nap...*yawns*

oh yeah, i haven't been able to visit everyone's sites in the past couple days, so i'll try to catch up with you this weekend!! gomen! ^^

yes, i do love sesshoumaru-sama!! but loved by myoga??! *faints* i must have really tasty blood...^_^;

Your life as an Inuyasha character
Name / Username
what you are- half demon
your weapon- tokijin
How you love secretly- Sesshomaru
Who secretly loves you- Myoga
Your hair color- purple
Your eye color- green
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