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Tuesday, February 24, 2004
Ha ha! I have come back from Skate night!
P.S. Thank you Beyblader for signing my guestbook ^_^. Quite an honor....
Anyways, I went to skate night *points to topic*, and I found most of my friends there. Including Johnny and my best friend Jarrett. Weee, the 3 J's are at skate night! My brain feels dizzy from drinking 3 large sizes of Icee (Blue rasberry ownz!). I've gotten A LOT better in skating after tonight. Though, what motivated me the most tonight in skating is Caroline. Dunno why, maybe it's love? *Screams* No.... We do have a close relationship but no dice :D.
I felled many times. But Matthew and Albert<------ pathetic excuse of a human being, tripped me so many times, only god knows the exact count >_<. My dad forced me to skate the first times around. THen I got hooked. It lasted for 2 hours. Including the Hokie Pokie time, and a fun game that I forgot it's name ^_^.
Well, at least I no one I truely hate at the bottom of my soul didn't appear there. If they did, I wouldn't be writing this entry. I'd be winding up being lectured by my dad. Plus punishment >_<.
Yay, Angelica finished her book called, "Chickenese, the language of chickens". Apparently, in the book it says...
John "Cheese Fool" Tran- An illegal alien from the planet Weebe sheebe.
........She got the Cheese fool thing from Yankee doodle. Since it translate, "John Cheese fool. I dunno know what the hell she got Weebe SHeebe from. BUt that was a good word to annoy the people in handball to lose their concentration ^_~. But the book ended up in the teacher's hands. When somebody squeeled on us ~_~. Oh well. At least she was done with it ^_^;.
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Thursday, February 19, 2004
Weeeee, Otakuboards has opened it's gates!
Reaction to it when coming back: AHHHH OH NO!!!!! IT'S N00BISH INVASION!!!!!!!
It's true. Otakuboards lagged and the n00bs were there. WIth their eyes set on the main page and lagging the over 1000 GB server. And then the angry Ryu_Sakura. Whats up with her? If she didn't read the announcement, well then bad cookie for her! I can't put my avatar up on OB becuase it doesn't meet the new "standards". I need to resize :(.
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Wednesday, February 18, 2004
Ughh, my head
I just remembered. Hours ago. I jsut ran stright into a metal pole. I turned and it hit my temple directly. It hurt like hell, my vision was blurry and I was kocked out. You can see scab on the left temple. Dunno if it's going to heal. But i'm getting tremendous headaches. I'm not going to post blogs much so yea......I can skip school. But I'm not going to choose that option.
Edit: Boohoo, I can't post up my test results on some hillarious ones.
Funny Slogan: Reach for the Ass.
Never again trust the Sloganizer.
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Tuesday, February 17, 2004
Going back to the past
The past of otakuboards were painful for me for some reason but now it doens't hurt much anymore. I can't explain it. But here it is. Otakuboards' past. Through the magic of archives. You could see some of the boards's pastskins and stuff. So far I can only see the main page. Not anything else :(. When V.7 comes out. I'm gonna look for Kuja again and look at his funny avatar and his very sad apology :P. I dispised him. He made a fool of meh :(. Well here's the page. Note the link that says, "Here it is"? If not, you're blind.
Here it is!
Oops, I forgot to mention. You have to type in in the bar thingy.
Congrats for Warlock and Lady Asphy for mentioning the site :D. Spread the love around :P. (Why did I say that?)
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School= Unpredictable things
My day:
Did my morning routine, get droped off by psycho dad, and rode the bus to school. A 6th grader asked me to play her Golden Sun: The Lost Age game. Unfortunately, it was the first stage. But I managed to beat it. Since it was a while since I played and beat the first stage ^_^.
The bus ride: Hmmm, you wonder why I devote a paragraph in this log about a bus ride? One thing, Angelica A.K.A "Chickens" was riding on the bus. And that makes things much more intresting . Anyways, after I've beaten the first stage of GS:TLA, "Chickens" told me about her new "pet" George. Which was the 3 eyed alien dude from Toy stories. But his eyes were popped out of it's eye "sockets". You couldn't really help to notice the springs behind the eyes. Yes, I know, sounds like she has a mental issue. But I'm starting to think she does .
After that weird confrontation, the 6th grader had a fight with my friend David about the game boy advanced SP that I was playing. Saying that his friend next to him has his GBA SP was gone, and the SP I was playing had the exact same color. They agued, but it ended when the 6th grader said and I quote, "I have the receipt to prove it. I'll bring it over tommorrow. After the aguement, I went over to talk to "chickens" about the orange juice she had on her lap. She said that she got it from Jacqui (the girl behind her, and a row next to me). But somewhere there, the topic changed to a whole new dimension. Strange tastes. "Chickens"/Angelica said that she had Capri sun aand hot cheetos and saying that it was considered a weird taste (???). Then went saying that hot cheetos mixed in with other spices dosen't mix. Well then duh, it would have a taste that could burn your tongue right off -_-
School: THe quote of the day, " We can eat the paper? Cool! --Angelica/Chickens
Anyone got that sickening feeling that churns in your stomach? I thought so.
When I was walking towards my classroom, Caroline was tlaking to me, but I quickly walked away as she talked to her friend/"guardian" Lan Vi. Their friendship seems to be very strong. For example, compared to Yugi & Co.'s bond, Yugi would be rivals with Joey. Yes, and it WASN'T literal. I dropped off my roller backpack and played with the 6th graders at handball. Only to whup their @$$es and leading by 1st place :D.
