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Member Since
Full pledged kunoichi, neko, student, fangirl
Real Name
Michiko Yume Nakashima. (Michiko means child of a 1000 beauties, Yume is dreams, and Nakashima is center of the island.)
I'M ALIIIIVE!!!! XD........Or you can say I graduated the academy and finally became a shinobi, survived all my first days of school so far, and conquered my fear and went on a rollar coaster and a zipline. ^_^
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Naruto, Tokyo Mew Mew, Ultra Maniac, Full Moon wo Sagashite, Kino no Tabi, Shakugan no Shana, Gakuen Alice, Ouran High School Host Club
To become a manga-ka, a singer, or a writer. If that doesn't work out, I'll work at resturaunt, become a comedian, or become a housewife. ^_^
Drawing, singing, listening to music.....
Drawing, singing, ninjutsu master, skilled with katana, and I can sound like a monkey a cat, and a racecar! Lol!
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/18/07:
What Type of Person Are You? [pictures + detailed results]
 The wanderer - The lost The one who never has a place to belong. The outcast amongst people, Wanderers find life to be rather lonely. There is an empty feeling inside of them that they can't seem to get rid of. However, not all is pain for them. Despite what others might think, they are very much capable of being happy and sad. Due to the fact that Wanderers always feel misplaced -to some extent- some adjust to how others are, just to have a place to be. The others in this category tend to shy away from people, preferring their own company, certain that they don't fit in. Both categories however, do keep most of their personal thoughts inside. Wanderers tend to wish for a place where they are meant to be, resulting in a lot of daydreaming. Personality wise they are, in fact, dreamers. It doesn't mean they believe that they wish for will come true. Their inner world is simply better than this one. Most Wanderers try to find their special place, no matter if they are a passive-aggressive or a fearless individual. It is something they are drawn to do by nature. Wanderers are also found to be hard to truly satisfy. Nothing will ever be the way they would have preferred/wanted it to be, and they tend to be disappointed a lot. It is not that they are perfectionists, they simply want for something to feel "right". Because of this, they often second-guess things/actions/relationships. Low self-esteem is a high possibility, as they often doubt themselves. As their hole in their heart is constantly there, they may be prone for depression, as rarely anything is giving them true satisfaction. One day they may find their personal heaven, but it is important they are not too caught up in fantasies, or else they might pass by it blindly, missing it forever. Quote:"Illusion is the first of all pleasures." -Oscar Wilde
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Result Posted on 01/18/07:
Hmm, this is my fave one. Next to Bring Me to Life, of course.
What Evanescence song are you?[many outcomes + wonderful pictures]
 Your Evanescence song is: My Immortal Memories of a time with a lost person consumes you. You remember him/her so clearly and you are tired of being a victim to your thoughts. You are depressed because of all this, but you just can't seem to let it go. Apperantly this person meant the world to you and made you very happy. You hope that one day he/she will return to you, and you will live happily ever after. But your mind tells you it's not going to happen. You need to let go in order to find peace. These wounds won't seem to heal This pain is just too real Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/18/07:
Hmm....Balanced huh.....That's a pic of Itachi.....
How do you see life?
 Life is all about balance. Darkness can't be without light, and light can't be without darkness. You see everything through different angeles to gain perspective over situations. You act rather rational and people can find you stiff and/or emotionless due to this. Life is not really that good to you, yet it's not so bad. Like everything else, you need to balance it in order to find peace. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 01/13/07:
Clubs I've made and joined! PM me to join the ones I've made!!! ^^
Result Posted on 12/26/06:
I only watch Pokemon when there's nothing to watch and I'm bored....
Michiko's PokéPet
Espeon the level 53 Espeon! |
Result Posted on 12/21/06:
DON'T CHA MESS WITH ME!!!! Okay I'm calm.
What kind of anime eyes do you have? (picture results)
Result Posted on 12/16/06:
Happy Holidays!
Result Posted on 12/11/06:
Name: Michiko Nakashima/Rank: Genin/Village: Konoha/DRAWING CREDIT GOES TO JENNIFER LI .
Result Posted on 11/21/06:
What's Your Perfect Anime Boyfriend?!
Result Posted on 11/21/06:
What type of person is drawn to you? (Amazing anime pics!)
 Understanding: You two will probably know that you were meant to be from the moment you meet each other. They understand you and will be kind out of heart without wishing anything in return. They love to see you happy. You are probably a lot like them too! Even though they may not be the hottest of the bunch, they are openminded and love everything about you and that's what matters! Count on this person to always be there for you and trully love you for the person you are. Try not to get too carried away in your own world though. You two are all about the meaning in everything. This person is drawn to you by your acceptance, kindness, and emotional will towards all people. This person will want to spend the rest of thier lives with you and live thier life to the fullest with you by thier side. Take this quiz!
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