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| Nejistolemycookie
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Monday, July 9, 2007
Neji's Post
Am I the only bored person on this whole site? I never have anything to do!
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Wednesday, June 20, 2007
Neji's Post
What's up?
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Monday, May 7, 2007

You must do the Hula! Like SAKURA!! Or, dance like any Naruto character!

DANCE!! LIKE NO ONE IS WATCHING!! (Though the whole internet is!)
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Wednesday, May 2, 2007
I'm lazy, I'm never on, I'm never one time to class, I'm always asleep, I'm lazy...
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Wednesday, April 4, 2007
I haven't been on in so long, I'm freakin bored here, anything to do? PM me if you know a site with games.
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Monday, October 23, 2006
My questions,
I have some questions for all of you,
1.) Who are you?!
2.) Do you like marshmellows?
4.) How many visits do you have on your site?
5.) Can you help me find my marshmellows?
My answers,
1.) Alex
3.) In your coat pocket
4.) 68
5.) Yes
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Sunday, October 15, 2006
My story,
Ok, this is the story of my birth,
Once, in the land of Lucindar, a vampire was giving birth to a human child. During that time a war was going on, and the childs father was on the side of the humans, vs, the vampires. The vampires were outnumbered and defeated. So the humans decided to attack the main village. Where the vampire giving birth was being sheltered, and as they entered the gates, the baby was born. Her name was Cenduar, she was half human, half vampire. And after weak from giving birth, her mother couldn't defend herself or her child, so she fled. Sending her child to live amongst the humans by putting her spirit into a woman about to give birth. But the baby that was originally there, didn't want to leave, so Cenduar killed the child inside of the woman. Then three years later, when the child Cenduar, had been renamed to Alexandra, they got a cat, with the mark of the vampire on her forehead. And then, nine years later, Alexandra figured out she was the princess of Lucindar, and the cat they had got a few years before was her mother, in her weakened form. So now that little girl, is me. And I am the only one who respects my mom. Because of her beautiful coat, and caring of me. Every morning, she gets me up like a real parent. And always sniffs new people to make sure their safe for her daughter to see. Now, I must find a way to get back to my world and restore it's beauty.
Alex, the survivor
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Sunday, September 17, 2006
This is a Hinata and Neji fight with the right music
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Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Will you please read my story and tell me if it's any good?
This is a story of Naruto so if you don't like come back on a few days and i'll have a anime you suggest!! ^^
The new Sannin
By: Cookie Monster
Disclaimer: I don’t own Naruto
Characters in chapter: New girl, Sasuke, Orochimaru, Itachi, The ancient Sannin, Naruto, Kankuro, and Sakura.
Pairings: New Girl/Sasu, Saku/Itac, Naru/Saku
Chapter One Enter New girl the Dragon master
“GET OFFA ME!!” Two men grabbed this one girl. “HEEEEEEE!!” One of them screeched. “UNH!!” She kept struggling. “First I’ll rape her, then kill her!” One of them said. “NO!! You rape I rape then kill!” “GOOD!!” ‘ARE THEY PSYCHO?!!’ The girl thought. “Leave her alone.” The girl looked up in the tree, she saw a man with dark raven colored hair throw kunai at the men. “AIEEEEEE!!” They both screamed. Then they ran off, “Those were the demon brothers from Mist, they went insane after the assassination of Gato.” He said and was prepared to jump back to his land but the girl stopped him, “May I ask the name of my savior?” He turned. “Sasuke, from the Uchiha clan.” Then he disappeared. “Sasuke…I’ll remember that.”
Orochimaru’s hiding place,
“So Sasuke you started getting friendly with other villagers eh?” Orochimaru teased. “Shut your trap Orochimaru. It’s none of your business what I wanna do.” He snapped and opened the fridge. “I wouldn’t go in there Sasuke, the fridge’s been broken for forever.” Orochimaru snickered. “UUGHH!!!” Sasuke screamed and covered his nose. “How long has that fuckin’ jug of milk been in there?!” Sasuke managed to say. “About…six years.” Orochimaru laughed. “YUCK!” Sasuke closed the door to the fridge and got some crackers instead. “You’ve gotta get someone to fix that.” Sasuke said. “You think I a S-class criminal can just call a repair man and they won’t go without calling the Elite Jônin?” “You’re right.” Sasuke admitted, “At least get one of your goons to fix it.” “No. I won’t torture them that much.” Orochimaru smiled. “Who is this girl you have just meet?” “I…don’t know. I gave her my name but I never bothered to ask for hers.” Sasuke said just about ready to lie down and sleep. “She might be the legendary Sannin that’s been missing for all these years.” Orochimaru stopped smiling and started to think. “What did she look like?” Orochimaru looked at Sasuke seriously. “She had bright green hair with a gold tint and golden with a green tinted eyes. She had a tattoo going up each arm, One a golden dragon and the other and green dragon, and plenty of piercings in her ears.” Orochimaru looked shocked, “She is…she’s Sinaki…the legendary Gold and Green dragon…” Sasuke almost fell of the couch he was sitting on. “WHAAAT?!!!”
