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In my own world, no one else is allowed in though.
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I am the forgotten neko.. so just call me neko chan or kittey
um.. being alive?
Anime Fan Since
7th grade, go me!
Favorite Anime
yu yu hakusho, Kurama is sezzy!
my goal is to make people happy! (NC: yes, that sounds so gay...)
i like to draw, write, play video games, and watch anime :D
people say i have talents, but i find it hard to believe
| Neko-Chan666
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Friday, January 20, 2006

It's not fair, people I know have these really pretty sites and I have absolutely nothing. It's because I'm not that great at using html, but if I was given the code for a specific layout I could study it and create my own layout. However, I doubt that there are any sites that would have MyO layouts, I could always check though. I custom made a gaia profile page by using a previously made layout and altering it. Right now I'm trying to upload some music so I can put it on here, but that's not working too well. Maybe I should just be like a normal person and find music online, but there's a sepcific song I want =\ Oh well, if this doesn't work I'll just find some CCS songs. Oh, btw, I bought the whole CCS series off ebay on CD, I'm so excited, I can't wait until it comes <3 Of course, I have other things I'm happy about too, but this isn't a secure enough line so I'm not going to put them ^^
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Saturday, January 7, 2006
lotion is evil o.o

So, I went over mah friends house, let's call her Jill. So Jill and me went on gia cause I wanted ta show her some stuff, so then she's like, let's go fishing. So I buy some bait and we go fishing, she casts for me everytime cause whenever I cast I didn't get anything -_- Anyway, we were doing the multiplayer one with some weird people, then I was pretending that Jill was my girlfriend. Jill wasn't very nice to me, she kept squirting out a little lotion so it was on the top, then she'd put it on me, I was being attacked by lotion! Then she tried to force feed me dried fruit. And when I was trying to avoid the lotion, I ended up falling out of the chair a couple times and I hit my head on her beadpost too. Then we went to another board which was supposed to be truth or dare. This idiot, we'll call her baka, was there, and there was this other guy, we'll call him money, and this other guy, we'll call him xeoin. Ok, so baka and money liked each other, and they were so annoying. I couldn't stand baka and was mean to her, then she's all like, my grandma died and I can't stop crying. So I was all like, god I don't care, no one wants to listen to you be depressed, but I didn't actually send that. So then we started playing truth or dare again and baka dares money to make out with any one in the room, and he makes out with her which is so obvious. And she's all like, thank you, and then she blushes, they're so retarded. Ok, so Jill was attacking me with lotion again, and some of it got on the keyboard, right between the 8 an 9, so she starts cleaning it out with a fork. In the process she hits the numbers several times, so I send that to the chat. Then the guy xeoin starts doing it too and they have this number battle and the people there hate me even more and start ignoring me, then Jill and xeoin start licking each other, and then they start making out and having sex in the chat room, but Jill needs me to come up with half the things to write because she can't come up with sexy things to write. It was very funny, though. Then I had to leave and I was like, btw, Jill has a bf and I'm a lesbian and no one really cared, and I was like, Jill if I get kicked off gaia for that I'm blaming you. And yeah, when I wetn home I had to take a shower because I was covered in lotion and some of it was in my hair. Oh, and the lotion I was covered in I had given to her for christmas x3
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Monday, January 2, 2006
After Effects

I go back to school tomorrow, so today was the last day of my vacation. Yesterday I went to my Aunt's house for a family gathering, my mom's side of the family. No one likes them very much, and I get yelled at for being anti-social. I brought my DS with me and my drawing pad. My DS got passed from cousin to cousin while they played Nintendogs, and one of my cousins played my Kingdom Hearts game, I almost didn't get it back from him. Me and my sister got two gifts, which were basically identical. We got fuzzy stripes socks and a $25 giftcard to wal-mart from my uncle Dave, and we got a knitted scarf from my grandma. Every one else got a lot of stuff, but that's because the people we were supposed to get presents from weren't there. And my cousin Annie dyed her hair again, this time it was purple and the front was black. Me and my sister both think it's just a desperate cry for attention. Anyway, the gathering was boring, and the food wasn't all that great. We finally got our mom to leave because we said that me and Dylan were tired. So then today I called up Saru again and finally got in touch with her. When she came over she was telling me about how she went and stayed over Jamie's house with a bunch of people. I didn't get invited, I never do. I don't really care though, I don't think the freshmen like me very much. So anyway, I'm still depressed because I can't really talk to kura, and my degu's keep waking me up so I don't get a lot of sleep. I'm going to start talking to Walter more, or at least try to, I wonder if he hates me like the other freshmen. They're all friends with Bryan, maybe I'm a little jealous... Oh well, it's nothing to be too worried about, why should i care if the freshmen like me, they're stupid anyway...
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Sunday, December 25, 2005

