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myOtaku.com: Neji Hyuuga64

Welcome to my guestbook. Please be polite and constructive when you sign this. Be warned that it is strictly against myOtaku.com's policy to sign guestbooks for the sole purpose of promoting your own site.

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Guestbook Entries:

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GaaraoftheDesert1 (10/07/07)

hey i found u :P hehe didnt think i would huh well just wanted to say WE'RE ALL TO BLAME!! mwahaha hehe sorry im gonna add u if u dont mind...im sure u can guess who this is well later

pau7 (10/06/07)

Hi^^thanx for my signing my gb and adding,ill do same thing,lol WERE ALL TO BLAME hehe jk,well later dude

ice nija dragon (09/22/07)

Hi I like your site! is it's ok that I add you as a friend? See you around!

twilight1326 (09/21/07)

hey kool site neji is an elite ninja end of story

Kiroro The Kat (09/21/07)

yo rko nice site page its fiiiiiiine

Lil Devil4life (09/20/07)

Wat up!? I like your site! Pretty kewl! *two thumbs up* Well, I�ll be addin you! Visit me when you can! Domo arigato and Jaa ne!! Danke and Tschau!! Thank you and Bye!

Lil Devil4life

I�m not shy I�m just stalking my next victim.

P.S. I love the BG but you should put FIXED in all the boxes you put #XXXXX cuz then the bg pic will stay in place it would go over and over and over again! Visit mine and look at how my bg is if u don't understand what I just said! (i wouldn't understand lol!!)

GaarasGal (09/18/07)

ay. it's Maura! i likie your site. hope to be friends. remember im rosies best friend. okies! Byez!!!


sasuke fan 4 life (09/16/07)

i like ur site i added u pm me anytime it is cool that u like neji i am a fan of sasuke but they are both a like to i will ttyl bye

chi1234567890 (09/15/07)

hi! its me Chi!

well your site is cool!!!!!

love ya lots bye (i say htat to every1),
chi1234567890 (thats my site name)

E-123 (09/01/07)

'Aldo. T'was directed here by my friend neji's fan girl. Y'seem like a nice guy, according to her. So, I'm gonna put you on my list.

Toodles, seeya around.

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