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G/S/B Master
California, Oogling on Mei Sammiang's breasts O.O
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None of your Beezwax
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Got into G.A.T.E. how special -_-
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4 years old......
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Shaman King
........I don't want to bore you.
Erm, I'll come back to this one *tries to do a pseudo flip*
| NegativeZero
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Monday, April 19, 2004
Mood: Bored and FRIGGIN PISSED OFF!!!!
You may be thinking, why am I pissed off? Becuase my return to school ain't that great -_-;;;;
First off, my crazy driver A.K.A my Dad, used his crazy driving skills to get me to the bus, after I got on the bus, I got laughs. Laughs at ME -_-. Because I gotten there LATE, by 4 DAMN minutes. So the rest of the way, I was mad as fuck, and a bit tearful :(.
The rest of the day, was funny. "I'M TEH KING OF HANDBALL!!!!!!" Yes I included the teh in the sentence XP. Cause I was, until I lot focus and hit the ball to someone's head. Then we had a discussion about the first 10 admendments of the bill of rights...... After school I was, normal. Whatever that means.
Now, after I got home, I was.... once again..... MAD AS FRIGGEN FUCK AS FUCKEN HELL!!!!!!!!!!!
Outwar: This si the reason I was mad. I made over 40 million bucks of Outwar Currency from my attacks, when suddenly OUTWAR CLOSED DOWN FOR MAITINECE!!!!!
Now, whenever that happens, in the middle of the month, there's a REALLY FRIGGIN HIGH CHANCE, of Outwar rolling back. When that happens, I'M GONNA BE SO FRIGGIN MAD I'LL PROBLEBY SMASH MY FUCKEN COMPUTER AND THE MONITOR!!!!!!
*sob* *sob* I don't fucken care if they give everyone that Sorry Stone bullshit. I WANT MY FUCKEN 40 MILLION OUTWAR CURRENCY AND ALL MY EQUIPMENT BACK!!!!!!!!!
.........I'm gonna check outwar now, ask Larysia if she know anything about this, if she does and tell me that they are going to roll back. I'm going to SNAP!
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Sunday, April 18, 2004
My rambling/Review for HellBoy
read first before insulting...
Posted by Cazoretta on 04/17/04
This is Lady Shadow off of the Immortal realms board...well if you would of read all the information before posting you would find that this story line was not from beginner RPers. This is the movie industry, and they want the public's imput. I see that you have no interest in it for you resort to an immature insults. I thank you for comming to the site, but not in the way you have presented yourself. I bid you good day.
[ delete entry ]
After this, I will DELETE that entry. Becuase, WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU FRIGGIN TALKING ABOUT??!?!?!?!? If this is about the Otakuboards RPG thing, first off, DON'T PUT IT IN THE FRIGGIN RPG FORUM!!!! Because if you want a public review, GO USE THE LITERATURE FORUM DUMBASS!!!! The movie industry? Pssssh. On message boards, I'm not immature, only when I'm pissed off. Or if I'm making a rant, like I'm making RIGHT NOW!!! Give me the link to the thread, and I'll happily read it. If this is a mistake, well then, GATHER UP YOUR INFO BEFORE MAKING A FOOL OUT OF YOUR SELF!!!!
W00T!!!!!!! This is a good movie. Freaked me out in some scenes, but it's cool. ANd funny XD. My favorite quote in the movie was:
"If I had legs, I would KICK YOUR ASS!!!" - Russian Skeleton
THe skeleton was toooooo funny! WHen he fell into the pit, his last words were, "I was better off dead."
mO progression: Well, this is going no where, poeple on OB is ignoring my REQUESTS!!! Why? Why????? *sob* *sob* You simply ignore me, no matter how much help I could provide, you just simply ignore me..... -_-;;;;. It's time to pull out all the stops, I'm gonna ask my big sister to do my banner/avatar/mO pic. If someone posts up the banner/avatar/mO pic, then I will keep it for at least 3 monthes (long time huh?).
Rpg Progression: Sloooow, I'm working on the Water/Ice element..... Well, it's to much owrk, I need someone to do the Wind element, IM me at GigaOmegaX.
