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myOtaku.com: NeedleNogginLover

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Hey everyone! My name is Alexandria! But call me Alex or I'll have to kill you! No hard feelings right? Anywho, I love Vash! My name for him is Needle Noggin! I'm obsessed I know... (*Now where did I put those plyers?...*) OH! You're still here? *Ahem!* You can go now! Occupy yourself by reading the rest of my profile!

Tuesday, December 2, 2003

   I'm So Sad!
OMG!!! My sister is in the hospital with Influenza Type A!!! She's IV-ed and has a tube up her nose to her tummy! Even though I act like I hate her all the time, this really gets me down! *sob* Sorry guys, I just had to tell someone, my friends at school don't seem to care at all!
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Tuesday, October 21, 2003

Oh my God! I already know that the sequel to the firt Trigun series, Trigun Maximum, is out in Japan. But while I was searching around on the internet the other day, I came across some of the manga for the new show. Of course, I couldn't read it because it was in Japanese. But anyway, it looked really stupid. Wolfwood even comes back! I hate it when someone dies in one series, and then they magically reappear in the sequel. Anyway, I can't remember the site I got it from, but of any of you Trigun fans out there can help me by giving me some sites that talk more about Trigun Maximum, I'd really appreciate it! Tankya!!! ((Where did I put that dang chain?))
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Sunday, October 19, 2003

Yes! I am so happy right now! Last night I saw my first few episodes of Hellsing!!! I am so happy! It is now one of my favorite series! I'm gonna make my mommy get me the box set now! If any of you people can give me some sites out there with really good quality Hellsing pictures, I'd really appreciate it! Thankya! ((Now where did I put that dang cheese knife?))
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