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Friday, February 15, 2008
Currently listening to: Faces -- Scary Kids Scaring Kids. I'm effing obsessed, I tell you. o_o
Happy Valentine's Day!
I realize I'm a day late, but I honestly don't care. And I'm pretty sure neither do you. :P
Anywhoo, I can't wait for summer. I've had it up to here points to the ceiling with math. This semester we're doing both Geometry and Algebra to get us prepared for the ACT/SAT in the spring. Can you say 'booooooring'? :P
On the plus side, there was a show about sex on the Discovery channel earlier. I didn't actually watch it, but I could hear every word from the kitchen. They were talking about arousal and how the body reacts when in the presence of the opposite gender. I could barely refrain from cracking a few sex related jokes. Just because they would make my friend uncomfortable (whom I was on the phone with at the time). It was tempting though.
That's kind of sadistic, now that I think about it. o_o
Random Question~
1. I know I ask this every freaking time but, anything new with you guys?
Over 'n' Out
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Monday, December 31, 2007
Currently watching: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire. I honestly don't have any idea why I'm watching it. Its a stupid movie and a failure at life. :P
Bah. Forget it. :P
ANYWAY, how was your guys Christmas? Mine was just grand. :) I got a nice cashmere sweater and a billion dollars in gift cards. :D
The other day, I went to see Sweeney Todd with my mother. It's incredible and Johnny Depp is just....wow. The blood was a bit too fake looking though. I think they coulda gotten away with a PG-13 rating, personally. But, then again, those meat pies wouldn't have gone over too well I guess. xD
Random Question~
1. What did you get for Christmas/Hanukah/Kwanzaa/Other holiday I didn't mention?
Dont be expecting another update for a veeeeeeery long time. :P
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Friday, November 9, 2007
Currently watching: Jeff Dunham and Achmed the Dead Terrorist. That guy is amazing, folks. :'D
OMG. It's been forever, AGAIN. I really need to start coming on here more often. ^^;
How has life been treating you guys? Good, I hope? Things have been crazy for me, lately. But I won't bore you with details. Hehe...
~Random Stuff~
Jeff: So you're a terrorist?
Achmed: Yes. I am a terrorist
Jeff: What kind of terrorist?
Achmed: A terrifying.... -shifty eyes- terrorist... Are you scared?
Jeff: Not really, no.
Achmed: Rawr. Now?
Jeff: Not really, no.
Achmed: RAWR! How about now?
Jeff: -shakes head- Nope.
Achmed: -mutters in defeat- Goddamn it... :( ...oh, oh! I-I mean 'Allah' damn it.... o_o;
LOL. Sorry about that random crap. I thought it was funny. But seriously. You guys should check that video out sometime.
Peace Out
Ps- In my last post, I said I'd see you all in a couple months. And for the record; I actually wasn't serious. It just turned out that way... XD
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Thursday, September 13, 2007
Currently listening to: Rescue Me -- Zebrahead. it's, like.....awesome, yo.
omg, how long has it been, gaiz? too long, probably. oh well. 8D;
anyway, what's been up with you all? nothing much has happened on this end, except school started tuesday. -sigh- talk about depressing. and I can't decide if I like German or not. I've taken it for the last two-three years, but the teacher is such a douche, so I dunno. but it is a cool language, never-the-less.
Random Question~
1. um.....heard any good songs lately? (stupid question, I KNOW)
seeya in another couple months! ;D
-mock salute- ♥
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Friday, July 20, 2007
Currently listening to: THE RADIO. 8D
OMG I'm really sorry that I haven't gotten to ANY sites in, like, a month! D: to make up for that, I shall comment on EVRY updated site today! (^o^)
anyway, I made an e-card today. and I would totally apprecaite it if you all would go and comment on it. ♥
 Hosted By theOtaku.com.
Random Question~
1. seen any good movies lately?
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Monday, July 16, 2007
Currently listening to: Don't Say You Love Me -- M2M. <3
wow... when was the last time I updated? 0_0
anyway, last wensday I saw Harry Potter with my friend, and I can honestly say it was one of the worst movies I've seen for a long time. No joke. It was too short and it lacked the charisma of the others. plus, there was, like, NO magic. :I
also saw Transformers. which rocked. Megatron pwnz. :D and Ratatouille. that was a pretty cute movie. except the main guy reminds me of Ron Weasley. :P
Random Question~
btw, I don't know if I'll be getting to any sites today. :(
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Monday, July 2, 2007
Currently listening to: Better than Me -- Hinder. That guy has low self-esteem. ;w;
Geez. I'm really inconsistant when it comes to updating/commenting. :I
Anyway, I FINALLY got my ear peirced. I've been talking about it for god knows how long, but I've been too much of a sissy to actually do it. UNTIL NOW. And it didn't hurt. Go figure. :P
Random Question~
1. Does Imeem.com annoy you?
Have a nice day!! ¢¨ú
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Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Currently listening to: Teenagers -- MCR. The only good song they've ever made (in my opinion). But the video is soooo stupid. :I
I spent sunday night at my friends house and we stayed up until 6am watching a marathon of 'Degrassi'. That is the most DRAMATIC show I've ever seen, but it wasn't too bad. But most of the characters SUCK.
Anyway, I changed my theme again. This time it's the SSBM swordsmen. I'm really obsessed with that game, lately. =I Zelda, Falco and Roy are the best character EVER. Seriously.
Random Question~
1. What color is the sky?
Have a nice day!! ¢¨ú
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Friday, June 22, 2007
Currently listening to: Dance NONSTOP -- DDR. -loves on song- :]
HOMG I'M ALIVE. Pity, isn't it? Anyway, sorry I haven't updated in, like, OVER A MONTH. I just haven't been in the mood for posting here. I've been spending alot of time on DA and chat rooms and junk.
ANYWAY, I got my haircut yesterday. Now I have a fringe (bangs). Yus. Oh! And I got my drivers Permit! :D YA. RLLY.
Hm.... I guess I'm done wasting your time now.
Random Question~
1. How have you been, dears?
Have a nice day!! ¢¡§ú
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
Currently listening to: Falling Leaves--Billy Talent. Tis a good song. Yes indeedy. :3
I haven't gotten to ANY sites and I'm really sorry!! I'm currently unmotivated (nothing new) and I just don't feel like staying on for long. :P
Which brings me to my next topic thing. I was thinking about taking another break from TheO. But this time I'll turn my pro off. But I'm not leaving permanently. I'll turn it on when I have something to say ( and since I hardly update anymore, it prolly won't be very often...) and I'll still try to comment, but don't hold your breath...
I'll probably turn it back and leave it on when school ends, cuz then I'll have more time (prolly). So, if I disappear till the end of the month, you'll now why. ^^ But I'll still be answering pms. 8D
Random Question~
1. If you get one, when is your summer vacation?
Near May 25, I think. And I CAN'T wait! :D
Have a good day!! ¢¨ú
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