WAIII! Merry Christmas peoples! I got lots of pretty gifts, some books, money, hamtaro toys, new zoo tycoon, foxies, more money, socks a shirt, CDs, beanie babies, more money, and candeh. Oh! And omg, I can't believe I forgot, I got a cell phone too =D So, I'm happy, and I have a gift to give to saru too, so if you read this come see me ^^
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Friday, December 23, 2005

Omg, like, 'tis the season to be jolly! Anyway, I've been doing stuff recently. And I got presents from people at school, but you know all these stupid guys say they like me, but not a single one of them got me a christmas present. So what the hell? Anyway, I got presents from people but I didn't get all of them things, which makes me feel bad, and I got a present for Saru which I still need to give her. And I need to give Kaitie her present too, but she hasn't been in school lately. Grr, omg, I can't spell today! Ok, so my bad day at school was all because I forgot to lock my locker yesterday and I come into school today and my lock is missing. So, I'm going to have to buy a new one, which really sucks cause I have to get it from the school, which is $10 -_-;; Anyway, stuff stuff and other stuff, I changed my background and things, two days until Christmas, I hate the world, and happy holidays!
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Sunday, October 30, 2005
I'm being a mage for halloween, meh costume is all done and I'm supposed to go out with Saru. So, saru, if you read this, call me. I don't know where or what time we're meeting. And I kinda need to know.
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Saturday, October 15, 2005
Cha da-da
I haven't written in a while so yay, let's write... ... ... ... gah! I have nothing to write about ;-; so, erm, uh.. I've been writing on xanga a lot lately, but ya can't know my account name cause I dun want you to read it =P I've had a lot of soccer practice lately, and soccer games, but soccer season will be over in November. And November is mah birthday, so maybe I can get a job =D And if I get a job I can get manga, and a cell phone and a computer! And video games too, speaking of video games lately I've been playing Fatal Frame, which I borrowed from Saru who she borrowed from some one else. She's awful to play games with, she just makes me more scared than I need to be. I've also been playing this game called Arc the lad, it's not that great, I don't like the fighting system, but it gives me something to do until KH2 comes out, which they changed the date for, again -_- Now I get to wait until March.. and I think that's about all I have to talk about.. oh wait, I met this weird guy today, he IMed me and asked if I had orange hair, so I asked if he had a life, then he was calling me a whore and yeah.. some how we became sort of friends.. I don't get it...
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Sunday, July 10, 2005
To Saru
hallo, I bought you a present, but you have to come to my house to get it, call me <3
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Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Torture, thy name is family gathering
Going from the title, it should be obvious that my granparents anniversary party wasn't that great. I Spent most of the time drawing and talking to my cousin Annie. She's basically the only one w hom I can relate to, which kind of sucks because she does get a bit annoying at times. So I did nothing, but I did get to try sushi, the only up part of it. But the sushi wasn't that good, so maybe I just don't have a taste for sushi, or maybe the sushi really was just dry.
Then yesterday I spent the whole day upstairs playing my Harvest Moon game, and just my luck, in this heat I nearly break it because it overheats. God, I was so freaking worried that it was broken. I have to admit that my N64 is probably my favorite system, it's probably the oldest system I own, and the only one I might've owned before it was my game boy pocket, but I sold that. Actually, I had bought the game boy pocket myself, which was awesome. But luckily it wasn't broken, just over heated.
So I end up waking up early this morning, and it's thundering and lightning outside. And not to sound like a chicken, but thunder kind of freaks me out. So I couldn't get back to sleep. I stayed up instead and played Harvest Moon again. I've been up since around five, but I mgiht end up going back to bed soon.
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Friday, June 24, 2005
Since you seem to check this website often enough, do you wanna come over today? I should be home, so if you can come over call me, you should know my phone number, and if not, I'm sending it to you in the message I'm sending you.
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