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myOtaku.com: Naytoma

Thursday, January 27, 2005

this is interesting..

Welcome to 2005

Created by mlei6 and taken 55 times on bzoink!

Last things of 2004:
MovieVan Hellsing
TV ShowFushigi Yugi
SongTruth by Good Charlotte
DreamI was being kidnapped and my friend Tobie saved me
Place you visitedanthony's house
Clothes you woremy baggy black pants and my grey hoodie with Donnie Darko on it
Person you talked toAnthony and Cody
Thing you wrotea poem I wrote called "Changing Eras"
Game you playedChaos Legion
Thing you saidahhhhhh! I died again!
List 10 Accomplishments of 2004
1.I passed my freshman year
2.i got me a boyfriend
3.still alive
4.bigger anime fan than before
5.drawing better
6.making Show Choir
7.playing Devil May Cry
8.singing ALOT better
9.writting good stuff
10.getting more friends
Favorites of 2004
TV show(s)Inuyasha
BandGreen Day
SongBoulivard Of Broken Dreams
SingerAyumi Hamasaki
FoodCheese cake
DrinkDr. Pepper
Placethe dam
Person to huganthony
Person to kissanthony
Person to talk toTobie
Other things of 2004
Places visitedthe dam
Age turned16
Money spentalot..
Money earned100
Languages spoken3
Shows seenalot
3 Hopes for 2005
1.have a long lasting relationship
2.become a better drawer
3.get on the Honor Roll at school
Firsts of 2005
Person you talked totobie
Person you kissedanthony
Person you huggedanthony
TV program you watchedInuyasha
Meal you atea bagget

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