After morning recess ended. I walked into my line, hear the announcement from my teacher and walked into the classroom. On my desk I found out that my book order came in. I finally got my January Shonen Jump! Unfortunately, my December issue didn't come in. But I was still happy! After skimming through, a new manga called Hikaru No Go was added on. It was about a kid that discovered a Go board with his sister at the attic. He was the only one who saw blood stains on the board and he fainted at the sight of it. WHen he woke up, he never knew that during his unconcious state, he was being possesed by a Go master, that has lived 1000 years ago. With a passion for the game of Go that is fierce. I was planning to read it during SASR (Snack and Silent reading). After the Pledge of Allegiance, we worked through the work book pages, gone through 1 reading quiz, and finally it was group novel time. My novel that I was reading along with 5 other girls (how sad isn't it?) is called Hope's crossing. You should read it sometime. It's very touching.
After that, it was SASR. I read my SJ, and it was terrific. That authors for the mangas they shown were superb :D. After SASR, it was recess, this time it was handball Boys vs Girls. It was nothing to be proud of. After that it was math. The most hilarious time of the day. This time was usually make a stronger connection between Student and teacher. When we corrected our test reviews. We got the test it self. After that, another test, but it won't be graded since it was just for fun. After we graded the "fun" test. "Chickens" have made a suggestion after the teacher said, "You can now do whatever you want to the paper now." She said, the quote above this," We can eat the paper? Cool! --Angelica/Chickens
Freakish huh? SHe ate a little bit of paper, and some people tried it. I wasn't one of them. Thank god. I was too busy reading more SJ :P. After math time, it was lunch. AFter htat more recess. After that Social Studies. We were watching a spoof video about the radification of of the constitution I think. After that I went to chorus. WHich was intresting. After the teacher moved around the boys. The section where all the boys are were A LOT smaller then the girls (girls were placed around the boys, except the top and bottom, only side to side. so the middle is only boys while everyone else is you know). After chorus, we went home. And there's nothing else to write. Oops, the simpsons are on. Catch ya later!
-G/S/B Master
P.S. omfg, I wish that my code couldn't screw up right here. -_-. If anyone can describe the problem let me know. Becuase I ahve setted up the code perfectly, but yet there is 1 flaw that makes everything that I posted above this messege but below the 2nd quote bigger. But I'm glad that there's a modify post option :D
P.S.S Please choose the avatar I should put on my V7 account! You vote can mkae all the difference! Like American Idol without the black dude that I can't even understand, a woman that doesn't like to be called "nicest person in the world", and a british man that has to work on his insults.
Edit: Weee, I edit the messege so that it doesn't look n00bish XD.
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Monday, February 16, 2004
...................Can you guess the title by the mood?
Mood: Bored as hell. Yet giddy ^_^
Well, it's a monday afternoon, haven't done my report, talking to Domon and Xra, and really glad that Xra finished my uber chibi banner for OB v7!

Comment on Banner: It's the chibi form of Bloody Roar's villan Xion the Unborn! In his beast form and in human form. I wasn't expecting chibi. But it still looks good. Do you agree?
Xra is coming up with the avi. I dunno if I want to stick with my Paine avi *points to picture* or the avi Xra is making. Please vote! Vote by making a comment on this blog.
A random quote from a spoof:
"Let see, I bought Microsoft, the state of Oklahoma, and the swedish breakdancing team-Cactuar
Newgrounds Update: I have reached level 4 yay! I have blammed 5 pathetic movies, and watched one terrific one!. Go there and watch Newgrounds Tournament. The creator should've put Pico in there instead of that stupid Egg :(
Edit: Wheee, Xra finished his avatar project!
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Psycho Dad
Everyone. It's official. I have a psychotic dad. He just recently trashed my sister's room. And I have to help her clean up, at 11:48 PM Pacific time. -_-. Bear with me everyone.
P.s. My dad is very cautious of things so....
Check it out! I'm another Oliver Bean character -_-.
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Sunday, February 15, 2004
Life is soooo boring
Side Note: This is weird. I haven't even updated this site yet but people come to this blog. Anyways, I'm so psyched about OB's v7 upgrade! I just wish my banner would've come sooner >_<. When the boards come back up. If you have any questions, PM G/S/B Master. Thanks!
Life: Boring. Valentines day was the most boring day ever. I just played Teen Titan games on the Cartoon Network and going on Newgrounds hoping that a new Final Fantasy spoof was up. Unfortunately, there wasn't.
On top of that, Pico 2 is still not presented. For damn 2 years, a single flash that has to be under 5 megs hasn't been done yet!!!!! Oh well.
Any Dynasty Warrior fans here? If there is, save your moeny for Samurai Warriors. A game like DW except it takes place in feudal Japan. Anyways, good luck on finding good chracter pics for it.
FFX-2 International+Final Mission should've came out today in Japan. If anyone knows the link to the petition to send the INternational version to the US. Let me know. I would've posted up on this log. But I didn't have the URL. Post the link on the guestbook when I do.
If anyone could help me make my mO look much more spiffier. IM me on GigaOmegaX. Thank you.
Edit: My last post was at 12-16-03. And it's deleted so I can get another fresh start.
Edit 2: Uh oh. Guru is screwing up. Here's my result as my Anime girlfreind thingy Who's Your Anime Girlfriend?
Comment:I don't beleive that no one has the same results as me. I do not have a fetish for glasses. *looks around* Stop staring at me
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