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myOtaku.com: nausicaa0

Friday, January 21, 2005

   [FANGIRL // scrapped princess!]
HOORAY! let's celebrate the return of the MyO wp site! ^0^ a week w/o new wp's & artwork has certainly been very boring...hmm, i wonder when it will be shut down again for the next maintenance check? ^_^; anyway, i'm surprised to see 9 (!!) pages of brand new wp's posted up today, guess everybody has been working really hard this week, right? *happily clicking & downloading away* ^o^

it took me 2 days but i finished watching the anime Scrapped Princess, an exciting 24-ep, shounen/adventure/fantasy series. because she's prophesied by the god mauser to be the "poison that will destroy the world" when she turns 16, the young girl pacifica casull becomes the "scrapped princess," hunted by both zealots of the worldwide mauser faith & military assasins from her kingdom. with her life being threatened, pacifica leaves her village and embarks on a journey of hiding & misadventure while protected by her adoptive brother (a swordsman) & sister (a magic user) known as the "Guardians."

the merry trioa screencap of the 3 siblings traveling in their wagon. ^-^

i really enjoy the setting and theme of Scrapped Princess. :) the story takes place in a world of magic, religion & military influences (think Slayers & FMA) very similar in appearance with medieval Europe. the central theme of human or "free" will vs. the will of a supernatural being is fundamentally religious in nature, but its seriousness is nicely balanced by the comedic elements of the show, thanks largely in part to the clutsy & impulsively violent nature of the heroine. (most heroines are like that nowadays tho...^_^) both the opening & ending songs sound very folksy, which is a real treat to people who like folk music. ^_^; nonetheless, i'll recommend Scrapped Princess to those who like Slayers & FMA AND do not mind watching anime with religious (in specific, Christian) overtones. there's hardly a filler episode in sight, so be sure to get hooked all the way till the end. :D

i'll end with sharing some screencaps of my fave chara in the series, fulle! tho he's a secondary chara who only appears in a handful of episodes, to me he's the most memorable one of all! ^///^

no doubt about it, fulle is hot!! X3 he appears cold & aloof with bored & sleepy eyes...
...and he doesn't care much for crossdressing. but when push comes to shove, he reveals his true nature (a former assasin!...hmm, sounds awfully like my other crush...^-^) and fights skillfully with his double daggers. *sighs* why do i always fall for the tragic heroes?...u_u

well, have a nice weekend guys!

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