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to be a manga artist someday
drawing, surfing, eatig, sleeping
well..I know how to draw..
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Wednesday, March 17, 2004
[laughs out loud for no reason at all]
maybe it's just me neh? anyway, as I have read from my guestbook and your comments, many are asking why does all my works inverted or something like in a grayscale...ok, it's because that's my own style of drawing. Uniqueness that is. and think about it, it looks cool right? ^-^
OK. that explains it all I guess. Oh yeah by the way, thanks for all those nice comments, they are very much appreciated. ^^

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Not much to say.
The deal is out, whether we wanted it to be or not.
...In the span of a half an hour.
Oh well.
I probably said some things I'll regret later to a certain person. I'll be honest, yeah...I'd hate to think it would be the last thing I'd say to that person. And yet...
I'm still pissed about the interference.
Oh well...lah dee dah.
Time for sleep, I suppose. After I talk with Rene. And finish the new fanart.
I just find it entertaining that some people think they have me figured when they clearly don't. And some people think I care when I clearly don't.
And...those who are misinformed are the ones informing others. How...backwards that seems.

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Tuesday, March 16, 2004
looking forward to tomorrow
Lots to talk about pertaining to yesterday. Unfortunately, I don't have the time. Perhaps tonight.
Long story short, I'm the only support staff on tonight, so I'll get all of tonight's tip-outs. Then again, it's Monday night, and this morning it was pretty dead. But I'm bussing tonight when I get there at 5:30, and then I will most likely have to shut down an alcove...again. Hosting this morning was very dull.
Babysitting was moved to tonight, so I'll be watching the kids. I'm going to take my notebook...and finish things up...if I can. Last time, the baby woke up and I had to spend a half an hour to an hour trying to get him to go back to sleep.
yes I baby-sit, this was the punishment given to me for being so addicted to computer games --;

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I wanna go to bed
Trish left before I did, but I'm so tired, I hope she doesn't call. I want to go to bed. And yet, I want to write. And yet, I need to go to bed!
Stopped by the convenience store on the way home and picked up a Block & Barrel bbq rib sandwich, because there's nothing to eat at the house. I'm eating it right now, and oh, is it horrible! Also picked up an apple danish that had stuff in it I'm not supposed to have, and a Clearly Canadian peach flavored "sparkling water beverage". The soda's good, but not with the sandwich.
...Ew. It really is very, very bad.
...Sandwich is making me feel sick. Lovely.
So. My brother got pissy at me for downloading AIM to his PC, and so he put a lock on it so I can't use it. The scanner we share is hooked up to his PC, as is the printer. And so, I cannot scan anything, and the paint program on the PC I'm using now isn't worth jack, and won't even save any images I create as anything other than Bitmap. Which doesn't do well for bandwidth.
So I told my father, and he said he'd get me my own. [grins]
This makes me happy.

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Monday, March 15, 2004
I'm too old for this. That was the thought in my head as I was called to do St. James prep duty. Basically, I had to watch over these little rascals for about an hour while they worked. Kids. The lot of them. Mischievous, too.
I was hoping to get some art done. But I didn't as I was too busy trying to keep the kids strapped in their chairs for the duration of that hour with adamantium. I was also trying to do all of the following : stop them throwing stuff at each other, yelling, screaming, singing off-key to the Darkness, meditating in weird positions, pretending to speak Chinese, and above all not getting any work done.
I failed in all of the above.
I couldn't help thinking "Was I ever like this?" Kinda scary, too, when I think about it.
...Why am I even talking about this. I'm not even supposed to be doing that duty until next year. But all the sixth form were out down a pub somewhere or gone, and so I had to pick up the slack, as usual..

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