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Friday, April 16, 2004
Spring Break is coming to an end :(
Pretty sad. That all this week, I've done NOTHING! Well, I'm gonna see HellBoy this weekend, but nothing else! Lol. I'm gonna invite Jarrett today (hopefully my dad will be home when he arrives)!
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Thursday, April 15, 2004
My Life and My Plans
My Plans on the site: I'm gonna style this mO so that it's devoted to Tupac Shakur. I have the pictures and everything. Including the music! Just need my mO pic of him. Yes I'm going to remove poor Paine from my mO :(. Contructioning will end at the end of the week hopefully. Also expect my account at Otakuboards, G/S/B Master, to be changed into the Tupac style. The Gray and Black will prevail over this mO!
Well, my life was HORRIBLE! Just from eating my favorite food (beef balls and noodles) I got this wicked disease. I don't know the name. But my dad says my "internal organs" are heating up, making you scratch. If you scratch, it'll make it worse.
THe symptons were, very very gruesome. But there's like BUMPS ON YOUR SKIN. I mean HUGE bumps. And of course, scratching and an abnormal amount of heat running through you.
The good thing, about this is.... IT'S GONE WOOHOO!!!!!!!! Well, my forehead is feelin funny and itchy, so it may be still here. Oh well, I gotta stay away fromt he comp (you wish hahahhaha!)
I'm probleby going to see either Hell Boy or The Rock Stands Tall. Hopefully HellBoy. That movie ROCKS!
Can't wait till the I get back to school. I have new clothes! Yay!
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Tuesday, April 13, 2004
The horror!!!!!
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Quiz Results -_-
I've taken 3 test. All random.... I was really curious. And all weird too. LOL, do you know whats weirder? I've done a personal spellcheck on each and every one of them XD......
 ~~~~-^ OPPOSITE LOVE^-~~~~
Your love is weird. You suddenly fell inlove or have a cruch on an enemy or someone you thought you never date. You seem shy,silent,and nicer to that person. tip,so you like an enemy,opposites always attract.
LOVE SECTION, Whats your love type? very,very good pics.UPDATED brought to you by Quizilla
Comment: Very strange.......
 Your Lonely~Your always by yourself. Your the lone wolf, you don't wont to be alone. You just end up that way. Your people skills suck. Your lazy and very shy. DA!DA!DA!DUM!TIP TIME!Stop being so shy and try harder.^_^
what's your level in emotion? UPDATED agin!!!,GREAT PICS brought to you by Quizilla
Comment: Computer error....
There must be something wrong with this LOL! Dude, if only they knew. I ain't lazy, I play DDR and beat up people *glaring eyes surrounds me*...... gotta run!
 ~SAMURAI GUY~ your nice and peaceful.You liked by everybody. You know from wrong and right and don't like to fight. Good for you. (A cute gif ^-^)
What anime gifs are you. REALLY CUTE PICS brought to you by Quizilla
Comment: This is the one wiht the most spelling error....... And this one fits me perfectly :).
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Sunday, April 11, 2004
One more thing
Also from the Otakuboards Community and the Annihilation X players and Outwar players, and..... do I need to keep on going?
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Game of the month

Game of the Month!
Kessen II is the first "Game of the Month" winner! I rented this game 2 days ago and it ROCKS! It's old (release date was 10/15/2001) but it's so cool!
This game was released after Koei released Dynasty Warriors 2. Kessen II is based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms book (I'm trying to get a hold of it, but I can't find it anywhere!) Though IT'S NOT A TRUE STORY!!!!!! Liu Bei can't float into the air and fly, Himiko can't unleash Heaven's Wrath on Liu Bei's forces, and centainly, ZHUGE LIANG CAN'T SUMMON THE FLAMES OF HELL!!!!!
Well, historic battle faced in the Han Empire era was played in this game. The battle of Chi Bi was my favorite. "Burn Chi Bi, BURN!" - Zhuge Liang. XD.
Graphics: Superb! This is excellent graphics.
Gameplay: Great. But when you're army is confused a lot and you have to tap X to make them unconfused. My X button is loose and about to fall off -_-.
Here's a screenshot of a "change stratagy" screen. 