Where the girl was earlier that night
“Kakashi this is definitely her hair.” “Let me it Gai.” Kakashi said to his new teammate. Kakashi examined the strand of hair that Gai handed to him. “Yup. Green hair with a gold tint.” Kakashi held it up to the moonlight, “I’m positive… sister…”
Where the girl is now
The girl was bathing in a hot spring to get the stench of blood and dirt of her skin. She brought out a bottle of liquid from her pack, it was a murky gray with a bunch of brown particles. Then she jumped it all over her head without warning. But when she dunked her head in the water it glistened like the stars. She heard a rustling in the bushes and grabbed a couple of shuriken. “Put on your clothes. I won’t look.” The man said. “Who are you?” “Just put on your clothes and I’ll tell you.” She quickly got on her clothes and the man jumped out. “Hey, Sinaki.” “SASUKE?!” She screamed and hugged him. “Who did you figure out my name?” “You’re name is known around the world, you are a legendary SANNIN.” She felt herself being wrapped in a boa constrictor and couldn’t breath. “I…am?” “Yes your name means in the ancient language Gold and Green dragon. My masters name is Orochimaru, he is also a Sannin, his name means snake.” She wrapped her arms around his waist again. “Sasuke…I’m frightened! Why does it have to be me?” Sasuke patted her back. “It’s ok, being a Sannin is a good thing!” He tried to cheer her up. But words couldn’t reach her now she was to upset. Sasuke thought, he’ll talk to her by touch. He kissed her neck and she sprung back to life. “Sasuke…I’m sorry for zoning out like that, it’s just so surprising. I just thought I was just your everyday ninja!” She laughed and let go of his waist. “Can I take you to my master?” She looked at him with her strange eyes and smiled like she meant it. “Of course.”
Orochimaru’s hiding place,
“Orochimaru, this is Sinaki.” He said to his half asleep master. “Oh, hello Sinaki, fancy meeting you after all these years.” Sasuke was baffled. “You knew each other?” Sinaki nodded, “Yes, it is my godfather.” “Sinaki, I’m ashamed. After all these years you still can’t say my name?” “Why would I want to you hell bitten snake?!” Orochimaru started laughing. “You’re funny Sinaki! You still can’t help but swear at me!” She growled. “Who wouldn’t swear at you?!” She tried to punch him but of course…she hit him straight on. “WHAT??!” Sasuke screamed. “I didn’t even see her move!!” Sasuke activated his sharingan. “You shouldn’t do things like that Sinaki. You may be the strongest of all of us but you don’t have to prove it.” Orochimaru giggled. There was a knock at the door. “Password?” “What password?” “Enter.” The man outside the door opened the door. “Itachi.” Sasuke growled at his elder brother. “You live with me Sasuke you should at least not try to kill me in my sl…?” Itachi cut of short when he saw the girl. “Is she who I think she is?” Then a little girl came in through the doorway. “Itachi I AM aloud in right?” “Of course Cherry Blossom.” Sasuke fell over. “SAKURA?!!” “Sasuke leave me alone. I’m with Itachi now.” Sakura said and grabbed Itachi’s arm. “Sakura…” Itachi blushed. “You don’t have to show him!” “Yah but he tortured me practically when he left!” Sakura said so innocently. Then a kunai flew at Sasuke. “What the fuck?!” He dodged it but just barely. “Serves you right Sasuke. You left me for power.” Sakura tugged on Itachi’s arm, “Come on Itachi we have the ya know…” “Yes I know.” Itachi kissed her neck and they left. “Ewww… elder brother’s got a girlfriend… and she used to like me. That a scary thought.” Sinaki looked at him. “What is?” “I just saw them getting married and… BRRRRRRRRRR!! Those are some ugly kids if they have any!” Sasuke and Sinaki started laughing and Orochimaru just snickered. But they were having fun just being them selves. The little girls arms started to glow. The green tattoo started to glow gold and the gold tattoo started to glow green, “What’s happening to me?!” Sinaki screamed as she looked at her arms. Sasuke looked confused. “What are you talking about?” “LOOK AT MY ARMS!!!” “WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT?!” Sasuke and Sinaki started yelling at each other. “You mean you can’t see it…? EIYAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!” She screamed and fell to the floor. “Her Powers are AWAKENING!!” Orochimaru said with excitement. “We must take her to the other Sannin to have her powers rightfully summoned!” Sasuke grabbed the girl and followed Orochimaru into the heart of Oto and then to a shrine. Orochimaru banged on the