Currently listening to: 'My December, Remix' by: Linkin Park. I love this song! It has a nice techno-ey twist.
I'm getting my money today. I just found out that I'm also getting part of the tip. So that adds up to 102 POUNDS! *greedy smile* My precious.........>;)
My arms were REALLY sore yesterday. I couldn't lift them very high. *whimper*
But on the plus side, Death from Gaara drew me a Kiba & Akamaru picture! You HAVE to see it! It's FREAKING ADORABLE!!!!!! *glomps Kiba*
*sigh* I just read a sad story about Deidara and Sasori. It was about Sasoris' death. *cry* Deidara was so pissed at Sakura, because she took his 'Sasori-danna' away from him. He said 'I'll kill that little bitch who took my Sasori-danna from me!' He went into denial. He kept saying that Sasori was just sleeping. That he WASN'T dead.
And you know what Zetsu, was gonna do? He was going to fucking EAT Sasoris' corpse! How inconsiderate is that?! But Deidara wouldn't let him. He kept saying that Sasori was sleeping, but Deidara knew he wasn't. It was so sad but so good!
A couple nights ago, I drew a Sasori chibi. But he looks kinda creepy. Like evil-demon-puppet creepy. But I still like it (to an extent). Ne-ne sent me a DeixSaso chibi picture she drew. It's pretty cute. I <3 that couple.
I was up all night talking to Death from Gaara. She drew me a Sasori chibi while we were chatting. Isn't it ADORABLE?!!!!!!
Song switch. 'Every Time We Touch' by: Cascada. It's a NaruSasu tribute. *giggles girlishly*
Due to popular demand, I will continue to post pictures and videos. So here they are:
A tribute to Ne-ne's favorite couple. *sigh*
Honey Comb is nasty.... :b
*depressed sigh* This one was also on 'The Kiba'.
Neji ish the King of the Macerena!
Why do they have a picture of Kakashi?
*gives Kankers extra buttery popcorn* EAT UP! :P
Ok, here ish the daily video.... It's 'I am Resident Evil' by: Legendary Frog. I LOVE Legendary Frog! It's hilarious!