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California, Oogling on Mei Sammiang's breasts O.O
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........I don't want to bore you.
Erm, I'll come back to this one *tries to do a pseudo flip*
| NegativeZero
Sunday, April 11, 2004
Game of the month

Game of the Month!
Kessen II is the first "Game of the Month" winner! I rented this game 2 days ago and it ROCKS! It's old (release date was 10/15/2001) but it's so cool!
This game was released after Koei released Dynasty Warriors 2. Kessen II is based on the Romance of the Three Kingdoms book (I'm trying to get a hold of it, but I can't find it anywhere!) Though IT'S NOT A TRUE STORY!!!!!! Liu Bei can't float into the air and fly, Himiko can't unleash Heaven's Wrath on Liu Bei's forces, and centainly, ZHUGE LIANG CAN'T SUMMON THE FLAMES OF HELL!!!!!
Well, historic battle faced in the Han Empire era was played in this game. The battle of Chi Bi was my favorite. "Burn Chi Bi, BURN!" - Zhuge Liang. XD.
Graphics: Superb! This is excellent graphics.
Gameplay: Great. But when you're army is confused a lot and you have to tap X to make them unconfused. My X button is loose and about to fall off -_-.
Here's a screenshot of a "change stratagy" screen. 
Storyline: Well, it's bland. Really, people are misintreperting whats the storyline is!
Liu Bei's Side of the Story: He's battling against Cao Cao becuase he want his lover, Diao Chan, back.....
Cao Cao's Side of the Story: WORLD DOMINATION BIZAAATCH!!!! :). Thats just part of his plan. Cao Coa is fighting against Liu Bei so he could kill him. Cao Cao's forces kidnapped Diao Chan and Cao Cao wants Diao Chan to tell him the secret that she has kept. Which is where the Imperial Seal is. The Imperial Seal is important to Cao Cao becuase it's the sign of the Mandate of Heaven. Which is a destiny Maker of some sort.
Diao Chan loses hope on Liu Bei on rescuing her. Because a fortune teller from a distant land, Himiko (which later becomes Cao Cao's magician) fortold that the Mandate of Heaven is with him and Liu Bei will lose the war. Liu Bei proves them wrong. Liu Bei DESTROYS the mandate of heaven when he leaps and flys into the air when the mandate sends heaven's "beasts" during the battle at Chi Bi (before Zhuge Liang BURNED Cao Cao's forces XD
This is a great game to play and I advise ANYONE to play this magnificent game. I'm trying to defeat Cai Wengi as Cao Cao.... Damn her imposters....
This is the favorite screeenshot I could find on the web: 
There's a close up on Mei's breasts, but I can't find it :P.
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