door very loudly, “OPEN UP!!! SINAKI’S HERE!!” Then the door opened, a brown haired man about 58 years old was holding a booze bottle. He had blue eyes and had many scars on his face. “Sinaki?” “ARE YOU DRUNK AGAIN?!!” “Uh…*Hic* yeah kind of.” “GET YOURSELF TOGETHER!!!!” Orochimaru started to shake the other Sannin. “Oh, sorry Oro-sama. So Sinaki finally decided to show up?!” He looked Sinaki over, she slowly looked up, “Bro…ther?” She fainted and fell into his arms. “This is Sinaki all right. She is the only one who would still call me brother.” Sasuke looked back and fourth at the elder Sinaki and Sinaki. “What a minute. So Sinaki is your sister?” “No. She is not my sister. She is a really good friend of mine.” Sasuke nodded his head. “So this is your apprentice huh Oro-sama?” “He is not my apprentice but he is tagging along with me.” Orochimaru answered. Sinaki started to make painful noises and blood started to fall down her mouth. “So what is wrong with her?” The elder Sannin answered. “Her powers are awakening.” Sasuke said. “THEN WHY THE HELL DID YOU NOT TELL ME THAT!?! I WOULD HAVE TAKEN HER TO THE TEMPLE!!” Orochimaru and Sasuke fell over. “Sorry but you were so caught up about her arrival. I didn’t feel like spoiling the moment.” Orochimaru started to chuckle. He picked up Sinaki and the elder Sannin told Sasuke to get on his back. “We’re going to go really fast. That’s what the elder and I can do. And soon Sinaki…” They went faster then Sasuke could track even with his Mangekyō Sharingan. They left the land of sound and went to sand. Where a huge temple lie dormant…no action…nothing…not even a lit candle. They knocked on the door and a hooded man opened it. He was on the outside to begin with. He was wearing gold robes. “These people worship Sinaki. They stay here until her powers are awakened. She is very lucky…not as people worship anybody of the Sannin as they do her. Maybe because she’s a girl and the rest are guys. And the worshipers are all guys.” Orochimaru explained to Sasuke. “I have one question Orochimaru.” “What?” “How old are you and the elder Sannin?” Orochimaru chuckled. “I am 1,403 years and he is 3,001 years old. You can call him Blue for now. He really doesn’t have a name.” Sasuke practically fell off Blue’s back. “And how old is Sinaki?” “12.” “JUST TWELVE!!!?!!” “Yes we look younger cause we’re older and she looks older cause she’s younger. It’s a Sannin thing.” Orochimaru explained. Sasuke thought it over. ‘It somewhat makes sense.’ He thought. When Orochimaru dropped Sinaki on a summoning jutsu circle a younger man came around and shook Orochimaru hand and Blue’s hand. “Is he another…?” ‘No talking SASUKE!!’ Orochimaru said to him telepathically. Sasuke shut his trap. Then an elder Sannin probably older than Blue walked up to Sinaki. He looked her over and when he saw the glowing arms he backed away. “This everybody is Sinaki, Goddess of The Green and Gold dragons!” The worshipers started cheering. “Her powers are almost awaken inside of her!” Sasuke noticed that he had a purple dog tattoo running up his face. And he wasn’t exactly handsome or close to it. The man laid his hand on the circle and a women worshiper striped her of her clothes. “May the power of Sannin be with you.” He whispered in her ear. The circle started to glow green and gold because Sinaki’s chakra was leaking out of her body. She started to raise off the ground and the worshipers went silent, the ancient Sannin ran his fingers over his face, Sasuke noticed that Orochimaru and Blue were standing next to him. Then Orochimaru rubbed his fingers on his stomach and Blue started on his leg. They put those same fingers on Sinaki’s body and she started to glow purple red and blue. She started to awake and saw them looking at her. She knew to stay quiet though, she wanted to live. “So Sinaki is awake. Are you feeling any better?” The ancient Sannin asked her. “Yeah…a whole lot better.” She stayed down still. Orochimaru whispered something in the ancient’s ear. “Oh yes…if Uchiha Sasuke and Uchiha Itachi come forward?” Then Itachi who was standing in with the worshipers and Sasuke stepped near the circle but not in it. “Sasuke…you know this girl correct?” “Yes.” “And will you protect her for the rest of your life?” Sasuke thought it over. “Yes.” “Are you willing to become immortal?” “Yes.” “Then you two are know married.” Sasuke almost fell over. “And Itachi, will you make sure Sasuke does his deed?” “Yes.” “Then we can all leave.” He rushed the worshipers out the door. “I was tired of them.” He pulled Sinaki out of the circle. “What do you