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myOtaku.com: neconinja77

Monday, May 15, 2006

   ** i am still happy as a loser**
lately i have been questioning weather i should continue being an artist. or more specifically contnue drawing in the anime style. but i realized that if i stopped drawing that i would be miserable and if it meant making a choice between being miserabe or a "loser" as my classmate so eloquently put it. i would rather drown in the pitt of loser hell than give up what i love. if i change my ways for some one who doesnt care or under stand me that would make me a TRUE loser. so i have decided to continue being a "loser" and not a mindless s@#t for brains zombie like the other fifty billion people in my god for saken hell hole of a town. i am a "loser" and loving it! ^-^
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