Currently listening to: 'Sandstorm' by DaRude. Kerrigan can dance to this song. XD
MY FUCKING GOD! I'm trying to load the 2nd Naruto Movie, but it's taking FOREVER! I got it off Naruto-kun. I can't wait to see it though!
Alicia is over right now, and she's talking to her ex, which is good, because it gives me a chance to update.
Sankyu all who commented on my last post. It made me feel better. I just can't believe they made him die. *sniffle*
Well, I have nothing else to say. So I'll just post some pictures while listening to Alicia complain about her ex being a jerk.
The theme today is Naruto Ipod. It makes me feel a bit better. So here it is.
Kakashi is a silly fool. X3
Me neither.
I don't even know who that is.
Psh. You wish, slut. (Sorry, I can't STAND her.)
Yummy! Ramen!
YAY! Kankers!
What a perv.
Awesome. I bet he listens to hardcore death metal.
What a skank.
Word. But you know Asuma, smoking ish bad for you.
Chouji ish so cute!
GAI-SENSEI! *salute*
Foolish Gaara. You're supposed to be dead.
TRAITOR! *pounce*
Kyuubi Naruto is WAY cooler than regular Naruto.
Kisame is stupid.
Orochimaru is pretty cool.
Stupid idiot. Naruto doesn't even like you. GO WITH KIBA, DAMNIT!!!! *whacks*
Iruka is pathetic.
Yep. Now some couples, that I find acceptable.
Hinata, Kiba is MADLY in love with you. Forget about Naruto!
SakuLee totally owns SakuSasus' ASS!
This is the best het couple EVER!!
*squeals* DeixSaso ish TOO CUTE!!!!
Of course, there are more, but they didn't have any pictures. But you get my drift, yes?
The video of the day is a really funny fanmovie. It 'Fun with Akatsuki #4" made by OmniStrife. It's HILARIOUS! Tobi ish so adorable in this one!