mean Sasuke and I are married?” “You’re married. Simple as that.” She found the woman who had her clothes and put them back on. Sasuke walked over to her, “I…guess we’re married since I have to protect you all times.” “Yes. The Sannin needs to be watched for their early years while training so they can train without being distracted. And if it’s a guy and a girl then you will be married. If the same gender they will be partnered in missions. But you guys are still partnered in missions. So you will not be with me anymore Sasuke. Your new sensei is going to be Itachi if you don’t kill him first.” Orochimaru laughed and walked out the door. Itachi threw a kunai knife at Sasuke and he caught it with ease. “I’m not the brat you new 15 years ago.” He flung it back at him and it surprisingly got him in the gut. “You have… gotten better Sasuke.” Sinaki started to walk out the door and disappeared. “Where’d she go?” Sasuke asked. “You’re the one who’s supposed to protect her fool.” Itachi hit him in the gut. “BEATING ME UP WON’T HELP FIND HER!!” Sasuke yelled at Itachi. Itachi sighed and shoved him out the door. “Your right…SO GET GOING!!!” He started to run as fast as he could to find her but she was sitting near the hot spring where he told her about herself. He sat next to her. “You ok?” He asked and when he saw her face he almost screamed…it was melting. He thought it was a substitution but only her face melting. He put her on his back and carried him to Orochimaru. “OROCHIMARU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” He yelled. “Don’t have to yell you know. What?” “Sinaki she…she…just take a look at her!” Sasuke handed Sinaki to him. “Her face’s melting…why?” Orochimaru looked up at Sasuke. “THAT’S WHY I BROUGHT HER TO YOU!!!” He hit Orochimaru on the head. “Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooorry! Well take her to the elder of the village. He’s good with this stuff.” And once again Sasuke put Sinaki on his back and carried her. When he arrived in the Forest of the Forgotten he looked for the elder. “ELDER!!!” Sasuke yelled at the forest. “What…cough…do you want?” Then Sasuke turned and saw a man with small spectacles and a crop of gray hair. There were scars all over his face and body that was showing. He was wearing robes that covered his whole body except his ankles and wrists. “Oh this girl I don’t know what’s wrong with her.” Sasuke dropped the girl in front of him. The elder examined her face, “Bring her into my house. Sinaki the green and gold dragon.” Sasuke was baffled. “How did you…” “I know everything.” Sasuke practically fell over in astonishment. He followed the Elder farther into the forest until he saw a cabin able to fit a giant. “Did you build this all by yourself?” Sasuke asked. “Yes I did. Lay the girl on the table.” The elder pointed to a table consumed in darkness. “Do you know who will win the war elder?” “Yes I do and it is shocking.” The elder went to work on Sinaki. “Can you tell me?” “I will tell everyone later when the second stage of the war is completed. Hand me that cloth of fire healing.” He pointed to a cloth that just looked like a regular old cloth. “It’s just a cloth.” The elder rubbed the cloth in this murky looking water and Put it on the girls face. When he removed the cloth her face wasn’t melting anymore. It was a soft as silk, Sasuke picked her up and spun her around. “Thank you elder I…” But when he turned to thank the elder he had disappeared. Sinaki woke up and coughed up smoke. “What happened to you?” Sasuke put her down and she started telling him how the fire spirits from the fire countries had tried to kill her since she was a Sannin. “Who healed such a serious burn?” “The elder of the Forgotten forest. But he disappeared.” “Of course he did silly! He only comes when you need him and not want him and leaves when you want him but don’t need him. Plus he is the god of the forgotten.” “You know so much more than me Sinaki.” He kissed her and she blushed. He motioned for her to get on his back so they could rid back to Orochimaru. When she climbed on he actually went to the leaf village instead to see some old friends. Neji was sitting on the gate eating some ramen, “HEY NEJI?!!” Sasuke yelled and put Sinaki down. Neji looked at him and jumped down, “Hey Sasuke. What are you doing here? I thought you went to train for 10 years?” “I did…nine years actually. Next week is the time I left.” Neji sighed and Sasuke laughed. “You’re not as cold as before Sasuke, what happened to you?” “I met her.” Sasuke pointed to Sinaki and she waved. “Hello Neji-kun, it’s very