Hair: Dark Brown
Eyes: Hazel
Age: 14
Weapon: Ninja-to (special type of sword with a snorkel and secret place for a dagger)
Rank: Genin
Attitude: You're an extremely strong contender for such a young age! Though, you have a weakness for your family and friends, you still fight like you were born in the battlefield! You're usually found training or eating some good ole fashioned ramen at the Ichiraku! You are kind of like Sasuke, you are quiet but still love your friends like no tomorrow, just like he does... secretly! You can be negative at times... okay you're negative a lot, and cocky. Man, if you weren't so bad about keeping on your feet, I'd feel like hitting you! :P You can go from bored to serious when it comes to fighting like nothing! Your ideal bishie would either be Sasuke or Neji! You'd get along best with Shikamaru, Shino, or Temari! Your enemies would be Sakura, Ino, and Lee, though he thinks differently of you! @_@
Village: Hidden Leaf Village
Most Admirable Trait: Serious Nature in Fights
Least Admirable Trait: Cocky and Negative Attitude
Naruto- Is thoroughly annoyed with how much you and Sasuke are alike.
Sasuke- Thinks you are the only girl he's not secretly wanting to murder slowly and painfully.
Sakura- Wants to kill you for taking her Sasuke!
Kiba- Hates you for saying he smells funny.
Hinata- Doesn't like talking to you!
Shino- Considers you a friend for not fearing him for the bug deal!
Ino- Dreams of killing you every single night!
Shikamaru- Thinks you're okay...
Chouji- Was to busy stuffing his face to answer.
Kimimaro- Is okay with you...
Tayuya- Thinks you're a dipshit.
Sakon/Ukon- Would love to go threesome on you! WTF?!
Deidara- Thinks you're annoying as hell because he can't get you to laugh at him.
Itachi- Could care less...
Neji- You're the only person he doesn't wish to use Jyuuken on.
Rock Lee- LOVES YOU! <3333333
TenTen- Doesn't really care that you're even alive...
Temari- Finds you cool no matter you're to cocky for your own good.
Gaara- Has and will continue to try to bury you in sand.
Kankuro- Hates you for never playing 'dolls' with him.
Haku- Thinks you're odd...
Sasori- Praises you for getting Deidara's attention from him.
Kisame- Laughs at you constantly...
Iruka- Wants to try and make you smile one day.
Kakashi- Is one day going to stuff you face first into the dirt.
Zabuza- Thinks you're Sasuke's twin.
Kurenai- Likes to go shopping with you.
Jiraiya- Is a pervert... you don't need to know whatever he is thinking...
Orochimaru- Wants to put a cursed seal on you...
Tsunade- Hates you because you stole money from her once.
Sarutobi- You were one of his favorites!
Yondaime- Blames you for Naruto's inability to keep quiet!
Kabuto- Actually doesn't care!
Asuma- You're just annoying to him!
Genma- Is planning ways on throwing his pocky at your eye.
Hayate- Wishes he would have been alive long enough to see you laugh.
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