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myOtaku.com: Nekkyo-chan

Saturday, May 7, 2005

Field Trips
My class had two field trips this week.Actually three field trips, but I managed to be sick for the second one.It was to see a movie at the Sprockets film festival.The movie was called Bluebird and apparantly it sucked.Gabrielle(she's my best friend and I am now going to call her Inu-chan,because she hates her name)told me what it was about and all I have to say is:WHY do people think that these are the best movies for kids?!?!?WHY?!?!?!?!?!?!!!1111ONEONE!?
The first field trip was to Montgomery's Inn where we were told about the history of the Inn and saw a sort of play thing.Meaning that randomly these to actress's would show up and start acting.It was good until they made us do activities.The we had lunch.I had the misfortune of sitting down at the table next to the one most of the boys were sitting at.Urgh.Ezra kept banging his chair into mine,but he stopped when Neil told me to kick him(for some reason I do not know).Then Jordan kept poking me but the teacher moved him when I started wacking him with my water bottle.So I ended up with Josh and Prakash sitting behind me.They kept poking me,too.I threatened to empty my water bottle on their heads and I wacked Josh with my ice pack and they stopped.Then they decided to play catch with their garbage.Jordan threw his juice box at them and they "missed" it and it hit me.It was actually kind of funny.When I turned around they were all hiding under the table.After lunch we had to do more stupid activities.
The third field trip was to the Etobicoke School of the Arts(ESA) to see a dance performance.It was very strange. Just getting there was strange. We had to spend fifteen minutes in a field of dandelions waiting for the bus.The actual performance was pretty weird,too.At the end it was really funny,though,because at the end of the dance they all fell down.It was funny if you saw it.ESA seems like a very strange school.
Suisi:There are no words.
Hemiko:Actually there are,but they're all hiding.
Chi:Hi Hemiko!Do you have anything to sell today?
Hemiko:I have genuine ancient relics
Me: Your 'genuine' ancient relics have tags that say 'made in China' -_-'
Hemiko:Hee hee...
Me:Urgh...Oh well...Safe Sailing!And thanks for all the fish!

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