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around 7 when I first watched Dragon Ball and Dragon Ball Z
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Well... thats hard but my favorites are Naruto , Samurai Champloo, Full Metal Achelmist, BEEt the vandel buster, Hunter x Hunter, Bleach, Ruroni Kenshin, Samurai Deeper, Dragon Ball series, yu yu hakusho, SCREYD, and much much more !!!
To be the BEST of the BEST !
,Playin video games ,reading manga, watching anime, playing basketball and, watchin T.V. !
math and ... well thats really it
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Thursday, April 13, 2006
HEY !!!!
" border="1" bordercolor="#000000">
Hey !!! was up !!!! Well ima doin pretty good !!! Since tommorow is Good Friday we get tommorow off !!! So today was basically like a friday for us !!!! KH2 is goin pretty good !!! I plan on beatin the game tonight !!!!! Lets see.. I have a project due monday... which I haven't started yet !!!!! But, it should be pretty easy !!!! well I guess thats it for today !!!! See yall LATER !!!!
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006
was up ?

Hey !!! hows everey one doin !!!! well ima not doin much here !!!!
well some of you might know that today is pass over !!!! itz a jewish holiday !!!! wel i actually consider myself chrtistian but my dad is Jewish so we kinda celebrate jewish holidays too !!! It was pretty fun I guess !! we played Hide the Mathzah and who ever found it would win 10 bucks !!! but i didn't win O_O !!!! o well !!!
School has been goin pretty good !!!! Ima pretty sure I have all A's !!! but, I have like 4 projects all do this monday !!!!!Ima akmost done with Kingdom Hearts 2 !!!! I'll probaly beet it overb the weekend !!! Ima also goin to the book store this weekend !!!! akthough I don't really know wat ima goin to get !!!!
well I guess thts basically it !!! see yall LATER !!!!!!
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Tuesday, April 11, 2006
OKAY !!! I know Nidaime diddn't last very long but... Shikamaru is just too cool !!! So as you see my theme is Shikamaru... again !!!!!
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HIYA !!!

Hey !!!! How's everyone doin !!!! well ima doin fine !!!! Lets see.... well today I don't have as much HOMEWORK as yesterday but I still have a good amount !!!! I went to Mr.Gatties... for those of you who don't no it's like a pizza arcade place... and I saw my friends there !!!! It was really fun !!!!!
Well... i'm almost done with Kingdom Hearts 2 !!!! I think ima goin to take a break from it though !!!! Has anybody been r4eadin any new mangas cause iv'e been dieing to read something new !!!!!
Lets see... ima thinking about changing my theme either back to Shikamaru again or Kiba !!!! I haven't decided I guess it all depends on if I find a cool Back Ground or not !!!! well thanks to Windswept134 I no longer need help !!!! ( THANKS A MILLION !!!) so ummm... yea I guess thats all for now... o wait... O never mind !!! Yea thats it so see yall LATER !!!!!!!!!
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Monday, April 10, 2006
Hey !!!!!
Hey !!!!! How's evertone doing !!!!! well... ima doin pretty good !!!!! Iv'e been playing a lot of kingdom Hearts 2 !!!!! I'm pretty sure i'm almost done with the game !!!!!
I have a TON of HOMEWORK today !!!! I have a packet in Social Studies, another packet for math, about 30 note card thingies for Language Arts, and to top off ALL of that another... *DRUM ROLL* ... PACKET for science !!! so yea to sum it all up I have a lot of HOMEWORK !!!!
So yea I guess that about it !!!! OHHHH YEA !!!! If any of you can HELP me (See post before) I would really appreicate it !!!! well see yall LATER !!!!!!!
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Sunday, April 9, 2006
HELP !!!
Well I decided I didn't just want a background !!!! I want a Layout !!!! so if anyone knows where I could get one and/or where to paste the code then PLEASE tell me !!!!!! PLEASE and THANK YOU !!!!
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Saturday, April 8, 2006
NEW THEME !!!!!!
As you can see I have a new theme !!!!!! It's Nidaime the 2nd Hokage !!!!!! He is my favorite Hokage and I haven't seen a site with him on it !!!!!! well see yall LATER !!!! PS I'm making a Nindaime club instead of Obito cause he's my new theme !!!! so see yall LATER !!!!
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pretty tired....
Well it's saturday morning and ima still pretty tired from staying up to like 4 last night ! Well since I haven't played Kingdom Hearts 2 all week I pulled off an all-nighter and I still couldn't beat it !!!! But, I am going to take my time cause I want to enjoy the game instead of just skimming threw it !!!!
Iv'e also been watching a lot of anime on youtube !!!! Iv'e been watching Naruto, Beet the Vandel Buster, and HunterxHunter !!!! I watched them cause iv'e only read them not seen them. (not including Naruto !)
Oh yea and the Obito fan club should be done soon.... well I just have to get around to doing it !!!!! and sorry if I haden't gotten around to anyones site lately... I've just been busy with school but i'll start visiting some more soon enough !!!! well thatz it see yall LATER !!!!
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
was up !!!?
well how's everyone doin !!!! today has been EXTREMLY BORING for me !!!! We didn't do anything !!!! ALL I did was either sleep, eat, or in gym we played basebal and I hit 2 HOMERUNS !!!! So that was bascially the HIGHLIGHT of my day !!!!
Iv'e only played Kingdom Hearts once this whole week !!! Right now ima in Halloween Town !!!! My favorite town so far is Pirates of the Carrebean !!! For three reasons !!!! First of all I just think it's a fun world , second I really liked the movie and it had some movie quoates, third I think it was the most challenging since the pn;y way you can defeat the pirates is by hitting them in the moonlight !
Iv'e also been reading some manga !!!! Iv'e been reading Death Note !! Iv'e read all of the books out so far !!!! well besides that iv'e basically just been watching some Naruto episodes and AMVs !!!!! Well SEE YALL LATER !!!!!!!!
O yea and P.S. Due to a request I'm going to make an Obito fan club !!!! I'm making him for two reasons one he kicks ass and two I haven't seen to many Obito fan clubs !!! so if u have signed my Gb or regularly come to my site fee free tjoin !!! LATER !!!!
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Sunday, April 2, 2006
HIYA !!!!

well sorry I haven't posted for a while !!! Once I got Kingdom Hearts 2 I just couldn't put down the controler !!!!
Ima also sorry If I haven't gotten around to sign your gb yet !!! But, I will !!!! I have also been playing Dead or Alive 4 for the Xbox 360 !!! That game is soooo much FUN !!!!!
In other news, even though ima up to date reading Naruto iv'e never watched very much of the Japenese ones !!!! So I started and I got all the way to where Sasuke and Naruto fight and the Sasuke wins and leaves !!! It was an AWESOME fight !!! I like it better when you watch it then read it !!!! I also might get a cell phone today !!!! I plan on getting the SLVR L7 !!! You can put a 100 itune songs on it and alot of other stuff !!! It should be AWESOME !!!!!
Well, I think Ima goin to change my theme in about a week so !!! So if you have any suggsetions let me know !!!! well se yall LATER !!
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