Storyline: Well, it's bland. Really, people are misintreperting whats the storyline is!
Liu Bei's Side of the Story: He's battling against Cao Cao becuase he want his lover, Diao Chan, back.....
Cao Cao's Side of the Story: WORLD DOMINATION BIZAAATCH!!!! :). Thats just part of his plan. Cao Coa is fighting against Liu Bei so he could kill him. Cao Cao's forces kidnapped Diao Chan and Cao Cao wants Diao Chan to tell him the secret that she has kept. Which is where the Imperial Seal is. The Imperial Seal is important to Cao Cao becuase it's the sign of the Mandate of Heaven. Which is a destiny Maker of some sort.
Diao Chan loses hope on Liu Bei on rescuing her. Because a fortune teller from a distant land, Himiko (which later becomes Cao Cao's magician) fortold that the Mandate of Heaven is with him and Liu Bei will lose the war. Liu Bei proves them wrong. Liu Bei DESTROYS the mandate of heaven when he leaps and flys into the air when the mandate sends heaven's "beasts" during the battle at Chi Bi (before Zhuge Liang BURNED Cao Cao's forces XD
This is a great game to play and I advise ANYONE to play this magnificent game. I'm trying to defeat Cai Wengi as Cao Cao.... Damn her imposters....
This is the favorite screeenshot I could find on the web: 
There's a close up on Mei's breasts, but I can't find it :P.
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Saturday, April 10, 2004
RPG production
Alright. Here's the Story line of the RPG.
Note: I've decided to move the OutWar RPG out of my way to create this RPG. Also to promote my comeback to the RPG world :). If this succeeds and it finishes, this will be the start of my 3 part trilogy.
Every 50 years, in the world of Za'raul, held a tournament. A tournament that decided the fate of the people. The winner of the tournament is the ruler of the world and decides everything. For this reason, everyone unleashed their inner personality and fought till the finish. Some people fought for freedom and justice. Some fought for power and domination. This tournament is just a mask behind the real reason. To the people who knew the truth, they think it's just a war between elements for power.
Now for the painful part. The elements.
Biography of the elements: There were 6 elements. Fire, water, thunder, wind, earth, and the shadows. The elements were considered gods and people worshipped them. They all worked in peace and harmony except Shadow. As the notorious one, he gained little respect. He planned to take down all of the gods and rule Za'raul with supremacy.
Shadow had the perfect plan and he launched it. It succeeded, but the table has turned. The Earth Elemental proformed a miracle. It merged with the sacred Holy element and vanquished Shadow to a secluded part of the world. Shadow spawned humans of incredible power with a heart of ice. He planned to take over the world of Za'raul. Soon the elements tournament began and Shadow took this chance and sent in his minions.
Shadow's minion were sent into the a world that they never knew. Thus scaring half of them away. The unfrightened ones died, or became more powerful and intelligent. The minions gained advantage by being apprentices of an element master. So they became element hybrids. Then the tournament began. Shadow's minion failed of winning. So shadow didn't succeeded. But the element hybrids brung back gifts and abilities of the element enemies. Shadow was pleased and commanded them to let him know the secrets. They did and as the minion population grew, more and more people knew the secrets too and became element hybrids. Every 50 years, Shadow sent his minions in the tournament, and the 2nd time succeeded and the world were under Shadow's darkness and command. After 50 grueling years, the good elementals won and the world was under the leadership of Fire. After the 50 years elements enters their represenatives and fought, each year a different element came in leadership. No elements has won the tournament twice in a row.
What do ya think? The OutWar RPG have been delayed and soon be finished. I now focus on this RPG.
I'm working on the weapons, abilities, and the 411 for each elements.
Xra, if you're reading this make me a banner of this RPG! *whips Xra* :P
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Monday, April 5, 2004
It's very strange how enemies becomes friends and friends becomes enemies. Too weird to think about....
Anyways, I'm planning out my OutWar RPG. But I'm still sorting out the game play. I need my graphic men to get in here *snaps fingers to summon Dragon Warrior and Xra*. I don't know how to start out XD. Is it jsut the players typing in their commands, or have a storyline essence in there.
*sigh* I wish I have more time online. Damn P.E. exam -_-.
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