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myOtaku.com: Nekkyo-chan

Thursday, April 21, 2005

The Entertainment Value of Soccer
Today,during last period we played soccer.It was funny.John was irritating and everyone yelled at him.David was jumping around like a nutcase and he fell over.Someone stood on his hand.I don't know who,but he said it was a "bad guy with spiky shoes".Aleks was goalie and she through the ball to Emily, who caught it and just stood there holding and blinking for two minutes.Shavonne tried to play volleyball and pushed the ball back when it hit her.Josh got various injuries,his leg started bleeding,John kicked the ball into his face, Mr.Ham(the student teacher) kicked the ball so it scraped right past his chest and he fell overin such a way that it looked like someone had charged into him and kept charging,right over him.I asked him,though and he said he just ran into someone.The Entertainment Value of Soccer:Watch Josh get killed.
Hemiko(character made by my best friend,she's apparantly based after me,that thought scares me,she's the narrator for all our manga attempts):And I thought my school was weird...so..do you wanna buy a bat?
Me:A bat?
Hemiko:Ya.A dead bat.
Suisi:That thing is creepy looking.Is it even a bat?It looks more like dead socks...
Hemiko:*shifty eyes*Well, wanna buy a ribbon?They come in blue,pink,black,or...more pink...
Chi: I'll buy one!I'll buy one!
Me:*to Suisi*I thought you locked her in the closet...
Suisi:I did...Oh well,Safe Sailing!And thanks for all the fish!

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