nice to meet you!” Neji blushed. “How did you pick up this girl? You rape her or something?” “NEJI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” Sasuke was strangling Neji. “Sasuke-sama…Neji-kun…please! Stop fighting. Or I’ll fight you.” She growled. “Perky to Cold. You are like, weird.” Neji said. Sinaki disappeared for a moment and reappeared behind him. “Don’t push it Neji-kun.” She jabbed him in the back and summoned her chakra. “TWO STRIKES!!” She jabbed him two times. “FOUR STRIKES!!” Neji didn’t even try to block because that was his move. “EIGHT STRIKES!!” She jabbed him four times and Sasuke tried to stop her. “SIXTEEN STRIKES!!” After she jabbed him sixteen times she appeared behind him. “THIRTY-TWO STRIKES!!” “WHO TAUGHT YOU?!” “SIXTY-FOUR STRIKES!!!” She paused to summon all her chakra. “DIVINE ONE HUNDRED TWENTY-FOUR STRIKES!!!!!!!!” She jabbed him in the stomach one hundred and twenty four times. He fell over. “How…did…you learn…that…move…?!” She looked at her hands and shook her head. “I have…no idea…it just ya know… happened!” She went over to Neji and helped him get up. ‘Her Sannin powers have fully awakened. She will just keep getting stronger than ever.’ Orochimaru thought. Sasuke looked up in the tree that Orochimaru was hiding in. “Sinaki-san come on we have to go see everyone.” Sasuke grabbed her hand and pulled her through the gate. Naruto was at Ichiraku ramen ‘I thought he would’ve had a different favorite food by now.’ Sasuke thought. ‘But who’s that woman he’s with?’ He saw a pink haired girl eating the ramen and Naruto was just waiting. “Hey Naruto!” Sasuke yelled at his former friend. “Teme.” Naruto growled back. ‘He’s colder than me! What the fuck’s going on?!’ Sasuke thought. “Naruto’s the new Hokage Sasuke. He’s experienced his last wife die at the hands of Kiba.” Neji told him. “Who was his last wife?” “Hinata…” Sasuke say a tear drip down Neji’s face. “And now…I swore that I would find Kiba and kill him for killing the heir to the clan.” Sinaki sort of hugged him and kissed him on the cheek, “It’s all right Neji-kun, I can bring her back.” Neji looked at her, “You can?” “As long as you keep her strong in your heart I can bring her back.” She walked out of the Konoha gate and she put her hand on Neji’s chest where his heart was. Her hand started you glow. “Cow, Dragon, Snake, Lion… TIGER.” Neji started to scream and a light streamed out of Neji. “What’s happening to him?!” Sasuke gaped. The light streaming out of Neji started to take a form, Neji and Sasuke gasped when they saw the details of the woman. “This is the woman you wanted correct?” Neji nodded. Sinaki started to scream when the girl started to take form. “I can’t…go…on…” She fell over but her hand kept still on Neji’s heart. “But I can’t…GIVE UP!!! THEN I WOULD TURN OUT LIKE HIM!!!!” She started to glow green and gold. “By the power of the SANNIN!! GIVE ME LIFE!!!!” A purple, blue and red light surrounded her. “This is what you want Sinaki?” The red light said. “Yes…just give this woman life!” “As you wish.” The purple one spoke up. “I didn’t think you wanted to end your life this way.” “I’m sorry Blue…Ancient one…and…Oro-sama…” The lights continued the jutsu while Sinaki pummeled to the ground. “The fourth Sannin is dead.” The purple light said. “She ended her life not killing her brother who has tried to kill me all these years.” Sasuke looked up at the light. “WHO?!!!” “Kakashi.” The lights disappeared and the girl ran into Neji’s arms. “NEJI?!!” She started to cry. “Why did Kiba kill me?! WHY?!!!!!” She looked up at him. “And how did I get back?” Neji pointed to Sinaki’s corpse. “What did those lights mean by Sannin Sasuke? They’re only three of them!” Sasuke picked up Sinaki and Started to cry. “She was the fourth Sannin who was created by a man by the name of White Wolf.” He started to walk away. “What are you going to do with her?” Hinata asked. “Take her to the man who created her.” “Who is he?” Sasuke looked at them tears falling down his cheeks. “The god of thee forgotten.” Sasuke walked away and Neji just watched him disappear.
Disclaimer: Dramatic ending much? You remember the god of thee forgotten right? The one who healed her before? Well please review. And I will continue writing.
Sasuke: Sinaki dead…
Sinaki: I dead
Neji: Hinata not dead.
Hinata: No dead.
Me: WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kankuro: O.o
If you read this story thank you and please tell me if you liked it or not, you can be honest, trust me, i'm totally not popular at school.
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